Merging cells in Google Sheets is a great way to keep your spreadsheet well-organized and easy to understand. The most common use is for headers to identify content across multiple columns, but regardless of the reason, it’s a simple process.

合并Google表格中的单元格是保持电子表格井井有条且易于理解的好方法。 标头最常见的用途是跨多个列标识内容,但是不管原因如何,这都是一个简单的过程。

Fire up your browser and head to the Google Sheets home page. Once there, open up a spreadsheet that contains data that needs merging. Highlight the cells you want to merge.

启动浏览器,然后转到Google表格首页 。 到达那里后,打开一个电子表格,其中包含需要合并的数据。 突出显示要合并的单元格。

Next, click Format > Merge cells and then choose one of the three options to merge the cells:


  • Merge All: Merges all the cells into one cell that spans the entirety of the selection, horizontally and vertically.


  • Merge Horizontally: Merges the selected cells into a row of the selected cells.


  • Merge Vertically: Merges the selected cells into a column of the selected cells.


Depending on the direction the cells are positioned, you might not be able to merge horizontally/vertically. For our example, because we want to merge four horizontal cells, we can’t merge them vertically.

根据单元格的放置方向,您可能无法水平/垂直合并。 对于我们的示例,由于我们要合并四个水平单元格,因此无法垂直合并它们。

A prompt will appear if you have data in all the cells you’re trying to merge, notifying you that only the content in the leftmost cell will remain after you merge the cells. The contents of all the other cells are deleted in the process. Click “OK” to proceed.

如果您要合并的所有单元格中都有数据,则会出现提示,通知您在合并单元格后仅保留最左侧单元格中的内容。 在此过程中,所有其他单元格的内容将被删除。 点击“确定”继续。

After you select the type of cell merging you want, all of the cells will combine into one big cell. If you have data in the first cell, it will occupy the entirety of the merged cell.

选择所需的单元格合并类型后,所有单元格将合并为一个大单元格。 如果您在第一个单元格中有数据,它将占据合并单元格的全部。

Now you can format the text/data in the cell however you want. Because our merged cell is a title for the four columns below it, we’ll center align it overtop all of them. Click the Align icon in the toolbar and then click “Center.”

现在,您可以根据需要在单元格中格式化文本/数据。 由于合并后的单元格是其下方四列的标题,因此我们将使其居中对齐。 单击工具栏中的“对齐”图标,然后单击“居中”。

If you want to unmerge the cells, the process is just as simple. Select the cell, click Format > Merge Cells, and then choose “Unmerge.”

如果要取消合并单元格,此过程也很简单。 选择单元格,单击格式>合并单元格,然后选择“取消合并”。

If the cells you previously merged all contained information in them, none of the data that was previously there will be preserved.


That’s it. You’ve successfully merged the cells in your spreadsheet.

而已。 您已成功合并电子表格中的单元格。



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