

支持Microsoft Office (.pptx .docx .xlsx)


#!usr/bin/env python

# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*-

# @Time: 2018/7/10 15:16

# @Author:gumgui

import struct

import os,sys,time

from zipfile import ZipFile

filelist = []

disk_list = []

def typeList():

# 支持文件类型

# 用16进制字符串的目的是可以知道文件头是多少字节

# 各种文件头的长度不一样,少半2字符,长则8字符

return {


"255044462D312E": ["Adobe Acrobat", [".pdf"]],

"D0CF11E0": ["Microsoft Office Word/Excel", [".xls",".doc"]],

"0902060000001000B9045C00": ["Microsoft Office Excel V2", [".xls"]],

"0904060000001000F6055C00": ["Microsoft Office Excel V4", [".xls"]],

"7FFE340A": ["Microsoft Office Word", [".doc"]],

"1234567890FF": ["Microsoft Office Word V6.0", [".doc"]],

"31BE000000AB0000": ["Microsoft Office Word For DOS 6.0", [".doc"]],

"5374616E64617264204A": ["Microsoft Access", [".mdb"]],


"52617221": ["RAR", [".rar"]],

"504B0304": ["ZIP", [".zip"]],

"504B3030504B0304": ["ZIP", [".zip"]],


"7E424B00": ["PaintShop Pro Image File", [".psp"]],

"41433130": ["CAD", [".dwg"]],

"FFD8FF": ["JPEG", [".jpg"]],

"89504E47": ["PNG", [".png"]],

"47494638": ["GIF", [".gif"]],

"49492A00": ["TIFF", [".tif"]],


"3C3F786D6C": ["XML", [".xml"]],

"3C21454E54495459": ["XML DTD", [".dtd"]],

"68746D6C3E": ["HTML", [".html"]],


"57415645": ["Wave", [".wav"]],

"41564920": ["AVI", [".avi"]],

"2E7261FD": ["Real Audio", [".ram" ,".ra"]],

"2E524D46": ["Real Media", [".rm"]],

"000001BA": ["MPEG", [".mpg"]],

"000001B3": ["MPEG", [".mpg"]],

"6D6F6F76": ["Quicktime", [".mov"]],

"3026B2758E66CF11": ["Windows Media", [".asf"]],

"4D546864": ["MIDI", [".mid"]],


"44656C69766572792D646174653A": ["Email [thorough only]", [".eml"]],

"CFAD12FEC5FD746F": ["Outlook Express",[".dbx"]],

"2142444E": ["Outlook", [".pst"]],


"7B5C727466": ["Rich Text Format", [".rtf"]],


"vbxMZ": ["Win Executable", [".exe", ".dll", ".drv", ".vxd", ".sys", ".ocx"]],


def bytes2hex(bytes):

# 字节码转16进制字符串

num = len(bytes)

hexstr = u""

for i in range(num):

t = u"%x" % bytes[i]

if len(t) % 2:

hexstr += u"0"

hexstr += t

return hexstr.upper()

def discern_zip_file(sfile,cfile,ex,filesize):

# 细分ZIP类型的文件

with ZipFile(cfile, "r") as zfile:

dir = zfile.namelist()

# print(dir)

if "[Content_Types].xml" in dir:

for file in dir:

if file == "word/document.xml":

if ex == ".docx":

print("[*]文件类型为Microsoft Office Word")


print("[!]%s,文件大小%.3f KB" % (sfile, filesize))

print("[!]文件后缀被篡改,文件类型为Microsoft Office Word")

elif file == "ppt/styles.xml":

if ex == ".pptx":

print("[*]文件类型为Microsoft Office PowerPoint")


print("[!]%s,文件大小%.3f KB" % (sfile, filesize))

print("[!]文件后缀被篡改,文件类型为Microsoft Office PowerPoint")

elif file == "xl/styles.xml":

if ex == "xlsx":

print("[*]文件类型为Microsoft Office Excel")


print("[!]%s,文件大小%.3f KB" % (sfile, filesize))

print("[!]文件后缀被篡改,文件类型为Microsoft Office Excel")


print("[*]%s,文件大小%.3f KB" % (sfile, filesize))


def filetype(filepath,filesize):

global f_hcode

# 获取文件类型

with open(filepath, 'rb') as binfile:

tl = typeList()

ftype = '未知!'


for hcode in tl.keys():

numOfBytes = int(len(hcode) / 2) # 需要读多少字节

binfile.seek(0) # 每次读取都要回到文件头,不然会一直往后读取

hbytes = struct.unpack_from("B" * numOfBytes, binfile.read(numOfBytes)) # 一个 "B"表示一个字节

f_hcode = bytes2hex(hbytes)

if f_hcode == hcode:

ftype = tl[hcode][0]


except struct.error:

print("[!]%s,文件大小%.3f KB" % (filepath, filesize))



except KeyError:

print("[!]%s,文件大小%.3f KB" % (filepath, filesize))



# 判断zip类型文件做进一步细分

sfile = filepath

(filepath, tempfilename) = os.path.split(filepath)

(filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(tempfilename)

cfile = filepath + "\\" + filename + ".zip"

ex = extension

if ftype == "ZIP":

os.rename(sfile, cfile)

discern_zip_file(sfile, cfile, ex, filesize)

os.rename(cfile, sfile)


if ex in tl[f_hcode][1]:

print("[*]%s,文件大小%.3f KB" % (sfile, filesize))

print("[*]文件类型为%s" % ftype)




print("[!]%s,文件大小%.3f KB" % (sfile, filesize))

print("[!]文件后缀被篡改,文件类型为%s" % ftype)

def bianli(rootDir):


for root,dirs,files in os.walk(rootDir):

for file in files:

filesize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root,file))/1024

path = os.path.join(root, file)


def count(rootDir):


count1 = 0 # 计数大文件夹下共有多少个小文件夹

for root,dirs,fs in os.walk(rootDir):

for f in fs:

path = os.path.join(root, f)

count1 += 1

print("[*]目录中文件数量为%s" %count1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

rootdir = input("[+]请输入目录:")

count = count(rootdir)


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