1. The testing result indicates that TiO_2 has mineralized effect on C_2S, at the same time flux effect on reducing low general melting point of CaO-SiO_2 system and yielding much liquid phase, TiO_2 has definite stabilized effect on β-C_2S.


2. In this paper, the effects of minor elements on the hydraulicity of C2Shave been studied.


3. In this paper, coal gangue is used as substitute of alum clay to prepare jet cement applied in mining and substructure work.


4. The characters and hydration activity of β C_2S single mineral through high energy ball grinding were tested by using laser granularity survey technology, scanning election microscopy (SEM) and the heat conduction microcalorimetry technology. The utilization fractal theory was used to analysis the test results.


5. The mechanochemical effect and hydration activity change of single-mineral β– C2S ground with high energy ball mill were studied using laser particle sizing technology, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, heat conduction micro-calorimetric technology and infrared spectrum analysis methods.


6. The final slag mostly is grainy C_2S, and some sheet like C3S in it. In addition, there is sosoloid of calcium ferrite and magnesium ferrite, and phase RO.


7. The effects of temperature, residence time and content of additives on the mineral characteristics of ash were analyzed The results revealed that the minerals in ash were principally free oxides and a small amount of gehlenite and dicalcium silicate at 1000 ℃;


8. Itwas shown that activity is increased and hydration is accelerated because of the lattice and [SiO_4]~(4 -) deformations and the crystal disorders and the fine grains as well as the binding energy shifts of dop-ing β & C_2S.


9. The method for quantitively studying β - c_2s hydration ⅱ. determinations of fixed water hydration produets hydration extent and speed


10. An XRD analysis of the calcination product shows that its main phases are K_2SO_4, C_3A and C_2S, the chemical equation for thermal decomposition is determined, and a thermodynamic calculation is made.


11. Effects of C_ (12) A_ (7) and gypsum on the hydration of C_2S were studied by various analysis methods such as differential thermogravimetric analysis, bond water, and chemical shrinkage analysis.


12. The phase of C2S and the phase of f-CaO are all in the monomeric state without phase structural relation.


13. The factors affecting on the positron trapping state lifetime in very active β - C_2S were analysed. According to the positron trapping theory, the structure characteristics of very active β - C_2S is discussed based on the lifetime spectrum parameters obtained from experiments.


14. This conclusion provides a factual evidence for improving the hydration activity of C 2S.


15. In this paper the size of doped β - C_3S crystals and the micro-stress have been determined by peak-figure-variance analysis of XRD, and the rate of hydration has been measured according to the quantity of combined water.


16. C2S

16. Meanwhile, 68% of C2s are now not confident, against only 44% of ABs.


17. Also, we would be interested i stock lots of C2S paperpaper as well.


18. Again, people at the bottom of the economic ladder are more alarmed — 85% of C2s think they could become unemployed.


19. The results of experiments show that Q phase and C2S can coexist and can constitute the Q phase-C2S-C12A7 cement.


20. The results show that β-C2S begins to form between 600 and 700℃, and continues to form in a large amount between 850 and 1000℃, indicating that ALC waste can be activated by adding Ca2 and heating.


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