macos 是什么键

Power naps aren’t just something that happens after a heavy lunch or a long morning working in the yard. Macs also employ a feature called Power Nap that keeps your system and apps updated while your Mac is in sleep mode.

打ps睡不仅是在院子里吃了一顿丰盛的午餐或一个漫长的早晨后发生的事情。 Mac还采用了一项称为Power Nap的功能,可在Mac处于睡眠模式时保持系统和应用程序的更新。

小睡会做什么 (What Power Nap Does)

Power Nap has been a macOS feature for a few years now. Its functions will vary depending on whether your Mac is connected to AC power or on battery.

几年来,Power Nap已经成为macOS的功能。 其功能会因Mac连接到交流电源还是电池而异。

Some activities occur regardless of power state, including:


  • Contacts, Notes, iCloud Documents, Photo Stream, and Reminders are updated when you make changes on you other devices.在其他设备上进行更改时,联系人,便笺,iCloud文档,照片流和提醒会更新。
  • You will receive new messages in Mail.您将在邮件中收到新消息。
  • Calendars will be updated with new invitations and events.日历将使用新的邀请和事件进行更新。
  • You can track the location of your Mac so Find My Mac works while it sleeps.您可以跟踪Mac的位置,以便“查找我的Mac”在睡眠时可以工作。

Some Power Nap activities happen only if your Mac is plugged in, including:

仅当插入Mac时,才会发生某些Power Nap活动,包括:

  • Downloading software updates and Mac App Store updates下载软件更新和Mac App Store更新
  • Time Machine backupsTime Machine备份
  • Spotlight indexing聚光灯索引
  • Updating Help Center content更新帮助中心内容

Many of these activities are performed on an hourly basis. Time Machine backups are attempted every hour until successfully completed. Software updates are checked every day, while Mac App Store updates are checked weekly

其中许多活动都是每小时进行一次。 每小时尝试进行Time Machine备份,直到成功完成。 每天检查软件更新,而每周检查Mac App Store更新

Of the apps that update, only Mail and Notes have to be open.


如何启用和调整电源小睡(如果您的Mac支持) (How to Enable and Tweak Power Nap (if Your Mac Supports It))

If you own a Mac that was manufactured in the last 5 years or so, then chances are pretty good it will support Power Nap. The easiest way to check however, is to simply open your Energy Saver settings.

如果您拥有最近5年左右制造的Mac,则很有可能支持Power Nap。 但是,最简单的检查方法是打开“节能器”设置。

The Power Nap feature will be the last option. If you don’t see it, then your Mac doesn’t support Power Nap.

Power Nap功能将是最后一个选项。 如果看不到,则说明您的Mac不支持Power Nap。

If you’re using a Mac laptop, then Power Nap must be configured per your machine’s power state using the tabs along the top, either battery-powered…

如果您使用的是Mac笔记本电脑,则必须使用顶部的选项卡(使用电池供电)按照计算机的电源状态配置Power Nap。

…or connected to AC power.


Power Nap is silent, so your Mac won’t exhibit any sounds when things update. You Mac may stay warm to the touch, though Power Nap will suspend operations before your machine overheats.

Power Nap静音,因此您的Mac在更新时不会显示任何声音。 尽管Power Nap会在机器过热之前暂停操作,但您的Mac可能会保持温暖。

For Mac laptops that were manufactured in 2013 or later, Power Nap will continue to operate until the battery is drained. Earlier models will suspend Power Nap once the battery has reached 30% or lower.

对于2013年或以后生产的Mac笔记本电脑,Power Nap将继续运行直到电池耗尽。 电池电量不足30%或更低时,较早的型号将暂停Power Nap。

If you have concerns over how quickly your MacBook consumes battery, then it may be because Power Nap is running while your Mac is on battery. We recommend you disconnect any externally connected devices that might draw power, or turn off Power Nap if you’re willing to forego those features.

如果您担心MacBook的电池消耗速度有多快,则可能是因为Mac电池在运行时Power Nap正在运行。 我们建议您断开所有可能会耗电的外部连接设备,或者如果您愿意放弃这些功能,请关闭电源小睡。

It’s probably a good idea to disable Power Nap when you’re on battery power, especially if you’re going on a business trip or vacation and you’re not going to be near a power source for extended periods of time. Otherwise, it’s perfectly acceptable to leave it enabled when plugged in.

当您使用电池供电时,禁用Power Nap可能是一个好主意,尤其是在出差或度假且长时间不使用电源的情况下。 否则,完全可以接受插入时启用它。


macos 是什么键

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