



yum install gcc git make -y


cd /var/opt/
git clone https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd.git
cd vlmcsd
make -j 4 


[root@localhost vlmcsd]# make -j 4
make[1]: warning: -j16 forced in submake: resetting jobserver mode.
make[1]: Entering directory '/var/opt/vlmcsd/src'CC   vlmcs.o <- vlmcs.cCC kmsdata-full.o <- kmsdata-full.cCC   crypto.o <- crypto.cCC   kms.o <- kms.cCC endian.o <- endian.cCC   output.o <- output.cCC   shared_globals.o <- shared_globals.cCC   helpers.o <- helpers.cCC network.o <- network.cCC rpc.o <- rpc.cCC crypto_internal.o <- crypto_internal.cCC dns_srv.o <- dns_srv.cCC vlmcsd.o <- vlmcsd.cCC   kmsdata.o <- kmsdata.cLD     ../bin/vlmcs <- vlmcs.o kmsdata-full.o crypto.o kms.o endian.o output.o shared_globals.o helpers.o network.o rpc.o crypto_internal.o dns_srv.oLD     ../bin/vlmcsd <- vlmcsd.o kmsdata.o crypto.o kms.o endian.o output.o shared_globals.o helpers.o network.o rpc.o crypto_internal.o
make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/opt/vlmcsd/src'

可以看到 bin目录下有编译成功后的文件,复制文件到/usr/local/bin/目录下

cp bin/vlmcsd /usr/local/bin/
cp etc/vlmcsd.ini /etc/


# Sample vlmcsd.ini
# An ini file for vlmcsd is normally not required. It is for advanced users only.
# vlmcsd uses an ini file only if specified using the -i option in the command line parameters.
# There is no default ini file because vlmcsd is designed to run on many platforms.
# Every line starting with a number sign (#) or semicolon (;) is treated as a comment.
# If a key word is used more than once, the last occurrence is used. The only exception
# to this is Listen. You can use Listen=<ip address>[:port] more than once.
## Set ePID/HwId for Windows explicitly
;Windows = 06401-00206-471-111111-03-1033-17763.0000-2822018 / 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08# Set ePID for Office 2010 (including Visio and Project) explicitly
;Office2010 = 06401-00096-199-222222-03-1033-17763.0000-2822018# Set ePID/HwId for Office 2013 (including Visio and Project) explicitly
;Office2013 = 06401-00206-234-333333-03-1033-17763.0000-2822018 / 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08# Set ePID/HwId for Office 2016 (including Visio and Project) explicitly
;Office2016 = 06401-00206-437-444444-03-1033-17763.0000-2822018 / 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08# Set ePID/HwId for Office 2019 (including Visio and Project) explicitly
;Office2019 = 06401-00206-666-666666-03-1033-17763.0000-2822018 / 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08# Set ePID/HwId for Windows China Government (Enterprise G/GN) explicitly
;WinChinaGov = 06401-03858-000-555555-03-1033-17763.0000-2822018 / 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08# Use a compatible VPN device to create a hidden local IPv4 address
# Command line: -O
# VPN = <VPN adapter name>[=<IPv4 address>][/<CIDR mask>][:<DHCP lease duration>]
# Use VPN adapter "KMS Mirror" give it IP address with a lease duration of one day and make entire 192.168.128.x a hidden local IPv4 address.
;VPN = KMS Mirror= Use custom TCP port
# Command line: -P
# ***The Port directive only works if vlmcsd was compiled to use MS RPC or simple sockets
# ***Use Listen otherwise
;Port = 1234# Listen on all IPv4 addresses (default port 1688)
# Command line: -L
# Does not work with MS RPC or simple sockets, use Port=
;Listen = Listen on all IPv6 addresses (default port 1688)
# Command line: -L
;Listen = [::]:1688# Listen on all private IP addresses and reject incoming requests from public IP addresses
# Command line: -o
# PublicIPProtectionLevel = 3# Allow binding to foreign IP addresses
# Command line: -F0 and -F1
;FreeBind = true# Randomize ePIDs at program start up (only those that are not explicitly specified)
# Command line: -r
;RandomizationLevel = 1# Use a specific host build in ePIDs even if the ePID is randomized
# Command line: -H
;HostBuild = 17763# Use a specific culture (1033 = English US) in ePIDs even if the ePID is randomized
# Command line: -C
;LCID = 1033# Set a maximum of 4 workers (forked processes or threads)
# Command line: -m
;MaxWorkers = 4# Disconnect users after 30 seconds of inactivity
# Command line: -t
;ConnectionTimeout = 30# Disconnect clients immediately after each request
# Command line: -d and -k
;DisconnectClientsImmediately = yes# Write a pid file (a file containing the process id of vlmcsd)
# Command line: -p
;PidFile = /var/run/vlmcsd.pid# Load a KMS data file
# Command line: -j
;KmsData = /etc/vlmcsd.kmd# Write log to /var/log/vlmcsd.log
# Command line: -l (-e and -f also override this directive)
;LogFile = /var/log/vlmcsd.log# Don't include date and time in logs (default is true)
# Command line: -T0 and -T1
;LogDateAndTime = false# Create a verbose log
# Command line: -v and -q
;LogVerbose = true# Whitelist known products
# Command line: -K0, -K1, -K2, -K3
;WhiteListingLevel = 0# Check that the client time is within +/- 4 hours of the system time
# Command line: -c0, -c1
;CheckClientTime = false# Maintain a list of CMIDs
# Command line: -M0, -M1
;MaintainClients = false# Start with empty CMID list (Requires MaintainClients = true)
# Command line: -E0, -E1
;StartEmpty = false# Set activation interval to 2 hours
# Command line: -A
;ActivationInterval = 2h# Set renewal interval to 7 days
# Command line: -R
;RenewalInterval = 7d# Exit vlmcsd if warning of certain level has been reached
# Command line: -x
# 0 = Never
# 1 = Exit, if any listening socket could not be established or TAP error occurs
;ExitLevel = 0# Run program as user vlmcsduser
# Command line: -u
;user = vlmcsduser# Run program as group vlmcsdgroup
# Command line: -g
;group = vlmcsdgroup # Disable or enable the NDR64 transfer syntax in RPC (default enabled)
# Command line: -N0 and -N1
;UseNDR64 = true# Disable or enable bind time feature negotiation in RPC (default enabled)
# Command line: -B0 and -B1
;UseBTFN = true


# 直接执行命令即可/usr/local/bin/vlmcsd
# 指定配置文件启动/usr/local/bin/vlmcsd -i /etc/vlmcsd.ini

win10专业版测试  为刚才搭建的kms服务器的IP地址
@echo off
slmgr /skms
slmgr /ipk W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX
slmgr /ato
slmgr /xpr


部分key:wokey/README.md at main · nineaiyu/wokey · GitHub


GitHub - massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts: A Windows and Office activator using HWID / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods, with a focus on open-source code and fewer antivirus detections.

Windows 10/11

右键单击 Windows 开始菜单并选择 PowerShell 或终端

irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex



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