
Before I landed my first paying role as a software developer, I had to learn how to stay fired up about working in tech. After graduating, it took me 9 months to get my first solid job.

在我担任软件开发人员的第一份报酬角色之前,我必须学习如何对从事技术工作保持精打细算。 毕业后,我花了9个月时间才找到了第一份稳定的工作。

To survive in the joblessness, I delivered pizzas and did simple freelance projects.


I had friends who graduated at the same time as me, frolicking about in their cozy Google intern roles. I just wanted to work somewhere where I could put my skills to use.

我有一些与我同时毕业的朋友,在他们舒适的Google实习生角色中嬉戏。 我只是想在可以使用我的技能的地方工作。

Eventually, I was fortunate enough to get a pretty nice gig with BCG Digital Ventures as a full stack JavaScript developer. As a consulting firm, their job was to build a medical application for Boston Scientific called PainScale.

最终,我很幸运地与BCG Digital Ventures签约,成为了全栈JavaScript开发人员。 作为一家咨询公司,他们的工作是为波士顿科学公司开发一种名为PainScale的医疗应用程序。

After several months of working on that project, I began working for Boston Scientific across several different web applications, most of which use trending technologies like React, Redux, GraphQL, Gatsby, TypeScript, or React Native.

在该项目工作了几个月后,我开始在多个不同的Web应用程序中为Boston Scientific工作,其中大多数使用趋势技术,例如React,Redux,GraphQL,Gatsby,TypeScript或React Native。

After working in that first role for over a year now, I believe I can share a few insights that will help you take less time.


  1. Build a website, possibly from scratch.建立一个网站,可能是从头开始。
  2. Create a blog and write articles. This can be part of your own website, on Medium, or other websites like dev.to.创建一个博客并撰写文章。 它可以是您自己的网站,Medium或dev.to等其他网站的一部分。
  3. Get on Twitter. Follow and interact with other people in the community.上推特。 关注社区中的其他人并与之互动。
  4. Put your projects on GitHub. An active GitHub profile can be nice to have to show your committed to this profession.将您的项目放在GitHub上。 活跃的GitHub个人资料可以很好地显示您对这一专业的投入。
  5. Go to meet ups and talk to the speakers and other developers.去聚会,与演讲者和其他开发者交谈。
  6. Work on projects with both fellow learners and more experienced developers.与其他学习者和更有经验的开发人员一起进行项目。

What follows is my story of the 9 months between graduating college and getting a paying job as a software engineer.


求职无效 (The job search void)

In June 2016, I graduated from my university. I had a bachelors in Physics and a mild understanding of some programming basics. The most complicated thing I had built though was a program that reads a file and makes a chart with Python.

2016年6月,我从大学毕业。 我有物理学学士学位,并对一些编程基础知识有较深的了解。 我构建的最复杂的东西是一个程序,该程序读取文件并使用Python绘制图表。

I wrote this program in an Astrophysics lab that also turned me off of the sub-discipline itself. I found that in practice, the work was not quite as exciting as Neil deGrasse Tyson makes it look on TV.

我在天体物理学实验室编写了该程序,这也使我脱离了子学科。 我发现实际上,这项工作并不像尼尔·戴格拉斯·泰森(Neil deGrasse Tyson)出现在电视上那样令人兴奋。

It was clear to me that I did not want to tie up some 5–7 years in graduate school. My mom said that if I did, then I could defer my student loans. And then when I get out of graduate school, I could tackle them with even more debt and presumably even less energy.

对我来说很明显,我不想在研究生院里花5到7年的时间。 我妈妈说,如果我这样做了,那么我可以推迟我的学生贷款。 然后,当我离开研究生院时,我可以用更多的债务和大概更少的精力来解决它们。

Not over my dead body. I needed to find a second solution.

不超过我的尸体。 我需要找到第二个解决方案。

I saw an advertisement for a web development course instructed by Rob Percival. Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more — jumpstart your career today! Fired up, I enrolled in April of 2016.

我看到了由Rob Percival指导的Web开发课程的广告。 学习HTML,CSS,JavaScript等-立即开始您的职业! 开火后,我于2016年4月入学。

While learning basic web development, I was sending out applications for jobs. These were jobs that I had no qualifications for.

