

之前用了pyDEA包https://pypi.org/project/pyDEA/,那个包比较简陋,只有普通的CCR BCC模型。



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pulpclass DEAProblem:def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, weight_vector, directional_factor=None, returns='CRS',in_weights=[0, None], out_weights=[0, None]):self.inputs = inputsself.outputs = outputsself.returns = returnsself.weight_vector = weight_vector # weight vector in directional distance function      self.J, self.I = self.inputs.shape  # no of DMUs, inputs_, self.R = self.outputs.shape  # no of outputsself._i = range(self.I)  # inputsself._r = range(self.R)  # outputsself._j = range(self.J)  # DMUsif directional_factor == None:self.gx = self.inputsself.gy = self.outputselse:self.gx = directional_factor[:self.I]self.gy = directional_factor[-self.J:]self._in_weights = in_weights  # input weight restrictionsself._out_weights = out_weights  # output weight restrictions# creates dictionary of pulp.LpProblem objects for the DMUsself.dmus = self._create_problems()def _create_problems(self):"""Iterate over the DMU and create a dictionary of LP problems, onefor each DMU."""dmu_dict = {}for j0 in self._j:dmu_dict[j0] = self._make_problem(j0)return dmu_dictdef _make_problem(self, j0):"""Create a pulp.LpProblem for a DMU."""# Set up pulpprob = pulp.LpProblem("".join(["DMU_", str(j0)]), pulp.LpMaximize)self.weights = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Weight", (self._j),lowBound=self._in_weights[0])self.betax = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("scalingFactor_x", (self._i),lowBound=0)self.betay = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("scalingFacotr_y", (self._r),lowBound=0)# Set returns to scaleif self.returns == "VRS":prob += pulp.lpSum([weight for weight in self.weights]) == 1# Set up objective function      prob += pulp.lpSum([(self.weight_vector[i]*self.betax[i]) for i in self._i]+[(self.weight_vector[self.I+r]*self.betay[r]) for r in self._r])# Set up constraintsfor i in self._i:prob += pulp.lpSum([(self.weights[j0]*self.inputs.values[j0][i]) for j0 in self._j]) <= self.inputs.values[j0][i]-self.betax[i]*self.gx.values[j0][i]for r in self._r:prob += pulp.lpSum([(self.weights[j0]*self.outputs.values[j0][r]) for j0 in self._j]) >= self.outputs.values[j0][r]+self.betay[r]*self.gy.values[j0][r]return probdef solve(self):"""Iterate over the dictionary of DMUs' problems, solve them, and collatethe results into a pandas dataframe."""sol_status = {}sol_weights = {}sol_efficiency = {}for ind, problem in list(self.dmus.items()):problem.solve()sol_status[ind] = pulp.LpStatus[problem.status]sol_weights[ind] = {}for v in problem.variables():sol_weights[ind][v.name] = v.varValuesol_efficiency[ind] = pulp.value(problem.objective)return sol_status, sol_efficiency, sol_weightssolve = DEAProblem(X, y, weight).solve()



该模块可以自行设定投入X, 产出Y, 方向向量g, 以及权重向量w

后续还得考虑把undesirable output也加入进去。



Cite the work

Yang, F.; Choi, Y.: Lee, H. Life-cycle data envelopment analysis to measure efficiency and cost-effectiveness of environmental regulation in China’s transport sector. Ecological indicators 2021
Choi, Y.; Yang, F.; Lee, H. On the Unbalanced Atmospheric Environmental Performance of Major Cities in China. Sustainability 2020, 12, 5391. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135391

我是仁荷大学的博士生(我的google scholar, 我的Github),关注能源转型过程中的环境、经济问题。



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