

The Data: San Diego AirBnB,可以点击自己下载。数据是San Diego的airbnb的每晚房价数据,包括房价,这个也就是我们后续分析的因变量,还有一些连续的自变量,比如房间数量、卫生间数量、卧室数量、床数量等等,此外也有一些分类变量,比如neighborhood,此外,还有一些哑变量,比如pg_Apartment等。

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")%matplotlib inlineimport pysal
import spreg
from libpysal import weights
import esda
from scipy import stats
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
db = gpd.read_file('regression_db.geojson')
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 6110 entries, 0 to 6109
Data columns (total 20 columns):#   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------              --------------  -----   0   accommodates        6110 non-null   int64   1   bathrooms           6110 non-null   float64 2   bedrooms            6110 non-null   float64 3   beds                6110 non-null   float64 4   neighborhood        6110 non-null   object  5   pool                6110 non-null   int64   6   d2balboa            6110 non-null   float64 7   coastal             6110 non-null   int64   8   price               6110 non-null   float64 9   log_price           6110 non-null   float64 10  id                  6110 non-null   int64   11  pg_Apartment        6110 non-null   int64   12  pg_Condominium      6110 non-null   int64   13  pg_House            6110 non-null   int64   14  pg_Other            6110 non-null   int64   15  pg_Townhouse        6110 non-null   int64   16  rt_Entire_home/apt  6110 non-null   int64   17  rt_Private_room     6110 non-null   int64   18  rt_Shared_room      6110 non-null   int64   19  geometry            6110 non-null   geometry
dtypes: float64(6), geometry(1), int64(12), object(1)
memory usage: 954.8+ KB
accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds neighborhood pool d2balboa coastal price log_price id pg_Apartment pg_Condominium pg_House pg_Other pg_Townhouse rt_Entire_home/apt rt_Private_room rt_Shared_room geometry
0 5 2.0 2.0 2.0 North Hills 0 2.972077 0 425.0 6.052089 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 POINT (-117.12971 32.75399)
1 6 1.0 2.0 4.0 Mission Bay 0 11.501385 1 205.0 5.323010 5570 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 POINT (-117.25253 32.78421)

These are the explanatory variables we will use throughout the chapter.

variable_names = ['accommodates', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms', 'beds', 'rt_Private_room', 'rt_Shared_room','pg_Condominium', 'pg_House', 'pg_Other', 'pg_Townhouse'


m1 = spreg.OLS(y = db[['log_price']].values, x = db[variable_names].values,name_y='log_price', name_x=variable_names

Number of Variables是包括CONSTANT变量在内的,因此一共是11个。

Data set            :     unknown
Weights matrix      :        None
Dependent Variable  :   log_price                Number of Observations:        6110
Mean dependent var  :      4.9958                Number of Variables   :          11
S.D. dependent var  :      0.8072                Degrees of Freedom    :        6099
R-squared           :      0.6683
Adjusted R-squared  :      0.6678
Sum squared residual:    1320.148                F-statistic           :   1229.0564
Sigma-square        :       0.216                Prob(F-statistic)     :           0
S.E. of regression  :       0.465                Log likelihood        :   -3988.895
Sigma-square ML     :       0.216                Akaike info criterion :    7999.790
S.E of regression ML:      0.4648                Schwarz criterion     :    8073.685------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variable     Coefficient       Std.Error     t-Statistic     Probability
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONSTANT       4.3883830       0.0161147     272.3217773       0.0000000accommodates       0.0834523       0.0050781      16.4336318       0.0000000bathrooms       0.1923790       0.0109668      17.5419773       0.0000000bedrooms       0.1525221       0.0111323      13.7009195       0.0000000beds      -0.0417231       0.0069383      -6.0134430       0.0000000rt_Private_room      -0.5506868       0.0159046     -34.6244758       0.0000000rt_Shared_room      -1.2383055       0.0384329     -32.2198992       0.0000000pg_Condominium       0.1436347       0.0221499       6.4846529       0.0000000pg_House      -0.0104894       0.0145315      -0.7218393       0.4704209pg_Other       0.1411546       0.0228016       6.1905633       0.0000000pg_Townhouse      -0.0416702       0.0342758      -1.2157316       0.2241342
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS
TEST                             DF        VALUE           PROB
Jarque-Bera                       2        2671.611           0.0000DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY
TEST                             DF        VALUE           PROB
Breusch-Pagan test               10         322.532           0.0000
Koenker-Bassett test             10         135.581           0.0000
================================ END OF REPORT =====================================


is_coastal = db.coastal.astype(bool)
coastal = m1.u[is_coastal] # 取出残差中存在coastal的样本的残差
not_coastal = m1.u[~is_coastal]  # 取出残差中不存在coastal的样本的残差
plt.hist(coastal, density=True, label='Coastal')
plt.hist(not_coastal, histtype='step',density=True, linewidth=4, label='Not Coastal'
plt.vlines(0,0,1, linestyle=":", color='k', linewidth=4)

