
In this article, I will share my knowledge of authenticating node.js server using passport.js and also a little stuff about protected routes and handle unauthorized requests.


I am using the following things.


  • Node.jsNode.js
  • Express.jsExpress.js
  • passport.js护照
  • JWT智威汤逊

This article just gives you the basic understanding of authenticating users with passport.js and has nothing to relate with schema designing or other concepts using in node server.


The below paragraph is taken from the official website of passport.js


Passport is authentication middleware for Node.js. Extremely flexible and modular, Passport can be unobtrusively dropped into any Express-based web application. A comprehensive set of strategies support authentication using a username and password, Facebook, Twitter, and more.

Passport是Node.js的身份验证中间件。 Passport非常灵活和模块化,可以毫不费力地放入任何基于Express的Web应用程序中。 一套全面策略支持认证使用的用户名和密码 , Facebook的 , Twitter的 ,和更多 。

I will try to explain the whole thing in steps so that you guys can easily understand


第1步 (Step # 1)

Create an express application using express-generator to create a project by using the following command in command prompt.


express [project-name]

then cd into your project folder and open it in your favorite code editor mine is VS code Run the following command to install dependencies.

然后cd到您的项目文件夹中,并在您最喜欢的代码编辑器中将其打开。我的代码是VS code。运行以下命令以安装依赖项。

npm install

第2步 (Step # 2)

The project is set up and the next thing that we have to do is install passport.js


We have to install a passport and passport-local using the following command at the root of the project directory


npm install passport passport-local --save

passport-local is a passport strategy for authenticating with username and password.


By plugging into the passport this module allow us to authenticate the user with username and password.


步骤#3 (Step # 3)

Once passport and passport-local was installed the next step is to require it into your project


The project which we created previously has an app.js file and before using the routes that are using passport you have to require a passport and integrate it.


passport.use(new LocalStrategy({usernameField: 'username',passwordField: 'password'
}, User.authenticate()));

If you use mongoose then you also have to install passport-local-mongoose and add it in your user schema


const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const passportLocalMongoose = require('passport-local-mongoose');const User = new Schema({username: {type: String,required: true,},email: {type: String,required: true}
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', User);

You are free to define your User schema in a way you like passport-local-mongoose add a username, hash, and salt field to store the username, hashed password, and salt values within your user schema.


Passport attaches the profile information to req.user and this occurs as a result of the serializeUser() and deserializeUser() functions. Passport.serialize and passport.deserialize are used to set id as a cookie in the user’s browser and to get the id from the cookie when it then used to get user info in a callback.

Passport将配置文件信息附加到req.user,这是由serializeUser()和deserializeUser()函数导致的。 Passport.serialize和passport.deserialize用于在用户浏览器中将id设置为cookie,并在随后用于在回调中获取用户信息时从cookie获取id。

After initializing the passport the next step is to make the APIs for registration of user or login user.


第4步 (Step # 4)

I am making the separate file for the user route and import in app.js and pass it to app.use after initializing the passport.


let usersRouter = require('./routes/users');
passport.use(new LocalStrategy({
usernameField: 'username',
passwordField: 'password'
}, User.authenticate()));
app.use('/users', usersRouter);

The user routes file is looking like this


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const userHandler = require('../handlers/users');router.route('/register').post(userHandler.register);
module.exports = router;

These two routes ‘/register’ and ‘/login’ are the basic that we discuss in this article. I have made the separate file for callback functions and require them as userHandler and pass it to routes.

这两个路由“ / register”和“ / login”是我们在本文中讨论的基础。 我为回调函数制作了单独的文件,并要求它们作为userHandler并将其传递给路由。

First, we discuss the Registration API


The register function in the handler file that is required in user routes and pass to ‘/register’ endpoint looks like this.

用户路由中需要的处理程序文件中的register函数,并传递给'/ register'端点,如下所示。

const auth = require('../common/auth');
exports.register = (req, res, next) => {User.register(new User({username: req.body.username,email: req.body.email}), req.body.password, (err, user) => {if (err) { return next(err);}auth.getData(user).then(data => {return res.json({success: 'success',data  });}).catch(err => {return next({ message: 'database error'});});});

User.register function is only available if you add passport-local-mongoose in the user schema and it will simply create a new user in the database or returns an error if the user with a given username already exists.


auth.getData is a function that takes the user data sealed it using Iron generate the JWT token and return the user data


const verify = require('../common/verify');
exports.getData = user => new Promise(async (resolve, reject)=>{try {const userData = {_id: user._id,username: user.username,email: user.email};const seal = await Iron.seal(userData, process.env.sealPassword,   Iron.defaults);const token = verify.getToken({ data: seal });return resolve({ token, user: userData });} catch (error) {return reject(error);}

The seal password must be saved somewhere locally usually we keep it in the .env file and not share with anyone ( must add .env file in .gitignore file )


verify.getToken function takes the sealed user and returns the JWT token which we send in the response of API call to be stored in Front end application and use further for accessing other private APIs.


const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
exports.getToken = function (user, expiresIn) {return jwt.sign(user, process.env.secretKey, {expiresIn: expiresIn || 3600

jsonwebtoken is also using a secret key to generate a token this secret key must be stored somewhere locally usually in the .env file.


This is all for user registration API. Run the server using

这全部用于用户注册API。 使用以下命令运行服务器

npm start

Make sure you have connected the database ( local or deployed somewhere ) Hit the following endpoint using postman or CURL


POST http://localhost:3000/users/register

also include username and password as a JSON object in a body and you will get the user data along with the JWT token.


For Login


The login call back in userHandler is written as


const auth = require('../common/auth');
const passport = require('passport');exports.login = (req, res, next) => {passport.authenticate(`local`, (err, user, info) => {if (err) {return next({ message: 'database error});}if (info) {return next({ message: info.message });}if (!user) {return next({ message: 'No user found'});}req.logIn(user, err => {if (err) {return next({ message: 'databse error'});}auth.getData(user).then(data => {return res.json({success: 'success',data});}).catch(err => {return next({ message: 'database error', data: err });});
})(req, res, next);

Passport. authenticate first param is a strategy that we use, in this case, it is local’

护照。 验证第一个参数是我们使用的策略,在这种情况下,它是本地的”

and it returns the user in a callback which is used by our auth.getData function to generate a token and return as a response to Front end application.


I have tried to keep the article as simple as I can but if you guys still have some confusion or questions please refer to the following git repository


Github链接 (Github Link)

If you find any error please report.




翻译自: https://medium.com/@talhanousher/node-js-authentication-using-passport-js-226839952a46




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