
发展更好的体验 (Developing a Better Experience)

With the wide variety of devices people use to browse the web today, steps are being taken to try and maintain peoples quality of experience. Google are now calling out pages that will not work well on your device with messages like: “Uses Flash. May not work on your device.” After news that China has over half a billion people who access the web from their mobile devices, this is an even larger impetus to improve our techniques.

当今人们使用各种各样的设备来浏览Web,因此正在采取措施尝试并保持人们的体验质量。 Google现在正在通过以下消息呼出无法在您的设备上正常运行的页面 :“使用Flash。 可能无法在您的设备上使用。” 有消息称, 中国有超过十亿人通过移动设备访问网络 ,这是改进我们技术的更大动力。

Coca Cola’s logo was given a responsive once-over


If you’re a freelancer developing sites you may want to think about moving from responsive design to adaptive design, or using A/B testing to improve your click-through rate. Responsive design has a beneficial place, as is nicely demonstrated by these responsive logos of famous companies, but as you can see in this Media-Query Mario, you can take things too far. Finally, here are 5 ways to never run out of freelance work.

如果您是开发站点的自由职业者,则可能要考虑从响应式设计过渡到自适应设计 ,或者使用A / B测试来提高点击率 。 响应式设计占据了有利的位置, 著名公司的响应式徽标很好地说明了这一点,但是正如您在此Media-Query Mario中所看到的那样,您可能做得太过分了。 最后,这是5种永不结束自由职业者的方法 。

改善设计 (Improve your Design)

“Creating Distraction-Free Reading Experiences is a highly instructive read about how to improve your design, and if you’re after more, here is a comprehensive reading list for designers. When you want to jump in and try out some designs, Kite is a simple and flexible layout helper that can help you layout your design horizontally or vertically, nest groups and justify content, or fill sections across an area. Mind you, native CSS is proving to be highly capable too when it comes to layout, as is masterfully demonstrated in this A List Apart article on 10 CSS one-liners to replace native apps.

“创建无干扰的阅读体验是有关如何改善设计的极富启发性的阅读,如果您有更多追求, 这里是面向设计师的综合阅读列表 。 当您想尝试一些设计时, Kite是一个简单而灵活的布局帮助器 ,可以帮助您水平或垂直地布置设计,嵌套组并对齐内容或在整个区域中填充部分。 请注意,在布局方面,原生CSS也被证明具有强大的功能,这在A List Apart文章中有10个CSS一线式替代原生应用的文章中得到了充分证明。

Getting fancier with your CSS, Patrick Catanzaritibreaks out of the box and explores the CSS shapes spec that lets you use other shapes such as circles or pentagons instead of boxes, or to wrap text around a curvy design. As with any new spec it will take time until it is supported by most browsers, but it’s a nice glimpse at what’s in store for CSS.

Patrick Catanzariti对CSS更加感兴趣,他打破了常规,探索了CSS形状规范 , 该规范允许您使用其他形状(例如圆形或五边形)代替盒子,或将文本环绕在弯曲的设计中。 与任何新规范一样,在大多数浏览器支持之前,都需要花费一些时间,但是可以很好地了解CSS的功能。

JavaScript中发生了什么? (What’s happening in JavaScript?)

Plenty of surprises were found from reading jQuery’s source code, with good details and techniques explored that can be applied elsewhere.

通过阅读jQuery的源代码 , 发现了很多惊喜 ,并且探索了可以在其他地方应用的良好细节和技术。

Other interesting things that we’ve come across this week are:


  • ScrollMe is a nice jQuery library for assing scrolling effects to web pages, where you can change many aspects of the elements on your page as it scrolls down, such as scale, rotate, translate, and opacity.


  • VanillaMasker is a light-weight library to coerce the values of form fields to any format that pleases you, such as comma separated dollars and cents, phone numbers, dates, and other custom patterns that you may wish to use.


  • Brain is the implementation of a neural network in JavaScript, that you can use to train for just about any task imaginable, for example, to recognise color contrast.


处理太多信息? (Dealing with too much info?)

And lastly, with so much going on in the web industry, it can get to be too much at times, so here’s some advice on how not to get overwhelmed as a web developer. Related to dealing with too much information, Jacob Gube has done the unthinkable and deleted all of his RSS feeds in a controversial project called RSS Zero.

最后,随着网络行业的发展,它有时可能变得太多,所以这里有一些关于如何不让Web开发人员不知所措的建议。 与处理过多信息有关,Jacob Gube完成了一个不可思议的工作,并在一个有争议的项目RSS Zero中删除了他的所有RSS feed。

Thanks for tuning in, we’ll have more for you next week.





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