While it appears that the neighborhoods on the coast have only slightly higher average errors (and have lower variance in their prediction errors), the two distributions are significantly distinct from one another when compared using a classic ttt test:

stats.ttest_ind(coastal, not_coastal)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=array([13.98193858]), pvalue=array([9.442438e-44]))


knn = weights.KNN.from_dataframe(db, k=1) # 得到k近邻权重矩阵
<libpysal.weights.distance.KNN at 0xaf77427fc8>
{0: [1.0],1: [1.0],2: [1.0],3: [1.0],4: [1.0],...}

This means that, when we compute the spatial lag of that KNNKNNKNN weight and the residual, we get the residual of the AirBnB listing closest to each observation.

lag_residual = weights.spatial_lag.lag_spatial(knn, m1.u) # 生成空间滞后变量
ax = sns.regplot(m1.u.flatten(),lag_residual.flatten(),line_kws=dict(color='orangered'),ci=None
ax.set_xlabel('Model Residuals - $u$')
ax.set_ylabel('Spatial Lag of Model Residuals - $W u$');

array([[-0.59201055],[ 0.65057166],[ 0.00970927],...,[-0.40444691],[ 0.07424779],[-0.30458876]])

从上面这个图实际上我们可以很明显的看到空间效应确实存在于残差中,这个图横坐标是每个样本的残差,纵坐标是每个样本的最近领的残差,如果是随机分布的,那么就是没有任何关系,但是我们发现两者间存在一定的聚集关系,并且回归线系数也显著非0.因此用普通OLS回归实际上是存在一些问题的,下面使用Spatial Regimes来做回归,还是使用spreg来做。

2.Spatial Regimes


log⁡Pi=αr+∑kXkiβk−r+ϵi\log{P_i} = \alpha_r + \sum_k \mathbf{X}_{ki}\beta_{k-r} + \epsilon_i logPi​=αr​+k∑​Xki​βk−r​+ϵi​

where we are not only allowing the constant term to vary by region (αr\alpha_rαr​), but also every other parameter (βk−r\beta_{k-r}βk−r​).

To illustrate this approach, we will use the “spatial differentiator” of whether a house is in a coastal neighborhood or not (coastal_neig) to define the regimes. The rationale behind this choice is that renting a house close to the ocean might be a strong enough pull that people might be willing to pay at different rates for each of the house’s characteristics.

