
Nathan St. Pierre is a full-stack developer with our Cloud Services team in Bellevue, WA. From the Developer Dashboard to Unity Collaborate, Nathan and his team strive to improve the cloud-based services that Unity offers to our developer community. Get to know more about Nathan and his work by reading on!

Nathan St. Pierre是我们位于华盛顿州贝尔维尤的云服务团队的全职开发人员。 从开发人员仪表板到Unity协作,Nathan和他的团队致力于改善Unity为我们的开发人员社区提供的基于云的服务。 通过阅读继续了解内森及其工作!

What does your day-to-day look like?


Mostly working on web interfaces for our developer services, like Collaborate and Cloud Diagnostics. I’m what’s called a “full-stack” developer, which means I also work on our server code and do more mundane things like trying to update versions of Linux virtual machines.

通常是在为我们的开发人员服务(例如 Collaborate 和Cloud Diagnostics)的 Web界面上工作 。 我是所谓的“全栈”开发人员,这意味着我还处理服务器代码,并做其他琐碎的事情,例如尝试更新Linux虚拟机的版本。

What were you up to before joining Unity?


I most recently came from Amazon. There, I was a software developer for a product called GameCircle. If you look at a Fire TV game controller, GameCircle is that little symbol that looks like a cross between a beach ball and a radiation symbol. It tracks your achievements and leaderboards. Before that, a ton of small companies in Texas.

我最近来自亚马逊。 在那里,我是一个名为GameCircle的产品的软件开发人员。 如果您看一看Fire TV游戏控制器,GameCircle就是那个小符号,看起来像是沙滩球和辐射符号之间的交叉。 它跟踪您的成就和排行榜。 在此之前,德克萨斯州有大量的小公司。

Why did you decide to work at Unity?


I’ve always loved Unity’s approach to solving problems, and how responsive we are to issues even the smallest indie devs face with the company’s tools. We also admit when we don’t have the best answers and work to fix it. It’s a great fit for my mentality.

我一直很喜欢Unity解决问题的方法,以及我们对即使最小的独立开发人员使用公司的工具所面对的问题的React如何。 我们也承认,如果我们没有最佳答案,则将其修复。 这很适合我的想法。

Have you met any professional milestones at Unity?


I’ve gotten to lead a lot of initiatives and come up with product ideas, which as an individual contributor is not always something you often get to do. My work has also been featured in a few Unite keynotes, which is pretty amazing to see.

我已经领导了许多计划并提出了产品创意,作为个人贡献者,这并不总是您经常要做的事情。 我的作品还出现在一些Unite主题演讲中,这真是令人惊讶。

What do you enjoy about Unity company culture?


I love the fact that the company is really focused on getting things done. We have annual hackweeks and dedicate time each week to passion projects in order to get new ideas out there. Many of these side-projects become real products users see.

我喜欢公司真正专注于完成事情的事实。 我们每年举办一次hackweek,每周都将时间用于激情项目,以便在那里提出新的想法。 这些附带项目中有许多成为用户看到的真实产品。

Overall, what do you enjoy about working at Unity?


I feel like our fundamental approach to helping people is novel. Our mission is to make it easier for people to make games, videos, interactive experiences and more. We want to make learning code and computer technology more accessible, and with our new Machine Learning initiatives, I think we’re giving people the skills they’ll need if they want to continue to be productive and happy in an increasingly technological world. For example: what way is more accessible and fun than learning machine learning by playing fetch with a virtual corgi?

我觉得我们帮助人们的基本方法是新颖的。 我们的使命是使人们更轻松地制作游戏,视频,交互式体验等。 我们希望使学习代码和计算机技术更易于访问,并且随着我们新的机器学习计划的推出,我认为我们正在为人们提供他们想要在不断发展的技术世界中继续保持生产力和幸福感所需的技能。 例如:与通过 虚拟柯基犬 玩取 指令来 学习机器学习相比,哪种方法更容易获得和更有趣 ?

What do you like most about Unity?


My favorite thing about Unity is the culture in which you can work on the things you find most important and valuable. If you have good skills, you can move somewhere where you don’t yet have great skills in order to learn, and the company supports that.

关于Unity我最喜欢的事情是您可以在其中找到最重要和最有价值的事物的文化。 如果您具备良好的技能,则可以将自己转移到尚不具备高技能的地方去学习,公司会对此予以支持。

What would you tell someone considering a career at Unity?


I think the biggest thing to consider is what your long-term goals are. Sure, you’ll grow within the company, but overall you’re changing an industry, and that’s a pretty cool thing to stick on your resume or think about when you retire.

我认为最大的考虑因素是您的长期目标。 当然,您将在公司内成长,但是总体而言,您正在改变一个行业,在简历上贴上或考虑退休时是一件很酷的事情。

Favorite video game?


My all-time favorite right now is Castlevania: Symphony of The Night. I love the Metroidvania-style games: it was the closest thing to an open world at the time, and I think a part of me always wants to return to that (Not surprisingly, my second favorite is River City Ransom, and I have an embarrassing amount of hours in Fallout 4 and Skyrim).

我现在最喜欢的是《恶魔城:夜晚的交响曲》。 我喜欢Metroidvania风格的游戏:那是当时最接近开放世界的游戏,而且我认为我的一部分总是想回到那个世界上(不出所料,我的第二个最爱是River City Ransom,我有一个《辐射4(Fallout 4)》和《天际》中的令人尴尬的小时数)

What’s your favorite non-Unity related activity?


My degree is actually in Music Composition, so I spend a lot of time playing instruments and filling in as a bass, guitar, or piano player for local bands. I also make a lot of stuff in my off-time, including music, art, fiction, and poetry. Mostly I love spending time with my wife and our son, who are also huge nerds.

我的学位实际上是音乐创作,所以我花了大量时间弹奏乐器,并为当地乐队担任低音,吉他或钢琴演奏家。 在业余时间,我还会做很多事情,包括音乐,艺术,小说和诗歌。 通常,我喜欢和我的妻子和我们的儿子一起度过时光,他们也是个大书呆子。

Any other thoughts on working here?


Unity empowers you to be awesome. You’re already awesome, why not have someone be psyched about that?

Unity使您变得出色。 您已经很棒,为什么不让某个人对此感到迷恋呢?


If you’re interested in joining Nathan on the Services team or learning about other opportunities at Unity, check out our careers page! You can also get to know more about people at Unity by checking out some of our previous Faces of Unity blog posts.

如果您有兴趣加入Nathan加入服务团队,或者想了解Unity的其他机会,请查看我们的 职业页面 ! 您还可以通过查看我们以前的一些关于 Faces of Unity的博客文章,进一步了解Unity的人员 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/02/20/faces-of-unity-nathan-st-pierre/



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