解读Depth Map Prediction from a Single Image using a Multi-Scale Deep Network (1)



(1) Predicting depth is an essential component in understanding the 3D geometry of a scene

(2) A new method is presented to find depth relations from a single view by employing two

deep network stacks:

a. makes a coarse global prediction based on the entire image

b. refines this prediction locally

(3) apply a scale-invariant error to help measure depth relations

再来看看Inroduction和Related work,可以得到前人在做深度估计的成就

(1)Provided accurate image correspondences, depth can be recovered deterministically in the stereo

case [5]

(2) predict depth from a set of image features using linear regression and a MRF [15]

(3) integrate semantic object labels with monocular depth features to improve performance [12]

(4) use a KNN transfer mechanism based on SIFT Flow to estimate depths of static backgrounds

from single images, which they augment with motion information to better estimate moving

foreground subjects in video [7, 11]



从图1(Model architecture),很容易了解CNN网络处理图片的过程



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