

STK 12 Features


  • Aviator has gone through extensive improvements to its underlying physics engine, resulting in fourth generation aircraft modeling for support of real world flight, especially at extreme velocities.

    • Basic Maneuvers use a full 3D gravity model with oblate rotating earth effects, including Coriolis effects. They propagate using 6DOF dynamics referenced to the local coordinate frames of the strategies involved. For backwards compatibility, some strategies can automatically compensate for the Coriolis effects.
    • Standard procedures use a round earth model with gravity as a function of altitude. This model also includes Coriolis acceleration effects on the apparent accelerations required to fly the specified trajectory. Trajectories are constructed in the ECF frame, and the resulting body frame accelerations account for the higher fidelity models.
    • Because of these new Earth models, all calculations related to accelerations and ground speed, air speed, and ECF speed may produce different results in STK 12 than they did in earlier versions. Wind effects also reflect the differences that arise from these new Earth models. Since Aviator is primarily oriented to aeronautical concepts, air speeds behave similarly across all generations.
    • While some computations may permit higher and faster flight in some non-steady state conditions, the limits on speed and altitude entries on user interface fields are 7 km/sec for max speed and 1,000 km for altitude. These limits permit analysis at Mach numbers greater than 20 at any altitude less than 350 Kft and greater than 10 at 500 Kft (temperature starts increasing rapidly above 350 Kft, which leads to increasing speed of sound). The limits have been selected to preclude orbital flight conditions - flying "straight and level" at the max velocity at max altitude results in a load factor relative to sea level force of gravity of about 0.38 g.
  • Aviator now has a rich API via the STK Object Model. You can use the API to automatically configure a mission and generate routes. You can also access the Aviator Catalog to automatically configure aircraft and other catalog items. Documentation and code snippets for Aviator have been included in the STK Programming Help, as wells as, several example scripts in the install.
  • Enhancements have been made to the Advanced Fixed Wing tool for easier calibrations of the performance models to known aircraft performance.
    • The fuel calibration for the empirical powerplant models includes an option to specify the TSFC at a specified operating point.
    • Thrust Required and TSFC contours are provided on the Flight Envelope alongside the existing Thrust Available, Fuel Flow, and Specific Range contours to facilitate the calibration activity.
  • Added the Aviator Atmosphere model to the MATLAB aeroToolbox. This makes it simple to use the model within scripts or other free-form MATLAB activities.
  • Added a Lambert Midcourse guidance strategy to the Aviator Prop Nav feature. This strategy generates and updates the trajectory as the geometry and target/interceptor speeds evolve in order to command a zero G flyout. You can specify maneuverability limitations and make use of target acceleration models similar to the standard 3D Guidance strategy. The existing 3D guidance strategy has several simple ballistic shaping modes and this new strategy is considered a major high fidelity upgrade to that capability.


  • EOIR now has a thin layer cloud modeling approach that is accessible through Connect commands or a GUI. The cloud model is extremely flexible with inputs for multiple time-dynamic layers and cloud characteristics such as percent cloud cover, temperature, emissivity, and radiance. The model allows for integration with community standard cloud modeling file, which can also be displayed in STK's 3D Graphics window.
  • STK EOIR has undergone a major architectural overhaul for STK 12. This capability has moved from a UI plugin architecture to be part of the core STK. This has improved performance and will enable future improvements to usability, computational calculations as well as better integration with STK's object model and Connect API's and integration with Analyzer for trade studies.

Communications and Radar

  • STK now supports import of ffd format complex data antenna gain patterns. These patterns may be produced by ANSYS HFSS program. The antenna data file may have multiple gain patterns. Each gain pattern corresponds to a different frequency. STK will first search for the pattern with a frequency closer to the signal frequency and will use that pattern to compute the link or graphics gain values.
  • Cosecant Squared (gain pattern) antenna model has been updated to offer an option for the sidelobe type. Users may choose from a constant value sidelobe or Parabolic, Square Horn or Sinc type patterns.
  • Antenna, Transmitter, Receiver, Radar, and vehicle RCS contour lines now display on top of terrain in 3D when not displayed at altitude.


