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1 /// 2 ///用MailMessage通过需要认证的SMTP服务器发送邮件,可以发送附件3 /// 4 /// 发件箱地址,例:myaccount@163.com5 /// 发件箱登录密码6 /// 收件箱地址,多个地址使用";"隔开,例:youraccount@sina.com7 /// 抄送地址,多个地址使用";"隔开,例:hisaccount@QQ.com8 /// 邮件主题,例:MailTest9 /// 邮件内容,例:Hello10 /// 发件箱所在的SMTP服务器,例:smtp.163.com11 public void NetSendMail(string frmAddress, string password, string toAddress, string copyTo, string mailSubject, string mailContent, string mailserver)

12 {

13 ///添加发件人地址14 MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage();

15 mailMsg.From = new MailAddress(frmAddress);

16 ///添加收件人地址17 string split = ";";

18 string[] toList = toAddress.Trim().Split(split.ToCharArray());

19 for (int i = 0; i < toList.Length; i++)

20 {

21 mailMsg.To.Add(toList[i].Trim());

22 }


24 ///添加抄送地址25 string[] ccList = copyTo.Trim().Split(split.ToCharArray());

26 for (int i = 0; i < ccList.Length; i++)

27 {

28 if (ccList[i].Trim().Length > 0)

29 {

30 mailMsg.CC.Add(ccList[i].Trim());

31 }

32 }


34 ///添加邮件主题35 mailMsg.Subject = mailSubject.Trim();

36 mailMsg.SubjectEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;


38 ///添加邮件内容39 mailMsg.Body = mailContent;

40 mailMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

41 mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true; //正文是否为html样式42

43 ///添加邮件附件44 HttpFileCollection fileList = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;

45 for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)

46 { ///添加单个附件47 HttpPostedFile file = fileList[i];

48 if (file.FileName.Length <= 0 || file.ContentLength <= 0)

49 {

50 break;

51 }

52 string path = Server.MapPath("~/FileUpload/"); //附件保存在程序所在的目录FileUpload下53 string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

54 file.SaveAs(path + name);

55 mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(file.FileName));

56 }

57 try

58 {

59 //实例化SmtpClient邮件发送类对象60 SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(mailserver, 25); //大部分smtp服务器的端口是2561 //设置用于验证发件人身份的凭据62 client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(frmAddress, password);

63 //发送邮件64 client.Send(mailMsg);

65 Response.Write("");

66 }

67 catch

68 {

69 Response.Write("");

70 }

71 }


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1 /// 2 ///用CDO组件通过需要认证的SMTP服务器发送邮件。3 ///添加cdosys.dll引用,可以在系统目录(如c:\winnt或c:\windows)的system32子目录中找到它(cdosys.dll)。4 /// 5 /// 发件箱地址,例:myaccount@163.com6 /// 发件箱登录密码7 /// 收件箱地址,多个地址使用";"隔开,例:youraccount@sina.com8 /// 抄送地址,多个地址使用";"隔开,例:hisaccount@QQ.com9 /// 邮件主题,例:MailTest10 /// 邮件内容,例:Hello11 /// 发件箱所在的SMTP服务器,例:smtp.163.com12 public void CDOSendMail(string frmAddress, string password, string toAddress, string copyTo, string mailSubject, string mailContent, string mailserver)

13 {

14 try

15 {

16 CDO.Message oMsg = new CDO.Message();


18 oMsg.From = frmAddress; //添加发件人19

20 oMsg.To = toAddress; //多人用“;”,“,”分开,自动识别,21

22 oMsg.CC = copyTo;

23 oMsg.Subject = mailSubject;

24 oMsg.HTMLBody = "

" + mailContent + "";

25 CDO.IConfiguration iConfg = oMsg.Configuration;

26 ADODB.Fields oFields = iConfg.Fields;


28 oFields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing"].Value = 2;

29 oFields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendemailaddress"].Value = frmAddress;

30 oFields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpaccountname"].Value = toAddress;

31 oFields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername"].Value = frmAddress;

32 oFields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword"].Value = password;

33 oFields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate"].Value = 1;

34 //value=0 代表Anonymous验证方式(不需要验证)35 //value=1 代表Basic验证方式(使用basic (clear-text) authentication.36 //The configuration sendusername/sendpassword or postusername/postpassword fields are used to specify credentials.)37 //Value=2 代表NTLM验证方式(Secure Password Authentication in Microsoft Outlook Express)38 oFields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/languagecode"].Value = 0x0804;

