
Given the paths of the two files and we have two compare the paths of the files in Java.


Comparing paths of two files


To compare the paths of two files, we can use compareTo() method, it is called with a file object and second file path passes as an argument and method returns 0 if both file paths are the same.

为了比较两个文件的路径 ,我们可以使用compareTo()方法 ,该方法与文件对象一起调用,第二个文件路径作为参数传递,并且如果两个文件路径相同,则方法返回0。



    //file object creation
File F1 = new File("d://courses//intro.docx");
File F2 = new File("d://courses//intro.docx");
//comparing file paths of F1 and F2

Java代码比较两个文件的路径 (Java code to compare the paths of two files)

//Java code to compare the paths of two files
public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {//file object creation
File F1 = new File("d://courses//intro.docx");
File F2 = new File("d://courses//intro.docx");
File F3 = new File("d://courses//basic.docx");
//comparing file paths using compareTo() method
//comparing file paths of F1 and F2
if (F1.compareTo(F2) == 0) {System.out.println("paths of F1 and F2 are same...");
} else {System.out.println("paths of F1 and F2 are not same...");
//comparing file paths of F2 and F3
if (F2.compareTo(F3) == 0) {System.out.println("paths of F2 and F3 are same...");
} else {System.out.println("paths of F2 and F3 are not same...");
//comparing file paths of F3 and F1
if (F3.compareTo(F1) == 0) {System.out.println("paths of F3 and F1 are same...");
} else {System.out.println("paths of F3 and F1 are not same...");



paths of F1 and F2 are same...
paths of F2 and F3 are not same...
paths of F3 and F1 are not same...




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