Linux VM sockets in Go



3、qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4G -hda /home/matt/ubuntuvm0.img -device vhost-vsock-pci,id=vhost-vsock-pci0,guest-cid=3 -vnc :0 --enable-kvm

每个虚拟机都需要分配一个唯一的context id,该id类似于ip地址,vscok通过该context id + port与host通讯,host也有context id,默认为2,因此虚拟机的context id一般从3




5、modprobe vhost_vsock, 默认会生成设备 /dev/vhost-vsock   /dev/vso ck

During a recent discussion with coworkers, I discovered a new Linux socket family: VM sockets (AF_VSOCK address family). This new socket family enables bi-directional, many-to-one, communication between a hypervisor and its virtual machines, using the classic BSD sockets API.

Although VM sockets were originally introduced by VMware, they can be used with QEMU+KVM virtual machines as well. This post will detail how VM sockets work and how they can be used.

If you’d like to see more examples and make use of VM sockets in your own Go applications, check out:

Introduction to VM sockets

VM sockets were added to the kernel to overcome some of the limitations that existing communication mechanisms faced:

  • Serial port communication is meant for one-to-one, not many-to-one communications.
  • Only 512 serial ports are available (relatively low limit).

Because VM sockets do not rely on the host’s networking stack at all, it is possible to configure VMs entirely without networking: only allowing communication using VM sockets.

VM sockets setup

To take advantage of VM sockets (using virtio-vsock), the Linux kernel (on both the hypervisor and guest) and QEMU must be fairly up-to-date. Kernel 4.8+ is required on both machines, and QEMU 2.8+ is required to execute the VM.

Once these components are in place, some setup must be done on the hypervisor to enable VM sockets communication.

First, the necessary kernel modules must be loaded on the hypervisor (with kernel 4.8+).

hypervisor $ uname -a
Linux hypervisor 4.8.0-39-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 20 15:06:07 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
hypervisor $ sudo modprobe vhost_vsock

Once the kernel module is loaded, two special character devices will appear on the hypervisor.

hypervisor $ ls -l /dev/vhost-vsock
crw------- 1 root root 10, 53 May  4 11:55 /dev/vhost-vsock
hypervisor $ ls -l /dev/vsock
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 10, 54 May  4 11:55 /dev/vsock

Next, QEMU must be started with a special vhost-vsock-pci device attached that enables VM sockets communication within the VM. Note that each VM on a hypervisor must have a unique “cid” (context ID). For this example, we’ve chosen guest-cid=3.

hypervisor $ sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4G -hda /home/matt/ubuntuvm0.img -device vhost-vsock-pci,id=vhost-vsock-pci0,guest-cid=3 -vnc :0 --enable-kvm

Within the virtual machine, verify that the /dev/vsock device is available.

vm $ ls -l /dev/vsock
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 10, 55 May  4 13:21 /dev/vsock

VM sockets addresses

A VM sockets address is comprised of a context ID and a port; just like an IP address and TCP/UDP port.

The context ID (CID) is analogous to an IP address, and is represented using an unsigned 32-bit integer. It identifies a given machine as either a hypervisor or a virtual machine. Several addresses are reserved, including 01, and the maximum value for a 32-bit integer: 0xffffffff. The hypervisor is always assigned a CID of 2, and VMs can be assigned any CID between 3 and 0xffffffff — 1.

A port is analogous to a typical TCP or UDP port, and is represented using an unsigned 32-bit integer. Many different services can run on the same host by binding to different ports, and each port can serve multiple connections concurrently. As with IP ports, ports in the range 0-1023 are considered “privileged”, and only root or a user with CAP_NET_ADMIN may bind to these ports.

VM sockets API

Now that we are familiar with some of the basics of VM sockets, let’s dive into the API. As with other socket types on Linux, the BSD sockets API is used when configuring VM sockets. It appears that VM sockets can be used in both connection-oriented (like TCP) and connection-less (like UDP) modes, but this post will only cover the connection-oriented variant.

All pseudo-code in this post will make use of Go’s

If you have experience creating TCP sockets using system calls, this process should seem quite familiar. First, let’s start up a VM sockets server on the hypervisor.

