Lecture 10 - Translation Contents Lecture 12


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  • 无丝分裂 amitosis
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central dogma 中心法则

And we’re going to start talking about how information flows between cells, so from a parent cell to its daughter cells. And we’re also gonna talk about how information flows from generation to the next. And this, of course, is the study of genetics. And what genetics is as a discipline that it is the study of genes and their inheritance. And th genes that you inherit influences what is known as your phenotype. And what phenotype is simply the set of traits that define you. So you can think of it as a set of observable traits. And this involves your genes, as you probably know.

So genetics is the study of genes. So what is a gene? You can think about genes in different ways. And what we’ve been talking about up until now, we’ve been talking about molecular biology and what is known as the central dogma. And the central dogma states that the source of the code is in the DNA.

You can think of a gene as a string of nucleotides. And there might be a reading frame in those nucleotides that encodes a protein.

And another way you can think of a gene is it’s essentially the functional unit of heredity. So it’s the functional unit of heredity. I’ll bump this up.

So why is this so important? I’m gonna give you a fairly grandiose view of why genetics is so important. And I’m gonna say that we can make a good argument that genetics is responsible for the rise of modern civilization.

nut allergy


the centromere is the piece of the chromsome that physically is attached to the microtubules that are gonna pull the chromosomes to separate poles. So that’s called the centromere. And usually, it’s denoted, it’s like a constriction in the chromosome or a little circle. These other parts of the chromosome are the arms. So that you have the arms of the chromosome. Now I’m drawing what’s known as a metacentric chromosome. It’s not important that you know that term. But it just means that the centromere is in the middle of the chromosome. There are other types of chromosomes with the centromere might be at the end. So there are different types of chromosomes.
For all of us, we have cells that have different numbers of chromosomes. Some of our cells are what is known as haploid. And what I mean by haploid is there is a single set of chromosomes.


无丝分裂 amitosis

无丝分裂 (amitosis) 是指细胞核和细胞质直接分裂成两个大小大致相等的子细胞。因为在分裂过程中没有出现纺锤丝和染色体的变化,故被称为无丝分裂,与有丝分裂相对。


  1. 12. 遗传学1 - 细胞分裂 & 遗传物质分离
  2. 细胞分裂 - Wikipedia
  3. 遗传 - Wikipedia
  4. 遗传 - 百度百科
  5. 有丝分裂 - Wikipedia
  6. 无丝分裂 - Wikipedia
  7. 减数分裂 - Wikipedia
  8. 细胞周期 - Wikipedia

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