Oracle sqlplus登陆异步io错误

先简单交代一下操作环境,主机版本为AIX 5307,数据库版本为10.2.0.4。为贪图方便,我从另一环境下(操作系统也为aix 5307),直接将Oracle软件tar至本地主机。然后进行relink all。至此,一切正常。但执行sqlplus时,出现以下问题:


$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Apr 1 09:51:47 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program oracleorajf because of the following errors:

0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /usr/lib/libc.a[aio_64.o] because:

0509-136   Symbol kaio_rdwr64 (number 1) is not exported from

dependent module /unix.

0509-136   Symbol listio64 (number 2) is not exported from

dependent module /unix.

0509-136   Symbol acancel64 (number 3) is not exported from

dependent module /unix.

0509-136   Symbol iosuspend64 (number 4) is not exported from

dependent module /unix.

0509-136   Symbol aio_nwait (number 5) is not exported from

dependent module /unix.

0509-136   Symbol aio_nwait64 (number 6) is not exported from

dependent module /unix.

0509-136   Symbol aio_nwait_timeout (number 7) is not exported from

dependent module /unix.

0509-136   Symbol aio_nwait_timeout64 (number is not exported from

dependent module /unix.

0509-026 System error: Error 0

0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the

'dump -Tv' command.


ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact

Enter user-name: ^C

根据以上错误信息,一看就知道是aio配置问题。从AIX 5L开始,AIX开始支持2种aio:legacy AIO 和POSIX AIO。

配置legacy AIO(重启后生效)。可以用smitty aio或者用操作系统命令配置:chdev -P -l aio0 -a autoconfig=’available’

到11g为止,Oracle使用的是POSIX AIO(无需重启),配置POSIX AIO可以用如下命令

chdev -P -l posix_aio0 -a autoconfig=available。

当然也可以执行rootpre.sh来配置posix aio.


# ./

./ output will be logged in /tmp/rootpre.out_11-04-01.10:04:26

Saving the original files in /etc/ora_save_11-04-01.10:04:26....

Copying new kernel extension to /etc....

Loading the kernel extension from /etc

Oracle Kernel Extension Loader for AIX

Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Oracle Corporation

Successfully loaded /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel with kmid: 0x3ef8900

Successfully configured /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel with kmid: 0x3ef8900

The kernel extension was successfuly loaded.

Configuring Asynchronous I/O....

Configuring POSIX Asynchronous I/O....

Checking if group services should be configured....

Nothing to configure.

打开rootpre.sh脚本可以看到如下语句,可以清楚的看到在AIX 5307上Oracle执行的就是红色标注部分:


if [ $OSVER -lt 6 ]; then

log_con "nConfiguring Asynchronous I/O...."

AIO=`${LSDEV} -C -t aio|${AWK} '{print $2}'`

case ${AIO} in

*Available*) log_con "Asynchronous I/O is already defined"

is_autoconfig_available "aio0"

if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then

log_con "Setting autoconfig to available for aio0"

log_do "${CHDEV} -P -l aio0 -a autoconfig=available"



*Defined*) log_do "${MKDEV} -l aio0"

log_do "${CHDEV} -P -l aio0 -a autoconfig=available"


*) log_con "Asynchronous I/O is not installed on this system."

log_con "You will need to install it, and either configure it yourself using"

log_con "'smit aio' or rerun the Oracle root installation procedure."



#--- configure POSIX AIO if AIX 5.2 or greater, we may want to use it

if [ ${OSVER}${OSREL} -ge 52 ]; then

log_con "nConfiguring POSIX Asynchronous I/O...."

POSIX_AIO=`${LSDEV} -C -t posix_aio|${AWK} '{print $2}'`

case ${POSIX_AIO} in

*Available*) log_con "Posix Asynchronous I/O is already defined"

is_autoconfig_available "posix_aio0"

if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then

log_con "Setting autoconfig to available for posix_aio0"

log_do "${CHDEV} -P -l posix_aio0 -a autoconfig=available"



*Defined*) log_do "${MKDEV} -l posix_aio0"

log_do "${CHDEV} -P -l posix_aio0 -a autoconfig=available"


*) log_con "Posix Asynchronous I/O is not installed on this system."

log_con "You will need to install it, and either configure it yourself using"

log_con "'smit aio' or rerun the Oracle root installation procedure."







# su - oracle

$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Apr 1 10:05:01 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> exit


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