正则表达式作为模式匹配,经常用于查找/替换操作的特定字符串。使用正则表达式来简化操作和提高效率的方式有许多。下面列出了一个用于ultra - edit样式和unix样式正则表达式的参考以及一些示例,演示如何在ultra - edit中使用正则表达式

Regular Expressions in UltraEdit

UltraEdit Symbol

UNIX Symbol




Matches/anchors the beginning of line.  行首



Matches/anchors the end of line. 行尾



Matches any single character except a newline character. Does not match repeated newlines. 单个字符


Matches any number of occurrences of any character except newline. 0-n个字符



Matches one or more of the preceding character/expression. At least one occurrence of the character must be found. Does not match repeated newlines. 1-n个字符



Matches the preceding character/expression zero or more times. Does not match repeated newlines.



Indicates the next character has a special meaning. "n" on its own matches the character "n". "^n" (UE expressions) or "\n" (UNIX expressions) matches a linefeed or newline character. 转义符.

[ ]

[ ]

Matches any single character or range in the brackets. 括弧内匹配一个或某个范围的单字符



A negative character set. Matches any characters NOT between brackets.括弧内匹配除这个或这个范围的单字符



Matches a page break/form feed character.分页符



Matches a newline (CR/LF) (paragraph) (DOS Files). DOS换行符



Matches a newline (CR Only) (paragraph) (MAC Files).MAC换行符



Matches a newline (LF Only) (paragraph) (UNIX Files).UNIX换行符



Matches a tab character.制表符



Matches a digit character.一个数字



Matches a non-digit character.除了数字的符号

[ ^t^b]


Matches any white space including space, tab, form feed, etc., but not newline. 空格

[~ ^t^b]


Matches any non-white space character but not newline. 非空格(除换行)


Matches a vertical tab character.垂直制表符



Matches any alphanumeric character including underscore. 一个标识符



Matches any character except alphanumeric characters and underscore. 非标识符



Matches expression A OR B. 分支(A或B)



Overrides the following regular expression character.



Brackets or tags an expression to use in the replace command. A regular expression may have up to 9 tagged expressions, numbered according to their order in the regular expression. 子组



Numerical reference to tagged expressions. Text matched with tagged expressions may be used in Replace commands with this format. 反向引用子组的匹配值

Note: ^ refers to the character '^' NOT Control Key + value.     ^是一个字符,不是Ctrl键

使用样例(UltraEdit/UNIX Regular Expression Examples)

简单字符串匹配(Simple String Matching)


UltraEdit RegExp:

Find What: m?n
Matches: "man" and "men" but not "moon"

Find What: t*t
Matches: "test", "tonight" and "tea time" (the "tea t" portion) but not "tea
time" (newline between "tea " and "time").

Find What: Te+st
Matches: "test", "teest", "teeeest", etc. but does not match "tst"

UNIX RegExp:

Find What: m.n
Matches: "man" and "men" but not "moon"

Find What: t.*t
Matches: "test", "tonight" and "tea time" (the "tea t" portion) but not "tea
time" (newline between "tea " and "time").

Find What: Te+st
Matches: "test", "teest", "teeeest", etc. but does not match "tst"

Character Sets

A character set is a group of characters bounded by "[" and "]". These may be used to designate specific characters to be matched or ranges (i.e. [aeud], or [a-z]).

UltraEdit RegExp:

Find What: [aeiou]
Matches: every vowel

NOTE: Regular Expressions in UltraEdit are not case-sensitive unless Match Case is selected in the Find dialog.

Find What: [,.^?]
Matches: a literal ",", "." or "?".

Because the "?" is a symbol used in expressions it must be "escaped" for the literal character to be matched rather than interpreted as an expression.

Find What: [0-9a-z]
Matches: any digit or letter

Find What: [~0-9]
Matches: any character except a digit (~ means NOT the following)

UNIX RegExp:

Find What: [aeiou]
Matches: every vowel

Find What: [,\.?]
Matches: a literal ",", "." or "?".
Because the "." is a symbol used in expressions it must be "escaped" for the literal character to be matched rather than interpreted as an expression.

Find What: [0-9a-z]
Matches: any digit or letter

Find What: [^0-9]
Matches: any character except a digit (^ means NOT the following)

OR Expressions

Currently UltraEdit only allows for the specification of two operands for an OR expression. You may search for an expression A or B as follows:

UltraEdit RegExp:

Find What: ^{John^}^{Tom^}

UNIX RegExp:

Find What: (John|Tom)

There should be nothing between the two expressions. You may combine A or B and C or D in the same search as follows:

UltraEdit RegExp:

Find What: ^{John^}^{Tom^} ^{Smith^}^{Jones^}

UNIX RegExp:

Find What: (John|Tom) (Smith|Jone)

This will search for "John" or "Tom" followed by "Smith" or "Jones".

Deleting Blank Lines

With Regular Expressions selected in the Replace dialog this will match the a CR/LF (DOS line terminator) immediately followed by the end of a line (i.e., a blank line) and replace it with nothing, effectively deleting it:

UltraEdit RegExp:

Find What: ^p$
Replace With: (literally nothing)

UNIX RegExp:

Find What: \p$
Replace With: (literally nothing)

Reformatting Text With Tagged Expressions

Example 1:

Tagged expressions may be used to mark various data members so that they may be reorganized, reformatting the data. For example, it might be useful to be able to rearrange:

John Smith, 385 Central Ave., Cincinnati, OH, 45238


45238, Smith, John, 385 Central Ave., Cincinnati, OH

UltraEdit RegExp:

Find What: %^([a-z]+^) ^([a-z]+^), ^(*^), ^(*^), ^(*^), ^([0-9]+^)
Replace With: ^6, ^2, ^1, ^3, ^4, ^5

UNIX RegExp:

Find What: ^([a-z]+) ([a-z]+), (.*), (.*), (.*), ([0-9]+)
Replace With: \6, \2, \1, \3, \4, \5

Example 2:

If you have a web-based registration system it might be useful to rearrange the order data into a format easily used by a database:

name = John Smith
address1 = 385 Central Ave.
address2 = 
city = Cincinnati
state = OH
zip = 45238


John Smith, 385 Central Ave.,, Cincinnati, OH, 45238,

This can be done with the following expression:

UltraEdit RegExp:

Find What: name = ^([a-z ]+^)^paddress1 = ^([a-z 0-9.,]+^)^paddress2 = ^([a-z 0-9.,]++^)^pcity = ^([a-z]+^)^pstate = ^([a-z]+^)^pzip = ^([0-9^-]+^)
Replace With:^1, ^2, ^3, ^4, ^5, ^6

UNIX RegExp:

Find What: name = ([a-z ]+)\paddress1 = ([a-z 0-9.,]+)\paddress2 = ([a-z 0-9.,]*)\pcity = ([a-z]+)\pstate = ([a-z]+)\pzip = ([0-9^-]+)
Replace With:\1, \2, \3, \4, \5, \6

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