m4 = spreg.OLS_Regimes(y = db[['log_price']].values, x = db[variable_names].values,regimes = db['coastal'].tolist(),constant_regi='many',regime_err_sep=False,name_y='log_price', name_x=variable_names
Data set            :     unknown
Weights matrix      :        None
Dependent Variable  :   log_price                Number of Observations:        6110
Mean dependent var  :      4.9958                Number of Variables   :          22
S.D. dependent var  :      0.8072                Degrees of Freedom    :        6088
R-squared           :      0.6853
Adjusted R-squared  :      0.6843
Sum squared residual:    1252.489                F-statistic           :    631.4283
Sigma-square        :       0.206                Prob(F-statistic)     :           0
S.E. of regression  :       0.454                Log likelihood        :   -3828.169
Sigma-square ML     :       0.205                Akaike info criterion :    7700.339
S.E of regression ML:      0.4528                Schwarz criterion     :    7848.128------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variable     Coefficient       Std.Error     t-Statistic     Probability
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0_CONSTANT       4.4072424       0.0215156     204.8392695       0.00000000_accommodates       0.0901860       0.0064737      13.9311338       0.00000000_bathrooms       0.1433760       0.0142680      10.0487871       0.00000000_bedrooms       0.1129626       0.0138273       8.1695568       0.00000000_beds      -0.0262719       0.0088380      -2.9726102       0.00296440_rt_Private_room      -0.5293343       0.0189179     -27.9805699       0.00000000_rt_Shared_room      -1.2244586       0.0425969     -28.7452834       0.00000000_pg_Condominium       0.1053065       0.0281309       3.7434523       0.00018320_pg_House      -0.0454471       0.0179571      -2.5308637       0.01140320_pg_Other       0.0607526       0.0276365       2.1982715       0.02796730_pg_Townhouse      -0.0103973       0.0456730      -0.2276456       0.81992941_CONSTANT       4.4799043       0.0250938     178.5260014       0.00000001_accommodates       0.0484639       0.0078806       6.1497397       0.00000001_bathrooms       0.2474779       0.0165661      14.9388057       0.00000001_bedrooms       0.1897404       0.0179229      10.5864676       0.00000001_beds      -0.0506077       0.0107429      -4.7107925       0.00000251_rt_Private_room      -0.5586281       0.0283122     -19.7309699       0.00000001_rt_Shared_room      -1.0528541       0.0841745     -12.5079997       0.00000001_pg_Condominium       0.2044470       0.0339434       6.0231780       0.00000001_pg_House       0.0753534       0.0233783       3.2232188       0.00127431_pg_Other       0.2954848       0.0386455       7.6460385       0.00000001_pg_Townhouse      -0.0735077       0.0493672      -1.4889984       0.1365396
Regimes variable: unknownREGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS
TEST                             DF        VALUE           PROB
Jarque-Bera                       2        3977.425           0.0000DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY
TEST                             DF        VALUE           PROB
Breusch-Pagan test               21         443.593           0.0000
Koenker-Bassett test             21         164.276           0.0000REGIMES DIAGNOSTICS - CHOW TESTVARIABLE        DF        VALUE           PROBCONSTANT         1           4.832           0.0279accommodates         1          16.736           0.0000bathrooms         1          22.671           0.0000bedrooms         1          11.504           0.0007beds         1           3.060           0.0802pg_Condominium         1           5.057           0.0245pg_House         1          16.793           0.0000pg_Other         1          24.410           0.0000pg_Townhouse         1           0.881           0.3480rt_Private_room         1           0.740           0.3896rt_Shared_room         1           3.309           0.0689Global test        11         328.869           0.0000
================================ END OF REPORT =====================================

3.Exogenous effects: The SLX Model

log⁡(Pi)=α+∑k=1pXijβj+∑k=1p(∑j=1Nwijxjk)γk+ϵi\log(P_i) = \alpha + \sum^{p}_{k=1}X_{ij}\beta_j + \sum^{p}_{k=1}\left(\sum^{N}_{j=1}w_{ij}x_{jk}\right)\gamma_k + \epsilon_i log(Pi​)=α+k=1∑p​Xij​βj​+k=1∑p​(j=1∑N​wij​xjk​)γk​+ϵi​

where ∑j=1Nwijxjk\sum_{j=1}^N w_{ij}x_{jk}∑j=1N​wij​xjk​ represents the spatial lag of the kkkth explanatory variable.
This can be stated in matrix form using the spatial weights matrix, W\mathbf{W}W, as:
log⁡(Pi)=α+Xβ+WXγ+ϵ\log(P_i) = \alpha + \mathbf{X}\beta + \mathbf{WX}\gamma + \epsilon log(Pi​)=α+Xβ+WXγ+ϵ

This splits the model to focus on two main effects: β\betaβ and γ\gammaγ. The β\betaβ effect describes the change in yiy_iyi​ when XikX_{ik}Xik​ changes by one. 1. The subscript for site iii is important here: since we’re dealing with a W\mathbf{W}W matrix, it’s useful to be clear about where the change occurs. Indeed, this matters for the γ\gammaγ effect, which represents an indirect effect of a change in XiX_iXi​. This can be conceptualized in two ways. First, one could think of γ\gammaγ as simply the effect of a unit change in your average surroundings. This is useful and simple. But, this interpretation ignores where this change might occur. In truth, a change in a variable at site iii will result in a spillover to its surroundings:
when xix_ixi​ changes, so too does the spatial lag of any site near iii. The precise size of this will depend on the structure of W\mathbf{W}W, and can be different for every site. For example, think of a very highly-connected “focal” site in a row-standardized weight matrix. This focal site will not be strongly affected if a neighbor changes by a single unit, since each site only contributes a small amount to the lag at the focal site. Alternatively, consider a site with only one neighbor: its lag will change by exactly the amount its sole neighbor changes. Thus, to discover the exact indirect effect of a change yyy caused by the changeat a specific site xix_ixi​ you would need to compute the change in the spatial lag,and then use that as your change in XXX.