在学习基本的Web开发时,我正在发送求职申请。 这些是我没有资格的工作。

  • C ++? I did some of that in one of my classesC ++? 我在一门课上做了一些
  • MySQL? I could pick that up in a day or twoMySQL的? 我可以在一两天后拿起
  • Agile workflows with test-driven development and end-to-end testing experience? Um yeah that’s like testing mobile apps and stuff right? I can handle that.具有测试驱动的开发和端到端测试经验的敏捷工作流? 是的,就像测试移动应用程序和其他东西一样吗? 我可以解决。
  • Knowledge of Python and Ruby? Hey, they look kinda similar!了解Python和Ruby? 嘿,它们看起来差不多!

I was oblivious to the nature of the jobs I was applying for. As a Physics major, I had an ego package that came with at least 3+ years of professional experience.

我对所申请工作的性质一无所知。 作为一名物理专业的学生,​​我拥有一个至少拥有3年以上专业经验的自我包装。

To be honest, they likely looked at my resume for about 5 seconds before emitting a giggle and scrolling on by. I would do that if I knew me.

老实说,他们可能会看我的简历大约5秒钟,然后发出咯咯笑声并滚动过去。 如果我认识我,我会这样做。

I spent a few months of applying to jobs and learning JavaScript along with its libraries. I heard nothing back. Meeting my recently employed friends became more and more distasteful.

我花了几个月的时间申请工作,学习JavaScript及其库。 我什么也没听到。 与我最近受雇的朋友见面变得越来越令人反感。

比萨外送开发人员 (Pizza delivery developer)

It seemed pretty clear that I was not yet prepared to stumble into a stable tech job. I needed cash though, so I took a job at a local pizza restaurant (Pizza My Heart in Cupertino, represent!) and delivered pies while I was studying JavaScript.

似乎很明显,我还没有准备好踏足稳定的技术工作。 虽然我需要现金,所以我在当地的比萨餐厅工作(在库比蒂诺的Pizza My Heart,代表!),并在我学习JavaScript时派了馅饼。

Some days, I would get to take the big deliveries to Apple’s headquarters. I’d marvel at all the successful tech people there, how they dress suave and wear their fancy watches. I’m like these people, I thought, and I asked them about the projects they’re working on.

有时候,我会把大量的物品送到苹果总部。 我会惊叹那里所有成功的技术人员,他们如何穿得体面和佩戴精美的手表。 我想,我就像这些人一样,向他们询问了他们正在从事的项目。

Apple employees are generally squeamish when talking about their projects but, who would suspect the pizza delivery boy as an agent of espionage?


与朋友一起的项目 (Projects with friends)

While working at the pizza place, I started a project with some other kids from a local community college. This was over summer, so we were either taking classes or working part-time.

在披萨店工作时,我与当地社区大学的其他一些孩子一起开始了一个项目。 那是整个夏天,所以我们要么上课,要么做兼职。

We built this thing called Arobooks. All in all, it lasted about 3 months.

我们建立了这个叫做Arobooks的东西。 总共持续了大约3个月。

We wanted to create a platform for the buying and selling of textbooks on college campuses. We also wanted to learn hot web technologies that we would use in the future.

我们希望创建一个平台,用于在大学校园内买卖教科书。 我们还想学习将来将使用的热门Web技术。

We created a table of textbook listings using Node, React, Redux, and Firebase. This whole project was neat because we were like a mini-startup with an idea and motivation.

我们使用Node,React,Redux和Firebase创建了一个教科书清单表。 整个项目很整洁,因为我们就像一个有想法和动力的小型创业公司。

It was also a great opportunity to learn how to work on a real project with actual people. Working with them accelerated my learning speed threefold. If I could go back and do it over again I would definitely spent more time working on projects with other people.

这也是学习如何与实际人员一起进行实际项目的绝佳机会。 与他们一起工作使我的学习速度提高了三倍。 如果我可以回去再做一次,我肯定会花更多的时间与其他人一起进行项目。

After we built it, we went over to San Jose State University to do user testing. I pulled some strings and brought a few large pizzas from my restaurant. You know, to excite the users into talking to us.