  • STK 12 adds the ability to include 3DTileset geometry (e.g., massive city models, photogrammetry, etc) computationally in your analysis. A new constraint, 3DTiles Mask, has been added to the Facility, Target, and Place objects, as well as all vehicle types. This allows for 3D Tileset geometry to obstruct visibility when computing access. 3D Titleset hosted in GCS, Cesium ion or from the local filesystem, can all be used for analysis with this new constraint.
  • The Access Configuration data provider has been expanded to report more computational settings, including the set of constraints used in the computation and the set of ignored constraints.
  • Accesses now (by default) save their derived data (i.e., satisfaction intervals) when the Scenario is saved so that the Access need not be recomputed on Scenario load. Previously, only the definitional data for Accesses were saved and the access computations were performed during Scenario load. Each Access stores a setting (Saved Computed Data) that controls this behavior. Simply using the loaded derived data and avoiding recomputation usually produces the correct results; however, if the objects involved in an Access were separately saved, apart from the Scenario, then the derived data could be out-of-sync with the object’s data and a recomputation would produced different results than were loaded. In such a case, set the Access to not save its derived data. Default behavior can be controlled using settings on the Access Defaults tab of Edit->Preferences.
  • Reporting Connect commands (e.g., ReportCreate, Report_RM, GraphCreate, etc) now work for Access objects using an Access instance path of the form */Access/accessObjectPaths where accessObjectPaths is the name of the Access as formatted in the Report tool (e.g. Facility-Facility1-To-Satellite-Satellite1).


  • Architectural changes have been made to Astrogator to support improved product interoperability with ODTK, specifically to the following areas:

    • Astrogator engine models and related constructions have been refactored.
    • Astrogator maneuver pointing/attitude definitions and related constructions have been refactored.

    Associated plugin interfaces have been relocated and user code will require updates to account for these adjustments.

  • Astrogator maneuver pointing/attitude related attributes have been consolidated into a 'Pointing' scope. Maneuver thrusting related attributes have been consolidated into a 'Thrusting' scope. All related previous attribute paths have been deprecated. While backward compatibility steps have been introduced to mitigate disruption, it is recommended that any scripting utilities that utilize maneuver attributes be updated to use the new scopes (this includes, primarily, Astrogator scripting tool instances as well as Astrogator Connect scripts).
  • A calculation object to compute the CR3BP Jacobi constant has been added to the Astrogator - MultiBody calculation object set. This calculation object is valid only for Astrogator satellites propagated with an appropriately configured CR3BP propagator.
  • Pi has been added as a constant in the Component Browser.
  • Astrogator satellites now save pass data in the same way other propagators do to improve load performance.
  • Save/Load performance has been greatly improved for long duration scenarios that contain many segments.

General Astro

  • Vehicles and ground objects (Facilities/Targets/Places) can now do lighting computations that include the effects of terrain.
  • Updated rotational elements have been included for the following solar system bodies in accordance with the 2015 IAU report on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: Ceres, Deimos, Mars, Mercury, Neptune and Phobos. The updating of the rotational elements effects an update of the transformation between the central body-fixed and inertial reference frames for the affected bodies.
  • STK now allows the time of the first attitude data point to be overridden with a user-specified value. This behavior is parallel to a similar feature in the StkExternal Orbit Propagator.
  • The analytic elements for the major planets have been updated to match the paper "Keplerian Elements for approximate positions of the Major planets," available on a JPL website. The paper contains two tables of elements; the values from the 1800-2050 table has been used.
  • The following parameters defined in the Sun.cb file have been updated:

    In each case, the values have not changed substantially and differences with respect to previous STK versions should be considered as noise.

    • the Gravitational parameter for the Sun now matches the DE430 value (the same value currently used by JPL/Horizons)
    • the Sun's radius matches the nominal solar radius defined by IAU 2015 Resolution B3
    • the Sun's luminosity matches the nominal solar luminosity defined by IAU 2015 Resolution B3. In addition, the length of the astronomical unit has been updated to match the value defined by IAU 2012 Resolution B2.

Analysis Workbench

  • A Scalar Calculation that computes the dot product between two vectors has been created in the Calculation Tool. The user has the option of normalizing the vector prior to evaluating the dot product.

Parallel Computing

  • The product previously known as Scalability Extension now has a new name: STK Parallel Computing Server.
  • The Parallel Cluster Option is now a feature of the STK Parallel Computing Server.


  • A new Figure of Merit, System Age Of Data, has been added. This new metric measures the time elapsed since a Coverage grid point has been seen where simulated collection of grid points is subject to the same sequence of Command-Collect-Downlink events as are used in the System Response Time.

3D Graphics

  • The default terrain texture cache size for new scenarios has been increased from 64 MB to 128 MB.
  • glTF 3D model load time has been improved.
  • glTF 3D models can now take advantage of the KHR_materials_clearcoat extension.
  • STK now includes support for the SteamVR/OpenVR library, which allows compatible Virtual Reality headsets like HTC Vive, HTC Cosmos, and Valve Index to be used natively within STK.


  • The following STK default options have been changed in STK 12:

    • STK now is full screened when started or when a new scenario is created
    • All vehicles use a line width of two (2) pixels for groundtracks and orbits/trajectories/routes.
    • The default star collection has been modified to be Hipparcos with a maximum magnitude of 8.
  • The Connect Java, Perl, and C++ samples have been moved from the /Connect to /CodeSamples/CodeSamples.zip

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