39 oFields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver"].Value = mailserver;


41 oFields.Update();

42 oMsg.BodyPart.Charset = "gb2312";

43 oMsg.HTMLBodyPart.Charset = "gb2312";



46 //添加邮件附件47 HttpFileCollection fileList = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;

48 for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)

49 { ///添加单个附件50 HttpPostedFile file = fileList[i];

51 if (file.FileName.Length <= 0 || file.ContentLength <= 0)

52 {

53 break;

54 }

55 string path = Server.MapPath("~/FileUpload/"); //附件保存在程序所在的目录FileUpload下56 string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

57 file.SaveAs(path + name);

58 oMsg.AddAttachment(file.FileName);

59 }


61 oMsg.Send();

62 oMsg = null;

63 }

64 catch (Exception e)

65 {

66 throw e;

67 }

68 }


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1 /// 2 ///用JMail组件发送邮件。3 ///添加jmail.dll引用4 /// 5 /// 发件箱地址,例:myaccount@163.com6 /// 发件箱登录密码7 /// 收件箱地址,多个地址使用";"隔开,例:youraccount@sina.com8 /// 抄送地址,多个地址使用";"隔开,例:hisaccount@QQ.com9 /// 邮件主题,例:MailTest10 /// 邮件内容,例:Hello11 /// 发件箱所在的SMTP服务器,例:smtp.163.com12 public bool JMailSendMail(string frmAddress, string password, string toAddress, string copyTo, string mailSubject, string mailContent, string mailserver)

13 {

14 try

15 {

16 MessageClass jmMessage = new MessageClass();

17 jmMessage.Charset = "gb2312";

18 jmMessage.ISOEncodeHeaders = false; //信头编码iso-8859-1字符集19 jmMessage.Encoding = "base64"; //附件的编码格式20 //jmMessage.ContentType = "text/html";//正文类型,去掉,否则正文出现乱码21

22 jmMessage.MailServerUserName = frmAddress; //发件箱登录名23 jmMessage.MailServerPassWord = password; //发件箱密码24

25 jmMessage.From = frmAddress; //发件箱26

27 jmMessage.Subject = mailSubject;

28 jmMessage.Body = mailContent;


30 //回执,当对方阅读了邮件后提醒是否发送回执31 jmMessage.ReturnReceipt = true;

32 jmMessage.AddNativeHeader("Disposition-Notification-To", frmAddress);//回执接受人的邮件地址33 34 //收件箱35 string split = ";";

36 string[] toList = toAddress.Trim().Split(split.ToCharArray());

37 for (int i = 0; i < toList.Length; i++)

38 {

39 jmMessage.AddRecipient(toList[i].Trim(), "", "");

40 }


42 //抄送43 string[] coList = copyTo.Trim().Split(split.ToCharArray());

44 for (int i = 0; i < coList.Length; i++)

45 {

46 jmMessage.AddRecipientCC(coList[i].Trim(), "", "");

47 }


49 ///添加邮件附件50 HttpFileCollection fileList = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;

51 for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)

52 { ///添加单个附件53 HttpPostedFile file = fileList[i];

54 if (file.FileName.Length <= 0 || file.ContentLength <= 0)

55 {

56 break;

57 }

58 string path = Server.MapPath("~/FileUpload/"); //附件保存在程序所在的目录FileUpload下59 string name=System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

60 file.SaveAs(path + name);

61 jmMessage.AddAttachment(file.FileName);

62 }


64 if (jmMessage.Send(mailserver, false))

65 {

66 return true;

67 }

68 else

69 {

70 return false;

71 }

72 }

73 catch (Exception)

74 {


76 throw;

77 }

78 }

对于JMail组件,通常我们遇到的错误是:'The message was undeliverable. All servers failed to receive the message ',这其实是JMAIL返回的错误,并不是ASP代码产生的,根本原因是MAIL SERVER拒绝了JMAIL的请求.

究其原因,是那些服务器不提供SMTP服务或者没有开启smtp服务;或是在服务器端开启了'禁止邮件中继服务'选项,也就是说不在其允许的IP段或指定范围内的空间里的程序是无法使用其SMTP服务的。解决方案:使用支持smtp的邮件服务器. 使用支持外来jmail申请验证身份,发送邮件的邮件服务器。 最好:使用自己的待遇smtp功能的企业邮局。因为外面的免费的邮局可能会有一些特殊设置,不如防止垃圾邮件,防止盗用邮件身份等等!




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