







% Functions:

% grBase - find all bases of digraph;

% grCoBase - find all contrabases of digraph;

% grCoCycleBasis - find all independent cut-sets for a connected graph;

% grColEdge - solve the color problem for graph edges;

% grColVer - solve the color problem for graph vertexes;

% grComp - find all components of graph;

% grCycleBasis - find all independent cycles for a connected graph;

% grDecOrd - solve the problem about decomposition of the digraph

% to the sections with mutually accessed vertexes

% (strongly connected components);

% grDistances - find the distances between any vertexes of graph;

% grEccentricity - find the (weighted) eccentricity of all vertexes,

% radius, diameter, center vertexes and the periphery vertexes;

% grIsEulerian - find the Eulerian cycle of graph;

% grMaxComSu - solve the maximal complete sugraph problem for the graph;

% grMaxFlows - solve the maximal flow problem for the digraph;

% grMaxMatch - solve the maximal matching problem for the graph;

% grMaxStabSet - solve the maximal stable set problem for the graph;

% grMinAbsEdgeSet - solve the minimal absorbant set problem

% for the graph edges;

% grMinAbsVerSet - solve the minimal absorbant set problem

% for the graph vertexes;

% grMinCutSet - solve the minimal cut-set problem for the digraph;

% grMinEdgeCover - solve the minimal edge cover problem for the graph;

% grMinSpanTree - solve the minimal spanning tree problem for the graph;

% grMinVerCover - solve the minimal vertex cover problem for the graph;

% grPERT - solve the project evaluation research task;

% grPlot - draw the plot of the graph (digraph);

% grShortPath - solve the shortest path problem for the digraph;

% grTravSale - solve the nonsymmetrical traveling salesman problem;

% grValidation - auxiliary function (the data validation);


% grTheoryTest - test program for all functions.


% Author: Sergiy Iglin


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