In Python, we can calculate the spatial lag of each variable whose name starts by pg_ by first creating a list of all of those names, and then applying PySAL's lag_spatial to each of them:

wx = db.filter(like='pg'
).apply(lambda y: weights.spatial_lag.lag_spatial(knn, y)
).rename(columns=lambda c: 'w_'+c
).drop('w_pg_Apartment', axis=1
w_pg_Condominium w_pg_House w_pg_Other w_pg_Townhouse
0 0.00 0.45 0.20 0.00
1 0.30 0.35 0.00 0.05
2 0.05 0.30 0.00 0.05
3 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05
4 0.05 0.85 0.00 0.00
... ... ... ... ...
6105 0.30 0.05 0.00 0.00
6106 0.05 0.00 0.60 0.00
6107 0.00 0.55 0.25 0.00
6108 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00
6109 0.05 0.70 0.05 0.00

6110 rows × 4 columns

Once computed, we can run the model using OLS estimation because, in this context, the spatial lags included do not violate any of the assumptions OLS relies on (they are essentially additional exogenous variables):

slx_exog = db[variable_names].join(wx)
m5 = spreg.OLS(db[['log_price']].values, slx_exog.values,name_y='l_price', name_x=slx_exog.columns.tolist()
Data set            :     unknown
Weights matrix      :        None
Dependent Variable  :     l_price                Number of Observations:        6110
Mean dependent var  :      4.9958                Number of Variables   :          15
S.D. dependent var  :      0.8072                Degrees of Freedom    :        6095
R-squared           :      0.6800
Adjusted R-squared  :      0.6792
Sum squared residual:    1273.933                F-statistic           :    924.9423
Sigma-square        :       0.209                Prob(F-statistic)     :           0
S.E. of regression  :       0.457                Log likelihood        :   -3880.030
Sigma-square ML     :       0.208                Akaike info criterion :    7790.061
S.E of regression ML:      0.4566                Schwarz criterion     :    7890.826------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variable     Coefficient       Std.Error     t-Statistic     Probability
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONSTANT       4.3205814       0.0234977     183.8727044       0.0000000accommodates       0.0809972       0.0050046      16.1843874       0.0000000bathrooms       0.1893447       0.0108059      17.5224026       0.0000000bedrooms       0.1635998       0.0109764      14.9047058       0.0000000beds      -0.0451529       0.0068249      -6.6159365       0.0000000rt_Private_room      -0.5293783       0.0157308     -33.6524367       0.0000000rt_Shared_room      -1.2892590       0.0381443     -33.7995105       0.0000000pg_Condominium       0.1063490       0.0221782       4.7952003       0.0000017pg_House       0.0327806       0.0156954       2.0885538       0.0367893pg_Other       0.0861857       0.0239774       3.5944620       0.0003276pg_Townhouse      -0.0277116       0.0338485      -0.8186965       0.4129916w_pg_Condominium       0.5928369       0.0689612       8.5966706       0.0000000w_pg_House      -0.0774462       0.0318830      -2.4290766       0.0151661w_pg_Other       0.4851047       0.0551461       8.7967121       0.0000000w_pg_Townhouse      -0.2724493       0.1223388      -2.2270058       0.0259833
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS
TEST                             DF        VALUE           PROB
Jarque-Bera                       2        2458.006           0.0000DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY
TEST                             DF        VALUE           PROB
Breusch-Pagan test               14         393.052           0.0000
Koenker-Bassett test             14         169.585           0.0000
================================ END OF REPORT =====================================

As an illustration, let’s look at some of the direct/indirect effects. The direct effect of the pg_Condominium variable means that condominiums are typically 11% more expensive (βpg_Condominium=0.1063\beta_{pg\_Condominium}=0.1063βpg_Condominium​=0.1063) than the benchmark
property type, apartments. More relevant to this section, any given house surrounded by condominiums also receives a price premium. But, since pgCondominiumpg_CondominiumpgC​ondominium is a dummy variable,
the spatial lag at site iii represents the percentage of properties near iii that are condominiums, which is between 000 and 111.2
So, a unit change in this variable means that you would increase the condominium percentage by 100%. Thus, a .1.1.1 increase in w_pg_Condominium (a change of ten percentage points) would result in a 5.92% increase in the property house price (βwpg_Condominium=0.6\beta_{w_pg\_Condominium} = 0.6βwp​g_Condominium​=0.6). Similar interpretations can be derived for all other spatially lagged variables to derive the indirect effect of a change in the spatial lag.

