

@echo off
title 黑客帝国
color 0a
for /l %%i in (1,1,80) do (
set Down%%i=0
for /l %%j in (1,1,80) do (
set /a Down%%j-=1
if !down%%j! LSS 0 (
set /a Arrow%%j=!random!%%4
set /a Down%%j=!random!%%15+10
if "!Arrow%%j!" == "1" (
set /a chr=!random!%%2
set /p=!chr!<nul
) else (
set /p= <nul
goto loop
goto :eof




pip install git+https://github.com/will8211/unimatrix.git


unimatrix -n -s 96 -l o
unimatrix -c blue -u ILovePython
unimatrix -c yellow -l e


 ---------------------------------------------------------------注:我这有个学习基地,里面有很多学习资料,感兴趣的+Q群:895817687---------------------------------------------------------------USAGEunimatrix [-a] [-b] [-c COLOR] [-f] [-g COLOR] [-h] [-l CHARACTER_LIST] [-n][-o] [-s SPEED] [-u CUSTOM_CHARACTERS]OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS-a Asynchronous scroll. Lines will move at varied speeds.-b Use only bold characters-c COLOR One of: green (default), red, blue, white, yellow, cyan,magenta, black-f Enable "flashers," characters that continuously change.-g COLOR Background color (See -c). Defaults to keepingterminal's current background.-h Show this help message and exit-l CHARACTER_LIST Select character set(s) using a string over lettercodes (see CHARACTER SETS below.)-n Do not use bold characters (overrides -b)-o Disable on-screen status-s SPEED Integer up to 100. 0 uses a one-second delay beforerefreshing, 100 uses none. Use negative numbers foreven lower speeds. Default=85-t TIME Exit the process after TIME seconds-u CUSTOM_CHARACTERS Your own string of characters to display. Enclose insingle quotes ('') to escape special characters. Forexample: -u '#$('-w Single-wave mode: Does a single burst of green rain,exits. You can put in a .bashrc file to run when yourterminal launches. Works well with speed at 95.LONG ARGUMENTS-a --asynchronous-b --all-bold-c --color=COLOR-f --flashers-g --bg-color=COLOR-h --help-l --character-list=CHARACTER_LIST-s --speed=SPEED-n --no-bold-o --status-off-t --time-u --custom_characters=CUSTOM_CHARACTERS-w --single_waveCHARACTER SETSWhen using '-l' or '--character_list=' option, follow it with one or more ofthe following letters:a Lowercase alphabetA Uppercase alphabetc Lowercase Russian Cyrillic alphabetC Uppercase Russian Cyrillic alphabete A few common emoji ( ☺☻✌♡♥❤⚘❀❃❁✼☀✌♫♪☃❄❅❆☕☂★ )g Lowercase Greek alphabetG Uppercase Greek alphabetk Japanese katakana (half-width)m Default 'Matrix' set, equal to 'knnssss'n Numbers 0-9o 'Old' style non-unicode set, like cmatrix. Equal to 'AaSn'p Klingon pIqaD (requires 'Horta' family font)*P Klingon pIqaD (requires 'Klingon-pIqaD' or 'Code2000' family font)*r Lowercase Roman numerals ( mcclllxxxxvvvvviiiiii )R Uppercase Roman numerals ( MCCLLLXXXXVVVVVIIIIII )s A subset of symbols actually used in the Matrix films ( -=*_+|:<>" )S All common keyboard symbols ( `-=~!z#$%^&*()_+[]{}|;':",./<>?" )u Custom characters selected using -u switchFor example: '-l naAS' or '--character_list=naAS' will give something similarto the output of the original cmatrix program in its default mode.'-l ACG' will use all the upper-case character sets. Use the sameletter multiple times to increase the frequency of the character set. Forexample, the default setting is equal to '-l knnssss'.* With most modern Linux terminals (gnome-terminal, konsole, lxterminal,xfce4-terminal, mate-terminal) simply having the font installed system-wideis enough. The terminal will fall back to it for the Klingon, meaning thatyou don't have to select it in your terminal settings. 'Horta' seems not towork in Konsole. Fonts may need to be set manually as fallbacks in.Xresources for older terminals, such as urxvt and xterm.KEYBOARD CONTROLSPACE, CTRL-c or q exit- or LEFT decrease speed by 1+ or RIGHT increase speed by 1[ or DOWN decrease speed by 10] or UP increase speed by 10a toggle asynchronous scrollingb cycle through bold character options(bold off-->bold on-->all bold)f toggle flashing characterso toggle on-screen status1 to 9 set color: (1) Green (2) Red (3) Blue (4) White(5) Yellow (6) Cyan (7) Magenta (8) Black(9) Terminal default! to ( set background color (same colors as above, but pressingshift + number)EXAMPLESMimic default output of cmatrix (no unicode characters, works in TTY):$ unimatrix -n -s 96 -l oUse the letters from the name of your favorite operating system in bold blue:$ unimatrix -B -u Linux -c blueUse default character set, plus dollar symbol (note single quotes aroundspecial character):$ unimatrix -l knnssssu -u '$'No bold characters, slowly, using emojis, numbers and a few symbols:$ unimatrix -n -l ens -s 50


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