
  1. arch/arm/include/asm/memory.h
  2. 131 #ifndef __virt_to_phys
    132 #define __virt_to_phys(x)       ((x) - PAGE_OFFSET + PHYS_OFFSET)
    133 #define __phys_to_virt(x)       ((x) - PHYS_OFFSET + PAGE_OFFSET)
    134 #endif
  3. 182 static inline unsigned long virt_to_phys(void *x)
    183 {
    184         return __virt_to_phys((unsigned long)(x));
    185 }
    187 static inline void *phys_to_virt(unsigned long x)
    188 {
    189         return (void *)(__phys_to_virt((unsigned long)(x)));
    190 }



  1. arch/arm/include/asm/memory.h
  2. #ifdef CONFIG_MMU
  3. /*
  4. * PAGE_OFFSET - the virtual address of the start of the kernel image
  5. * TASK_SIZE - the maximum size of a user space task.
  6. * TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE - the lower boundary of the mmap VM area
  7. */
  9. #define TASK_SIZE        (UL(CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET) - UL(0x01000000))
  11. /*
  12. * The maximum size of a 26-bit user space task.
  13. */
  14. #define TASK_SIZE_26        UL(0x04000000)
  15. ......
  16. ......
  17. #else /* CONFIG_MMU */
  18. /*
  19. * The limitation of user task size can grow up to the end of free ram region.
  20. * It is difficult to define and perhaps will never meet the original meaning
  21. * of this define that was meant to.
  22. * Fortunately, there is no reference for this in noMMU mode, for now.
  23. */
  24. #ifndef TASK_SIZE
  25. #define TASK_SIZE        (CONFIG_DRAM_SIZE)
  26. #endif
  27. #ifndef TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE
  28. #define TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE    UL(0x00000000)
  29. #endif
  30. #ifndef PHYS_OFFSET
  31. #define PHYS_OFFSET         UL(CONFIG_DRAM_BASE)
  32. #endif
  33. ......
  34. ......
  35. #endif /* !CONFIG_MMU */
  1. arch/arm/Kconfig
  2. 1165 config PAGE_OFFSET   ----这个就是CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET宏,默认值为0xC0000000
  3. 1166 hex
  4. 1167 default 0x40000000 if VMSPLIT_1G
  5. 1168 default 0x80000000 if VMSPLIT_2G
  6. 1169 default 0xC0000000

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