// Retrieve host's context ID from /dev/vsock. More on this later.
cid := localContextID()
// Establish a connection-oriented VM socket.
socket, err := unix.Socket(unix.AF_VSOCK, unix.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
if err != nil {return err
// Bind socket to local context ID, port 1024.
sockaddr := &unix.SockaddrVM{CID:  cid,Port: 1024,
if err := unix.Bind(socket, sockaddr); err != nil {return err
// Listen for up to 32 incoming connections.
fd, err := unix.Listen(socket, 32)
if err != nil {return err
// Use fd to read and write data to and from a VM.

Next, we can dial out to the server running on the hypervisor, from a client running in the VM.

// Establish a connection-oriented VM socket.
socket, err := unix.Socket(unix.AF_VSOCK, unix.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
if err != nil {return err
// Connect socket to hypervisor context ID, port 1024.
sockaddr := &unix.SockaddrVM{CID:  2,Port: 1024,
if err := unix.Connect(socket, sockaddr); err != nil {return err
// Use fd to read and write data to and from the hypervisor.

As you can see, VM sockets can more or less be used as a drop-in replacement for typical TCP sockets.

Retrieving the local context ID

When working with VM sockets, it can be useful to retrieve the local context ID of a given machine. This can be done by performing an ioctl() system call on /dev/vsock.

// Open /dev/vsock to perform ioctl().
f, err := os.Open("/dev/vsock")
if err != nil {return err
defer f.Close()
// Kernel constant for retrieving local CID from device.
const getLocalCID = 0x7b9
// Ask kernel to deference a pointer to cid and place the local
// CID for this host in the uint32 value "cid".
var cid uint32
err := ioctl(f.Fd(), getLocalCID, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cid)))
if err != nil {return err

Because of the very versatile and somewhat dangerous nature of the ioctl()system call, it is not implemented directly in x/sys/unix. You can see how I’ve implemented it in package vsock here.

Package vsock

To simplify the VM sockets setup process and enable code reuse, I have created a VM sockets package for Go:

Using package vsock, one can build client/server applications in Go using VM sockets in a rather straightforward and familiar way: using the net.Listener and net.Conn interfaces.

As an example, let’s create an “echo” service using VM sockets. A server listens for incoming connections, and when a message is received from a client, it is echoed back to the client.

Here’s the code for the server:

// Listen for VM sockets connections on port 1024.
l, err := vsock.Listen(1024)
if err != nil {return err
defer l.Close()
// Accept a single connection.
c, err := l.Accept()
if err != nil {return err
defer c.Close()
// Echo all data from the client back to the client.
if _, err := io.Copy(c, c); err != nil {return err

The code for the client is succinct as well:

// Dial a VM sockets connection to a process on the hypervisor
// bound to port 1024.
c, err := vsock.Dial(vsock.ContextIDHost, 1024)
if err != nil {return err
defer c.Close()
// Send a brief message to the hypervisor.
if _, err := c.Write([]byte("hello world")); err != nil {return err
// Read back the echoed response from the hypervisor.
b := make([]byte, 16)
n, err := c.Read(b)
if err != nil {return err


VM sockets are a very interesting new communication mechanism, but it may take some time for many production environments to deploy new enough versions of the Linux kernel and QEMU to take advantage of them.

Once widely deployed, they could become quite useful for offering additional services on Infrastructure-as-a-Service platforms. Guest agents running inside the VM could leverage services provided by the hypervisor in new and interesting ways. The possibilities are limitless!

If you’d like a more in-depth look at VM sockets, I recommend this excellent presentation by Stefan Hajnoczi. You may also be interested in Stefan’s proposed additions to the virtio specification for virtio socket devices. Finally, I’d like to thank Stefan for personally answering several of my questions about VM sockets terminology and architecture.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you’ve learned something new from this post. I encourage you to set up VM sockets in a development environment, and to try out package vsock as well!

If you enjoyed this post, you may also be interested in my series about using Netlink sockets in Go! Thank you for your time.


  • Features/Virtio-Vsock — QEMU:

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