However, to compute the indirect change for a given site iii, you may need to examine the predicted values for yiy_iyi​. In this example, since we are using a row-standardized weights matrix with twenty nearest neighbors, the impact of changing xix_ixi​ is the same for all of its neighbors and for any site iii. Thus, the effect is always γ20\frac{\gamma}{20}20γ​, or about 0.02960.02960.0296. However, this would not be the same for many other kinds of weights (like Kernel, Queen, Rook, DistanceBand, or Voronoi), so we will demonstrate how to construct the indirect effect for a specific iii:

First, predicted values for yiy_iyi​ are stored in the predy attribute of any model:


Showing this process below, let’s first change a property to be a condominium. Consider the third observation, which is the first apartment in the data:

# 观察第三行数据
accommodates                                                     2
bathrooms                                                        1
bedrooms                                                         1
beds                                                             1
neighborhood                                           North Hills
pool                                                             0
d2balboa                                                   2.49389
coastal                                                          0
price                                                           99
log_price                                                  4.59512
id                                                            9553
pg_Apartment                                                     1
pg_Condominium                                                   0
pg_House                                                         0
pg_Other                                                         0
pg_Townhouse                                                     0
rt_Entire_home/apt                                               0
rt_Private_room                                                  1
rt_Shared_room                                                   0
geometry              POINT (-117.1412083878189 32.75326632438691)
residual                                                  0.287341
Name: 2, dtype: object

This is an apartment. Let’s make a copy of our data and change this apartment into a condominium:

db_scenario = db.copy()
# make Apartment 0 and condo 1
db_scenario.loc[2, ['pg_Apartment', 'pg_Condominium']] = [0,1]

We’ve successfully made the change:

accommodates                                                     2
bathrooms                                                        1
bedrooms                                                         1
beds                                                             1
neighborhood                                           North Hills
pool                                                             0
d2balboa                                                   2.49389
coastal                                                          0
price                                                           99
log_price                                                  4.59512
id                                                            9553
pg_Apartment                                                     0
pg_Condominium                                                   1
pg_House                                                         0
pg_Other                                                         0
pg_Townhouse                                                     0
rt_Entire_home/apt                                               0
rt_Private_room                                                  1
rt_Shared_room                                                   0
geometry              POINT (-117.1412083878189 32.75326632438691)
residual                                                  0.287341
Name: 2, dtype: object

Now, we need to also update the spatial lag variates:

0       0
1       1
2       0
3       0
4       0..
6105    0
6106    1
6107    0
6108    0
6109    0
Name: pg_Condominium, Length: 6110, dtype: int64
weights.spatial_lag.lag_spatial(knn, db['pg_Condominium'])  # 空间滞后操作后得到的是每个site i周边是Condominium的占比
array([0.  , 0.3 , 0.05, ..., 0.  , 0.  , 0.05])
wx_scenario = db_scenario.filter(like='pg'
).apply(lambda y: weights.spatial_lag.lag_spatial(knn, y)
).rename(columns=lambda c: 'w_'+c
).drop('w_pg_Apartment', axis=1
w_pg_Condominium w_pg_House w_pg_Other w_pg_Townhouse
0 0.00 0.45 0.20 0.00
1 0.30 0.35 0.00 0.05
2 0.05 0.30 0.00 0.05
3 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05
4 0.05 0.85 0.00 0.00
... ... ... ... ...
6105 0.30 0.05 0.00 0.00
6106 0.05 0.00 0.60 0.00
6107 0.00 0.55 0.25 0.00
6108 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00
6109 0.05 0.70 0.05 0.00

6110 rows × 4 columns

And build a new exogenous X\mathbf{X}X matrix, including the a constant 1 as the leading column

slx_exog_scenario = db_scenario[variable_names].join(wx_scenario)
accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds rt_Private_room rt_Shared_room pg_Condominium pg_House pg_Other pg_Townhouse w_pg_Condominium w_pg_House w_pg_Other w_pg_Townhouse
0 5 2.0 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.45 0.20 0.00
1 6 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.30 0.35 0.00 0.05
2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0.05 0.30 0.00 0.05
3 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05
4 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.05 0.85 0.00 0.00
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6105 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.30 0.05 0.00 0.00
6106 6 2.0 2.0 2.0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.05 0.00 0.60 0.00
6107 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.55 0.25 0.00
6108 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00
6109 3 1.0 1.0 2.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.05 0.70 0.05 0.00

