





// coded by Nora
// http://stereoarts.jp
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class SkyboxMesh : MonoBehaviour
{public enum Shape {Sphere,Cube,}public string      shaderName  = "Unlit/Texture";public float       radius      = 800.0f;public int            segments    = 32;public Shape      shape       = Shape.Sphere;public Material     skybox;public GameObject    follow;void Awake(){Mesh mesh = _CreateMesh();Shader shader = Shader.Find( this.shaderName );_CreatePlane( mesh, shader, "_FrontTex", Quaternion.identity );_CreatePlane( mesh, shader, "_LeftTex",  Quaternion.Euler( 0.0f, 90.0f, 0.0f ) );_CreatePlane( mesh, shader, "_BackTex",  Quaternion.Euler( 0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f ) );_CreatePlane( mesh, shader, "_RightTex", Quaternion.Euler( 0.0f, 270.0f, 0.0f ) );_CreatePlane( mesh, shader, "_UpTex",    Quaternion.Euler( -90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );_CreatePlane( mesh, shader, "_DownTex",  Quaternion.Euler( 90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );}void PostUpdate(){if( this.follow != null ) {this.transform.position = this.follow.transform.position;}}Mesh _CreateMesh(){Mesh mesh = new Mesh();int hvCount2 = this.segments + 1;int hvCount2Half = hvCount2 / 2;int numVertices = hvCount2 * hvCount2;int numTriangles = this.segments * this.segments * 6;Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[numVertices];Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[numVertices];int[] triangles = new int[numTriangles];float scaleFactor = 2.0f / (float)this.segments;float angleFactor = Mathf.Deg2Rad * 90.0f / (float)this.segments;float uvFactor = 1.0f / (float)this.segments;if( this.segments <= 1 || this.shape == Shape.Cube ) {float ty = 0.0f, py = -1.0f;int index = 0;for( int y = 0; y < hvCount2; ++y, ty += uvFactor, py += scaleFactor ) {float tx = 0.0f, px = -1.0f;for( int x = 0; x < hvCount2; ++x, ++index, tx += uvFactor, px += scaleFactor ) {vertices[index] = new Vector3( px, py, 1.0f );uvs[index] = new Vector2( tx, ty );}}} else {float ty = 0.0f, py = -1.0f;int index = 0, indexY = 0;for( int y = 0; y <= hvCount2Half; ++y, indexY += hvCount2, ty += uvFactor, py += scaleFactor ) {float tx = 0.0f, px = -1.0f, py2 = py * py;int x = 0;for( ; x <= hvCount2Half; ++x, ++index, tx += uvFactor, px += scaleFactor ) {float d = Mathf.Sqrt( px * px + py2 + 1.0f );float theta = Mathf.Acos( 1.0f / d );float phi = Mathf.Atan2( py, px );float sinTheta = Mathf.Sin( theta );vertices[index] = new Vector3(sinTheta * Mathf.Cos( phi ),sinTheta * Mathf.Sin( phi ),Mathf.Cos( theta ) );uvs[index] = new Vector2( tx, ty );}int indexX = hvCount2Half - 1;for( ; x < hvCount2; ++x, ++index, --indexX, tx += uvFactor, px += scaleFactor ) {Vector3 v = vertices[indexY + indexX];vertices[index] = new Vector3( -v.x, v.y, v.z );uvs[index] = new Vector2( tx, ty );}}indexY = (hvCount2Half - 1) * hvCount2;for( int y = hvCount2Half + 1; y < hvCount2; ++y, indexY -= hvCount2, ty += uvFactor, py += scaleFactor ) {float tx = 0.0f, px = -1.0f;int x = 0;for( ; x <= hvCount2Half; ++x, ++index, tx += uvFactor, px += scaleFactor ) {Vector3 v = vertices[indexY + x];vertices[index] = new Vector3( v.x, -v.y, v.z );uvs[index] = new Vector2( tx, ty );}int indexX = hvCount2Half - 1;for( ; x < hvCount2; ++x, ++index, --indexX, tx += uvFactor, px += scaleFactor ) {Vector3 v = vertices[indexY + indexX];vertices[index] = new Vector3( -v.x, -v.y, v.z );uvs[index] = new Vector2( tx, ty );}}}{for( int y = 0, index = 0, ofst = 0; y < this.segments; ++y, ofst += hvCount2 ) {int y0 = ofst, y1 = ofst + hvCount2;for( int x = 0; x < this.segments; ++x, index += 6 ) {triangles[index+0] = y0 + x;triangles[index+1] = y1 + x;triangles[index+2] = y0 + x + 1;triangles[index+3] = y1 + x;triangles[index+4] = y1 + x + 1;triangles[index+5] = y0 + x + 1;}}}mesh.vertices = vertices;mesh.uv = uvs;mesh.triangles = triangles;return mesh;}void _CreatePlane( Mesh mesh, Shader shader, string textureName, Quaternion rotation ){GameObject go = new GameObject();go.name = textureName;go.transform.parent = this.transform;go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;go.transform.localScale = new Vector3( this.radius, this.radius, this.radius );go.transform.localRotation = rotation;Material material = new Material( shader );material.mainTexture = skybox.GetTexture( textureName );MeshRenderer meshRenderer = go.AddComponent< MeshRenderer >();meshRenderer.material = material;meshRenderer.castShadows = false;meshRenderer.receiveShadows = false;MeshFilter meshFilter = go.AddComponent< MeshFilter >();meshFilter.mesh = mesh;}




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