php 费率计算

If you’re new to freelancing or business ownership, you may be unsure about how to set your rates. Even if you’re a seasoned professional, it’s always a good idea to revisit what you charge as you get more experienced, when there are changes in your personal life that alter the amount of time you can work, or you experience some other business-impacting change.

如果您不熟悉自由职业或企业所有权,则可能不确定如何设置费率。 即使您是经验丰富的专业人士,当您的经验变得更加丰富,个人工作发生变化而改变了可以工作的时间或遇到其他一些事务时,最好还是重新评估一下收费影响变化。

Rate Calculator


If you like the idea of using an actual calculator, one of the best tools available is the Freelance Boost Hourly Rate Calculator. It takes you through a series of questions about business costs, personal costs, billable time and desired profit, and spits out an ideal hourly rate and a break-even rate. The great thing about this calculator is that it’s really easy to fill out so if you want to play around with the numbers to see how they impact the final rate, you can do so quickly.

如果您喜欢使用实际计算器的想法,那么Freelance Boost Hourly Rate Calculator是可用的最佳工具之一。 它会带您解决有关业务成本,个人成本,可计费时间和期望利润的一系列问题,并给出理想的小时费率和收支平衡率。 这款计算器的妙处在于,它真的很容易填写,因此,如果您想了解这些数字以了解它们如何影响最终汇率,您可以快速进行操作。

When you use the tool, you need to think in terms of annual numbers, and the more researched and educated your estimates are, the more accurate your ideal rate will be. Some information you may want to have in front of you when you use the calculator includes:

使用该工具时,您需要考虑年度数字,并且对预算的研究和教育越深入,理想利率就会越准确。 使用计算器时,您可能想知道的一些信息包括:

  • Rent or mortgage payments租金或抵押付款
  • Travel expenses差旅费
  • Computer, equipment and furniture costs电脑,设备和家具费用
  • Software expenses软件费用
  • Professional fees专业费用
  • Office supplies expense办公用品费用
  • Advertising fees广告费
  • Desired savings所需的节省
  • How much you want to work你想工作多少
  • Any other expense you incur or expect to incur您招致或预期招致的任何其他费用

Rate Forumla


If you prefer to do the math yourself, you will first want to develop a formula. has a good analysis of what an hourly rate formula should include, from your desired salary, taxes, billable time and overhead expenses.

如果您喜欢自己做数学,则首先要开发一个公式。 About.com从您期望的薪水,税金,可计费时间和间接费用中很好地分析了小时费率公式应包括的内容。

Another good source of information when developing a formula to determine your hourly rate is the article, “Pay Yourself Right When Being Your Own Boss,” on It’s also a great reminder than when you are self-employed, you are responsible for your own healthcare, insurance and vacation/sick time and need to factor that into your rates.

开发公式来确定您的小时工资的公式时,另一个很好的信息来源是Salary.com上的文章“ 当自己的老板时要自己付出代价”。 这也是一个很好的提醒,比起自雇时,您要为自己的医疗保健,保险和假期/病假时间负责,并且需要将其纳入您的房价中。

You should also check out “How do you rate?” by Neil Tortorella on Creative Latitude.

您还应该查看“ 您如何评价? ”(作者Neil Tortorella在Creative Latitude上发表)。

Now What?


Once you have an idea of a rate from a calculator or a formula, you need to apply it to the “real world.” You will want to consider the market for the services you offer and your experience. And don’t underestimate the emotional side of rate-setting. While you want to select a rate that is fair and acceptable to potential clients, you also want to be happy with the rate you select. Not charging enough can be a quick path to burning out and may create feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction if you feel you are being underpaid.

一旦从计算器或公式中获得了汇率的概念,就需要将其应用于“现实世界”。 您将要考虑所提供服务和经验的市场。 并且不要低估设定利率的情感方面。 当您想要选择一个公平的价格并为潜在客户所接受时,您还希望对选择的价格感到满意。 收费不足可能是耗尽精力的捷径,如果您觉得自己的薪水不足,可能会引起不满和不满。

Setting an hourly rate is a very individual process, and sometimes takes a little trial and error to get it just right. So do your research, create a starting point and get out there and log some billable time.

设置每小时费率是一个非常独立的过程,有时需要花费一些反复试验才能使它正确。 因此,您需要做研究,创建一个起点,走到那里,并记录一些可计费的时间。

Image credit: Vangelis Thomaidis

图片来源: Vangelis Thomaidis


php 费率计算

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