6110 rows × 14 columns

Now, our new prediction (in the scenario where we have changed site 2 from an apartment into a condominium), is:

y_pred_scenario = m5.betas[0] + slx_exog_scenario @ m5.betas[1:]  # @操作是矩阵乘法的含义

This prediction will be exactly the same for all sites, except site 2 and its neighbors. So, the neighbors to site 2 are:


And the effect of changing site 2 into a condominium is associated with the following changes to yiy_iyi​:

# 将和第2行相关的行都取出来,这些行和原来的预测值会有所不同
(y_pred_scenario - m5.predy).loc[[2] + knn.neighbors[2]]
2 0.106349
772 0.029642
2212 0.029642
139 0.029642
4653 0.029642
2786 0.029642
1218 0.029642
138 0.029642
808 0.029642
1480 0.029642
4241 0.029642
1631 0.029642
3617 0.029642
2612 0.029642
1162 0.029642
135 0.029642
23 0.029642
5528 0.029642
3591 0.029642
407 0.029642
6088 0.029642

We see the first row, representing the direct effect, is equal exactly to the estimate for pg_Condominium. For the other effects, though, we have only changed w_pg_Condominium by .05.05.05

scenario_near_2 = slx_exog_scenario.loc[knn.neighbors[2], ['w_pg_Condominium']]
orig_near_2 = slx_exog.loc[knn.neighbors[2], ['w_pg_Condominium']]
scenario_near_2.join(orig_near_2, lsuffix='_scenario', rsuffix= '_original')
# 以前对于2的邻居,他们周边的Condominium的概率是‘w_pg_Condominium_original’,现在都加上了0.05
w_pg_Condominium_scenario w_pg_Condominium_original
772 0.10 0.05
2212 0.10 0.05
139 0.10 0.05
4653 0.10 0.05
2786 0.10 0.05
1218 0.10 0.05
138 0.10 0.05
808 0.05 0.00
1480 0.10 0.05
4241 0.10 0.05
1631 0.10 0.05
3617 0.10 0.05
2612 0.10 0.05
1162 0.05 0.00
135 0.05 0.00
23 0.10 0.05
5528 0.05 0.00
3591 0.05 0.00
407 0.05 0.00
6088 0.10 0.05



The spatial error model includes a spatial lag in the error term of the equation:

log⁡Pi=α+∑kβkXki+ui\log{P_i} = \alpha + \sum_k \beta_k X_{ki} + u_i logPi​=α+k∑​βk​Xki​+ui​

ui=λulag−i+ϵiu_i = \lambda u_{lag-i} + \epsilon_i ui​=λulag−i​+ϵi​

where ulag−i=∑jwi,juju_{lag-i} = \sum_j w_{i,j} u_julag−i​=∑j​wi,j​uj​.
Although it appears similar, this specification violates the assumptions about the
error term in a classical OLS model. Hence, alternative estimation methods are
required. PySAL incorporates functionality to estimate several of the most
advanced techniques developed by the literature on spatial econometrics. For
example, we can use a general method of moments that account for
heterogeneity (Arraiz et al., 2010):

accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds rt_Private_room rt_Shared_room pg_Condominium pg_House pg_Other pg_Townhouse
0 5 2.0 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 6 1.0 2.0 4.0 0 0 1 0 0 0
2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 0
4 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6105 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0
6106 6 2.0 2.0 2.0 0 0 1 0 0 0
6107 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 0
6108 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6109 3 1.0 1.0 2.0 0 0 0 1 0 0