构建之后,我们进入了圣何塞州立大学进行用户测试。 我拉了一些线,并从我的餐厅带了一些大比萨饼。 您知道,激发用户与我们交谈。

Most people walked right on by though, it was as if they didn’t like pizza, free pizza even. How crazy is that?

不过,大多数人都走了,好像他们不喜欢披萨,甚至不喜欢免费披萨一样。 那有多疯狂?

运送到波士顿 (Shipping up to Boston)

In October 2016, I took a flight up to Boston, Massachusetts to work for an anti-piracy startup.


A friend of mine needed somebody in UI development to help build their client dashboard.


I went there on a whim, unpaid aside from a room to sleep in and whatever food we wanted. I, along with 8 or 9 other dudes, worked in somebody’s basement in Wellesley. I’ll be honest, he had a nice house and his mom’s cooking was excellent.

我一时兴致勃勃地去了那里,除了房间睡觉和我们想要的任何食物以外,他们都没有报酬。 我和其他8或9位帅哥一起在韦尔斯利的某人的地下室工作。 老实说,他有一个漂亮的房子,妈妈的厨艺也很棒。

This was a step up from the previous book selling project in that the team was a little more experienced. It was still very grassroots though, no investors or significant funding to speak of.

与以前的图书销售项目相比,这是一个进步,因为该团队的经验更丰富。 不过,它仍然是草根阶层,没有投资者或大量资金可言。

The experience was quite exciting for me though. My family never traveled much so it was always a longing for me. I’d get to travel while further practicing my craft. Beats sitting in my local coffee shop right?

不过,这次经历对我来说非常令人兴奋。 我的家人从来没有去过很多地方,所以这一直是我的向往。 我会去旅行,同时进一步练习自己的手艺。 坐在我当地的咖啡店里好吗?

But, I kept applying to jobs within the Bay Area. I wanted to continue living in California weather, close to my other attachments.

但是,我一直在申请湾区的工作。 我想继续生活在加利福尼亚州的天气中,靠近其他附件。

After a month of running around the Northeast, I returned home to the Bay Area to continue my job hunt.


面试和自由职业 (Interviews and freelancing)

This time around, by winter, my resume had a couple projects on it. These projects, AroBooks and PiraShield, were actually worth talking about to an employer.

这次到冬天,我的履历上有几个项目。 这些项目AroBooks和PiraShield实际上值得与雇主讨论。

True, I still had very little experience, but by now I figured out a lot of ways not to build a web application. I began speaking about the specific technologies I work with with greater confidence.

诚然,我仍然有很少的经验,但现在我想通了很多的方法不是建立一个Web应用程序。 我开始更加自信地谈论我工作的特定技术。

In January 2017, I landed some interviews with notable companies like Apple and Facebook. Unfortunately, I lacked experience with technical interviews.

2017年1月,我对苹果和Facebook等著名公司进行了一些采访。 不幸的是,我缺乏技术面试的经验。

It’s one thing to make working web applications—it’s another to impress an interviewer. I suppose simply tossing buzzwords at your interviewer doesn’t earn too many points.

制作可运行的Web应用程序是一回事,而打动面试官则是另一回事。 我想简单地向您的面试官扔时髦词汇不会获得太多积分。

In one interview, I received a question that I have memorized to this day: flattening an array. Never again will I fail to answer that question. I haven’t seen it again since, though if I did I would be quite excited. Here’s my solution if you’re curious.

在一次采访中,我收到了一个我今天记住的问题:将数组展平。 我将永远不会再回答这个问题。 从那以后我再也没有看到它,尽管如果我这样做,我会很兴奋。 如果您好奇的话,这是我的解决方案。

function flatten(arr) {return arr.reduce((flat, toFlatten) => {return flat.concat(Array.isArray(toFlatten) ? flatten(toFlatten) : toFlatten)}, [])

Once again, I was back in local coffee shops reading various tutorials and taking online courses. For my next move, I decided to build a blog.

我再次回到当地的咖啡店,阅读各种教程并参加在线课程。 对于下一步,我决定建立一个博客。

This was the best idea ever.


