

Failed to sync vcpu reg

Failed to sync vcpu reg

Failed to sync vcpu reg

Internal error: initial hax sync failed

解决方法,关掉电脑上运行的虚拟机,包括VM Ware 以及 Docker之类的服务


I was trying to emulate an Ionic 1 app on an Android emulator with ionic emulate android -lcsand encountered the same error: emulator: ERROR: Unfortunately, there's an incompatibility between HAXM hypervisor and VirtualBox 4.3.30+ which doesn't allow multiple hypervisors to co-exist. It is being actively worked on; you can find out more about the issue at http://b.android.com/197915 (Android) and https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/14294 (VirtualBox)Failed to sync vcpu regFailed to sync vcpu regFailed to sync vcpu regInternal error: initial hax sync failed

I solved it by saving and suspending execution of all other running VMs with the following steps:

1) Quit Docker for Mac by clicking the whale icon in the top bar and selecting "Quit Docker". I believe this is required because the Docker Daemon (server) of Docker for Mac and Docker Toolbox automatically runs in a Linux VM when the Docker Client is running (you do not need to and cannot run it manually with dockerd or docker daemon). The Docker Client is running when the whale icon is in the top bar.

2) Stop all Vagrant VMs running on the host machine by running vagrant halt, as they may be using Virtual Box as the provider. Check their state changes to Powered Off by running vagrant status.

3) Stop all Virtual Box VMs by running virtualbox to open Virtual Box GUI and then Right-click any VMs and select Close > Save State

4) Close and re-open your Terminal window before retrying

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