6110 rows × 10 columns

knn = weights.KNN.from_dataframe(db, k=20) # 得到k近邻权重矩阵
# knn.weights
m6 = spreg.GM_Error_Het(y = db[['log_price']].values, x = db[variable_names].values,w=knn,name_y='log_price', name_x=variable_names
Data set            :     unknown
Weights matrix      :     unknown
Dependent Variable  :   log_price                Number of Observations:        6110
Mean dependent var  :      4.9958                Number of Variables   :          11
S.D. dependent var  :      0.8072                Degrees of Freedom    :        6099
Pseudo R-squared    :      0.6655
N. of iterations    :           1                Step1c computed       :          No------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variable     Coefficient       Std.Error     z-Statistic     Probability
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONSTANT       4.4262033       0.0217088     203.8898741       0.0000000accommodates       0.0695536       0.0063268      10.9934495       0.0000000bathrooms       0.1614101       0.0151312      10.6673765       0.0000000bedrooms       0.1739251       0.0146697      11.8560847       0.0000000beds      -0.0377710       0.0088293      -4.2779023       0.0000189rt_Private_room      -0.4947947       0.0163843     -30.1993140       0.0000000rt_Shared_room      -1.1613985       0.0515304     -22.5381175       0.0000000pg_Condominium       0.1003761       0.0213148       4.7092198       0.0000025pg_House       0.0308334       0.0147100       2.0960849       0.0360747pg_Other       0.0861768       0.0254942       3.3802547       0.0007242pg_Townhouse      -0.0074515       0.0292873      -0.2544285       0.7991646lambda       0.6448728       0.0186626      34.5543740       0.0000000lambda       0.6448728       0.0186626      34.5543740       0.0000000
================================ END OF REPORT =====================================


log⁡Pi=α+ρlog⁡Plag−i+∑kβkXki+ϵi\log{P_i} = \alpha + \rho \log{P_{lag-i}} + \sum_k \beta_k X_{ki} + \epsilon_i logPi​=α+ρlogPlag−i​+k∑​βk​Xki​+ϵi​

Although it might not seem very different from the previous equation, this model violates the exogeneity assumption, crucial for OLS to work. Put simply, this occurs when PiP_iPi​ exists on both “sides” of the equals sign.In theory, since PiP_iPi​ is included in computing Plag−iP_{lag-i}Plag−i​, exogeneity is violated. Similarly to the case ofthe spatial error, several techniques have been proposed to overcome this limitation, and PySAL implements several of them. In the example below, we use a two-stage least squares estimation {cite}Anselin_1988, where the spatial lag of all the explanatory variables is used as instrument for the endogenous

m7 = spreg.GM_Lag(db[['log_price']].values, db[variable_names].values,w=knn, name_y='log_price', name_x=variable_names
Data set            :     unknown
Weights matrix      :     unknown
Dependent Variable  :   log_price                Number of Observations:        6110
Mean dependent var  :      4.9958                Number of Variables   :          12
S.D. dependent var  :      0.8072                Degrees of Freedom    :        6098
Pseudo R-squared    :      0.7057
Spatial Pseudo R-squared:  0.6883------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variable     Coefficient       Std.Error     z-Statistic     Probability
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONSTANT       2.7440254       0.0727290      37.7294400       0.0000000accommodates       0.0697596       0.0048157      14.4859187       0.0000000bathrooms       0.1626725       0.0104007      15.6405467       0.0000000bedrooms       0.1604137       0.0104823      15.3033012       0.0000000beds      -0.0365065       0.0065336      -5.5874750       0.0000000rt_Private_room      -0.4981415       0.0151396     -32.9031780       0.0000000rt_Shared_room      -1.1157392       0.0365563     -30.5210777       0.0000000pg_Condominium       0.1072995       0.0209048       5.1327614       0.0000003pg_House      -0.0004017       0.0136828      -0.0293598       0.9765777pg_Other       0.1207503       0.0214771       5.6222929       0.0000000pg_Townhouse      -0.0185543       0.0322730      -0.5749190       0.5653461W_log_price       0.3416482       0.0147787      23.1175620       0.0000000
Instrumented: W_log_price
Instruments: W_accommodates, W_bathrooms, W_bedrooms, W_beds,W_pg_Condominium, W_pg_House, W_pg_Other, W_pg_Townhouse,W_rt_Private_room, W_rt_Shared_room
================================ END OF REPORT =====================================

Similarly to the effects in the SLX regression, changes in the spatial lag regression need to be interpreted with care. Here, w_log_price applies consistently over all observations, and actually changes the effective strength of each of the β\betaβ coefficients. Thus, it is useful to use predictions and scenario-building to predict yyy when changing XXX, which allows you to analyze the direct and indirect components.


沈体雁 et al.空间计量经济学
沈体雁 et al. 空间计量分析软件

  1. Since we use the log price for a yyy variable, our β\betaβ coefficients are still all interpreted as elasticities, meaning that a unit change in the xix_ixi​ variate results in a β\betaβ percent change in the price y_i ↩︎

  2. Discover this for yourself: what is the average of numpy.array([True, True, True, False, False, True)]? ↩︎


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