博客成功 (Blogging to success)

A resume describes your past experience and projects.


A resume doesn’t do a very good job of documenting your knowledge or experiences in depth.


With a blog, you can create content that:


  • further enforces your own learning进一步加强自己的学习
  • shows a potential employer where your head is at向潜在雇主展示你的想法
  • helps someone else with their own journey帮助别人自己的旅程

You can write articles and post them on Medium as an individual or to a publication like freeCodeCamp or Hacker Noon.

您可以撰写文章并将其作为个人发布在Medium上,也可以发布到freeCodeCamp或Hacker Noon等出版物上。

You can post them to dev.to, a pretty neat community that’s starting to become rather popular.

您可以将它们发布到dev.to ,这是一个非常整洁的社区,开始变得非常流行。

You can even build your own website and put your blog there. Doing this gives you bonus points because your site acts as its own portfolio piece. It can even contain your portfolio!

您甚至可以建立自己的网站并将博客放在此处。 这样做可以为您提供奖励积分,因为您的网站可以充当自己的投资组合。 它甚至可以包含您的投资组合!

Around February 2017, 8 months after graduating, I built my blog from scratch. I used React and Redux on the front end and I used Node.js with MongoDB on the server side. I wrote and published about 7 articles before some clients on Upwork started to take notice.

2017年2月左右,即毕业8个月后,我从零开始建立了自己的博客。 我在前端使用React和Redux,在服务器端使用MongoDB和Node.js。 在Upwork上的一些客户开始注意到之前,我写并发表了大约7篇文章。

得到工作 (Getting the job)

Overeager, I found myself taking on several projects at a time. One of which became the project that I’m still working on today for my current employer, Boston Scientific.

急于求成,我发现自己一次从事多个项目。 其中一项成为我今天仍在为当前雇主Boston Scientific工作的项目。

When I was hired, I was complimented for the passion I wielded in making these posts as well and doing it on my very own platform. Essentially I read this article by Medium’s own engineering team and got to work implementing something like it for my blog.

当我被录用时,我对在这些职位上发表自己的想法并在自己的平台上进行工作所表现出的热情表示赞赏。 本质上,我阅读了Medium自己的工程团队的这篇文章,并开始为我的博客实施类似的文章。

My goal was to create a site with a simple reading experience that was easy to create content for. It doesn’t exist anymore, though the source code is probably still in one of my GitHub repos. My hiring managers thought it was good, so they gave me a shot.

我的目标是创建一个具有简单阅读体验且易于创建内容的网站。 它不再存在,尽管源代码可能仍在我的GitHub存储库中。 我的招聘经理认为这很好,所以给了我机会。

The conversation went something like this.


H: Your blog is pretty good. We need something similar for a project we’re working on, a CMS (content management system). We want it done with React and Redux like you have. If you do well, we’ll raise your rates.

H:您的博客很好。 对于我们正在从事的项目,我们需要类似的内容,即CMS(内容管理系统)。 我们希望像您一样使用React和Redux完成它。 如果您做得好,我们会提高您的价格。

Me: Sweet, I’m in.


Despite my training, I was still very much a novice. I was a hotshot though, so I believed I could hack anything together given enough time. Often from a manager’s perspective, my code worked pretty well. From an architectural standpoint, it was often ugly or unscalable.

尽管经过培训,但我仍然还是一个新手。 我是一个热门人物,所以我相信只要有足够的时间,我就可以一起破解任何东西。 通常从经理的角度来看,我的代码运行得很好。 从体系结构的角度来看,它通常很难看或无法缩放。

Since getting hired, I’ve been working on several different web applications, including the CMS that I started with. Early on, I committed many programming sins that I’ve paid for in some way since then (usually in guilty refactoring sessions).

自从被聘用以来,我一直在开发几个不同的Web应用程序,包括我最初使用的CMS。 早些时候,我犯下了许多编程错误,从那以后我就以某种方式支付了费用(通常在有罪的重构会议中)。

When it comes down to it, I believe being a software engineer comes down to communication and teamwork more so than actual coding chops, but that is a story for another day.


