

[code]select cno,cname

from course

where cno not in(

select distinct cno

from sc)[/code]



[code]select sname,sno

from student

where sno in(

select sno

from sc

where cno=1)[/code]


[code]Select sno,sname

From student

Where sno in(

select sno

from course,sc

where course.cno=sc.cno and course.cname='数据库' and grade>=80)[/code](3)查询计算机系最高成绩。

[code]select top 1 grade

from student,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and sdept='CS'

order by grade desc[/code]


[code]select sno

from sc

where cno=1 and sno in(

select sno

from sc

where cno=2)[/code]


[code]select sname

from student

where sno in(

select sno

from course,sc

where course.cno=sc.cno and course.cname='离散数学')[/code]


[code]select sname

from student

where sno in(

select sno

from course,sc

where course.cno=sc.cno and course.cname='数据库')[/code]


[code]select *

from student

where sdept in(

select sdept

from student

where sname='张天' or sname='张琪')[/code]


[code]select *

from student

where sdept not in(

select sdept

from student

where sname='张天' or sname='张琪')[/code]


[code]select sname

from student s1

where s1.sage>all(

select sage

from student s2

where s2.sdept='CS')[/code]


[code]select sname

from student

where student.sno in(

select sno

from sc

group by sno

having avg(grade) >(

select avg(grade) as avg_grade2

from sc sc2,student

where student.sno=sc2.sno and sname='刘晨'

group by sc2.sno)


[code]select *

from student s1

where s1.sage>(

select sage

from student s2

where s2.sno='200215121')[/code]


[code]Select sdept,student.sno

from student,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno

group by sdept,student.sno

having sum(grade)>=all(

select sum(grade)

from student,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and sdept=student.sdept

group by student.sno)[/code]


[code]select distinct sno

from sc

where sc.cno in(

select cno

from course

where cpno=6)[/code]


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