If you often create or toggle alarms on your iPhone or iPad, there are two quick ways to do it without having to hunt for the Clock app on your Home screen. Here’s how to use them.

如果您经常在iPhone或iPad上创建或切换闹钟,则有两种快速的方法可以执行此操作,而不必在主屏幕上寻找Clock应用程序。 这是使用方法。

使用Siri设置闹钟 (Set an Alarm with Siri)

By far, the quickest way to set an alarm on your iPhone or iPad is by asking Siri to do it for you.


First, launch Siri by holding your side button or Home button (or you can say “Hey Siri” if you have that set that up). Then speak aloud something like “Wake me up tomorrow at 9 a.m.” Siri will confirm and create the alarm for you. You could also say, “Create an alarm for 7:46 p.m.,” and that would work as well.

首先,按住侧面按钮或“主页”按钮启动Siri(或者, 如果设置了此按钮,则可以说“ Hey Siri”)。 然后大声说出“明天早上9点叫我起床”之类的声音,Siri将为您确认并创建警报。 您还可以说“在晚上7:46创建警报”,这也可以正常工作。

(If you want to set an “alarm” for more than a day ahead, you’ll have to create a reminder instead—and Siri can do that, too.)

(如果您想在一天之前设置“警报”,则必须创建一个提醒,而 Siri也可以这样做。)

使用控制中心快捷方式设置警报 (Set an Alarm with a Control Center Shortcut)

Here’s another cool way to quickly set an alarm: you can add a shortcut to your alarm settings in Control Center. To do so, visit Settings > Control Center, then locate the “Alarm” item and add it to the “Include” list with a single tap.

这是快速设置警报的另一种很酷的方法:您可以在Control Center中为警报设置添加快捷方式 。 为此,请访问“设置”>“控制中心”,然后单击“警报”项并将其添加到“包含”列表中。

The next time you launch Control Center, you’ll see an icon that looks like an alarm clock. Tap it, and you’ll be taken straight to the alarms page in the Clock app. Very handy.

下次启动Control Center时,您会看到一个类似于闹钟的图标。 点按它,您将直接进入“时钟”应用程序中的“警报”页面。 非常便利。

奖励:使用快捷方式设置或切换警报 (Bonus: Set or Toggle an Alarm using Shortcuts)

It’s also possible to create a shortcut to set or toggle an alarm using the Shortcuts app and access it using the Shortcuts widget in Today View. The only downside? Setting up Shortcuts can be tricky. Still, it’s a powerful option if you have the need to repeatedly create or enable/disable alarms quickly.

也可以使用“快捷方式”应用程序创建快捷方式来设置或切换警报,并使用“今日视图”中的“ 快捷方式”小部件进行访问。 唯一的缺点? 设置快捷方式可能很棘手 。 但是,如果您需要快速重复创建或启用/禁用警报,它是一个强大的选择。

Good luck—hope you wake up on time!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681008/the-two-quickest-ways-to-set-an-alarm-on-iphone-or-ipad/


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