If you’re a strong communicator who is capable and eager to learn new technologies and best practices, you will be good to go in Silicon Valley. Or wherever else you may end up working.

如果您是一位有能力并且渴望学习新技术和最佳实践的强大沟通者,那么进入硅谷将是不错的选择。 否则您最终可能会工作。

结语 (Wrapping up)

I covered a pretty significant gap of my life. Those months were tough. I hope that readers can take my story and do some of the things I did, but better.

我填补了我生活中相当大的空白。 那几个月很艰难。 我希望读者能读懂我的故事并做一些我做过的事情,但是会更好。

  1. Make a website, show off some of your projects on it. It can even be a blog. Having your own website increases your visibility for people checking out your resume, your LinkedIn profile, or wherever else you exist on the internet.创建一个网站,在其中展示您的一些项目。 它甚至可以是一个博客。 拥有自己的网站可以使您更容易看到签出简历,LinkedIn个人资料或互联网上其他地方的人们。
  2. Write some articles and publish them to your own site, to Medium, or dev.to. Need some ideas for what to put there? Write about the other projects you’ve worked on. Write about the way some random open source project implements a feature. Write a quick tutorial for something you struggled a lot with and couldn’t google.

    撰写一些文章并将其发布到您自己的站点,Medium或dev.to中 。 需要一些想法放在哪里? 写下您从事的其他项目。 写一些随机的开源项目实现功能的方式。 为您经常遇到的麻烦而无法使用Google编写一些内容的快速教程。

  3. Get on Twitter and interact with other developers. You can find them by searching the hashtags #100DaysOfCode, #react, or #javascript. Build those virtual connections that might become real connections if you’re in the same town.在Twitter上与其他开发人员进行互动。 您可以通过搜索#100DaysOfCode,#react或#javascript标签来找到它们。 建立那些虚拟的连接,如果您在同一城镇,这些连接可能会变成真实的连接。
  4. Put your projects on GitHub. Like a decent resume, an active GitHub profile shows your putting in work, whether that’s in your own projects or group projects.

    将您的项目放在GitHub上 。 像一个体面的履历一样,活跃的GitHub个人资料可以显示您的工作,无论是在您自己的项目中还是在小组项目中。

  5. Go to tech meetups in your area and consort with people, possibly with a glass of wine. Show interest in the subject of the tech talks (for example, React with Redux) and then ask if they’re hiring. If you’re cool enough to attend the talk and contribute to some conversation, you’re cool enough to have a shot at the interview funnel.参加您所在地区的技术聚会,并与人结伴(可能还喝一杯酒)。 对技术讲座的主题表现出兴趣(例如,React with Redux),然后询问他们是否正在招聘。 如果您足够酷,可以参加演讲并为某些对话做出贡献,那么您很酷,可以在采访漏斗中试一试。
  6. Work on projects with other developers, peers, or others. This will keep you honest with the work you’re actually putting in. Bonus points if you build something neat together.与其他开发人员,同行或其他人一起进行项目。 这将使您对实际要进行的工作保持诚实。如果一起构建整洁的东西,则可获得加分。

Building a blog from scratch demands some knowledge of developing CRUD applications. That is, applications that can create, read, update, and delete data.

从头开始构建博客需要开发CRUD应用程序的一些知识。 也就是说,可以创建,读取,更新和删除数据的应用程序。

It turns out that knowing how to do this translates well to almost any other application out there.


Blogging helps show your passion for software development, and passion goes a very long way in this profession.


Want to get into blogging? Check out these other neat articles on Medium:

想进入博客吗? 查看以下有关Medium的其他文章:

  • “Why Every Software Engineer Should Write Articles” by Stanislav Kozlovski

    Stanislav Kozlovski的 “ 为什么每个软件工程师都应该写文章 ”

  • “If you’re a developer, you should start blogging — and here’s why.” by Isabel Nyo

    “ 如果您是开发人员,则应该开始写博客-这就是原因。 ”, 伊莎贝尔·尼

  • “How to write a great technical blog post“ by Sashko Stubailo

    “ 如何撰写出色的技术博客文章 ”,作者: Sashko Stubailo

And if you enjoyed this article, give me a follow on Medium and Twitter, some claps, and then go get hired.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-things-i-wish-i-had-done-before-my-first-job-fe79c36e2211/



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    本文内容为各大高校往届大学生真实的现身说法内容,但因为是往届,每年该专业的大学情况可能会发生略微变化,所以部分内容较今年,明年甚至以后几年,实际情况可能会略有不同 但是对于本专业的相关信息还是非常有参 ...

  4. 毕业后第二份工作:进军外企 赴新加坡工作 月薪18K

    --访传智播客成都校区12.26就业班学员 杨洋 姓名:杨洋 毕业院校:重庆科技学院 专业:电子信息技术与工程 就职公司:新电科技 岗位:Java工程师 月薪:18K 上午,他刚去新公司办理完入职手续 ...

  5. 硕士毕业后去国外读法学博士_法学硕士的完整形式是什么?

    硕士毕业后去国外读法学博士 法学硕士:豆科大法师(拉丁)/法学硕士 (LLM: Legum Magister (Latin)/ Master of Law) LLM is an abbreviatio ...

  6. 计算机专业毕业后现状,计算机专业怎么样_毕业生道出现状_“千万”别学

    计算机专业怎么样? 从国家将编程纳入义务教育阶段后,可预见的是计算机会像英语一样,人人都要学,人人都会懂一点.所以计算机专业怎么样?毫无疑问计算机专业仍然是现阶段的热门高薪专业,但将来计算机的基础知识 ...

  7. 毕业后刚出来工作的体会

    去年七月份毕业就来现在所在的公司工作了,到目前已经来了有八个月左右了;作为一个以前几乎没有实习经历的刚毕业就来工作的小白,这期间的经历可谓是感受颇多,在这里做一下总结,既勉励一下自己也为很多刚出来工作 ...

  8. 谈谈我现在毕业后做的工作

    我是二本学院毕业的,其实就是以前的三本,专业学的是电子信息工程,当时也就是稀里糊涂选了个排名靠前的专业,我那年(18年)分数线390就可以上了,不过现在430多才能上,毕竟河南高考的学生越来越多.我是 ...

  9. 澳洲留学计算机毕业后怎么找工作,澳洲留学毕业后找工作的注意事项

    在澳洲留学生活完成学业之后有很多中国留学生会选择留在澳洲找工作,那么澳洲留学生们找工作时有哪些事情是需要注意的呢? 语言要求更加严格 在新打分体系中,雅思4个6分及以上.雅思4个7以下虽然达到基本门槛 ...


  1. Linux新建用户名
  2. cron4j的Jfinal plugin
  3. MySQL的命令合集
  4. python 结构数组_Python-“结构数组”
  5. WPF TreeView 相关技巧
  6. 简单小清新植物点缀绿色花边边框,圣诞节花环节日PNG素材
  7. javaScript的arguments传参数
  8. Layui 中 formSelects 的使用
  9. 密码学 双线性映射
  10. 安川伺服驱动器软件SigmaWin
  11. android js 回调函数,Javascript回调函数传递给Android
  12. SAP中多层扩展有效地bom
  13. python将输入的字符串反转过来_如何实现python字符串反转?
  14. STM32超低功耗入门之低功耗运行模式
  15. JavaScript——实现九九乘法表
  16. android 存储盘 dcim,DCIM是个啥?安卓图片存储位置指南
  17. c语言注释两种,C语言有几种注释方式
  18. CentOS 下搭建 Hadoop:Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).解决
  19. 直播平台必备-百度音视频直播 LSS
  20. JDK动态代理用例及源码解析


  1. 从拖把扫把到大数据分析的创新
  2. ESP8266学习之搭建Linux开发环境
  3. 算法进阶--SVM原理
  4. 简单聊聊C/C++中的左值和右值
  5. GB28181协议--实时视音频点播(预览)
  6. 李敏镐赌场照曝光 经纪公司:是合法的娱乐(图)
  7. 数学建模【嫦娥三号软着陆轨道设计与控制策略】
  8. HM3115A33MRG低噪声电荷泵升压 DC-DC 转换器升压IC
  9. vue3的自定义指令 v-focus写法
  10. C++ 详解创建链表过程