


public static URL[] search(ClassLoader cl, String prefix, String suffix)
   throws IOException {
  Enumeration[] e = new Enumeration[] { cl.getResources(prefix),
    cl.getResources(prefix + "MANIFEST.MF") };
  Set all = new LinkedHashSet();
  URL url;
  URLConnection conn;
  JarFile jarFile;
  for (int i = 0, s = e.length; i < s; ++i) {
   while (e[i].hasMoreElements()) {
    url = (URL) e[i].nextElement();
    conn = url.openConnection();
    if (conn instanceof JarURLConnection) {
     jarFile = ((JarURLConnection) conn).getJarFile();
    } else {
     jarFile = getAlternativeJarFile(url);
    if (jarFile != null) {
     searchJar(cl, all, jarFile, prefix, suffix);
    } else {
     boolean searchDone = searchDir(all, new File(URLDecoder
       .decode(url.getFile(), "UTF-8")), suffix);
     if (searchDone == false) {
      searchFromURL(all, prefix, suffix, url);
  return (URL[]) all.toArray(new URL[all.size()]);

private static boolean searchDir(Set result, File file, String suffix)
   throws IOException {
  if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) {
   File[] fc = file.listFiles();
   String path;
   for (int i = 0; i < fc.length; i++) {
    path = fc[i].getAbsolutePath();
    if (fc[i].isDirectory()) {
     searchDir(result, fc[i], suffix);
    } else if (path.endsWith(suffix)) {
   return true;
  return false;




  • 简单的资源导航
  • 访问者模式的API


public final class VirtualFile implements Serializable{

     * Get the simple VF name (X.java)
     * @return the simple file name
    public String getName();

     * Get the simple VF name mapped to lowercase (x.java) (used by case-insensitive filesystems like ZIP).
     * @return the lowercase simple file name
    public String getLowerCaseName();

     * Get the absolute VFS full path name (/xxx/yyy/foo.ear/baz.jar/org/jboss/X.java)
     * @return the VFS full path name
    public String getPathName();

     * Get the path name relative to a parent virtual file.  If the given virtual file is not a parent of
     * this virtual file, then an {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
     * @param parent the parent virtual file
     * @return the relative path name as a string
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given virtual file is not a parent of this virtual file
    public String getPathNameRelativeTo(VirtualFile parent) throws IllegalArgumentException ;

     * Get the absolute VFS full path name. If this is a URL then directory entries will have a trailing slash.
     * @param url whether or not this path is being used for a URL
     * @return the VFS full path name
    String getPathName(boolean url);

     * When the file was last modified
     * @return the last modified time
    public long getLastModified();

     * Get the size
     * @return the size
    public long getSize();

     * Tests whether the underlying implementation file still exists.
     * @return true if the file exists, false otherwise.
    public boolean exists();

     * Determines whether this virtual file represents a true root of a file system.
     * On UNIX, there is only one root "/". Howevever, on Windows there are an infinite
     * number of roots that correspond to drives, or UNC paths.
     * @return {@code true} if this represents a root.
    public boolean isRoot();

     * Determine whether the named virtual file is a plain file.
     * @return {@code true} if it is a plain file, {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isFile();

     * Determine whether the named virtual file is a directory.
     * @return {@code true} if it is a directory, {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isDirectory() ;

     * Access the file contents.
     * @return an InputStream for the file contents.
     * @throws IOException for any error accessing the file system
    public InputStream openStream();

     * Delete this virtual file
     * @return {@code true} if file was deleted
    public boolean delete();

     * Get a physical file for this virtual file.  Depending on the underlying file system type, this may simply return
     * an already-existing file; it may create a copy of a file; or it may reuse a preexisting copy of the file.
     * Furthermore, the retured file may or may not have any relationship to other files from the same or any other
     * virtual directory.
     * @return the physical file
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while producing the physical file
    public File getPhysicalFile() ;

     * Get a {@code VirtualFile} which represents the parent of this instance.
     * @return the parent or {@code null} if there is no parent
    public VirtualFile getParent();

     * Get the children.  This is the combined list of real children within this directory, as well as virtual children
     * created by submounts.
     * @return the children
    public List<VirtualFile> getChildren();

     * Visit the virtual file system
     * @param visitor the visitor
     * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the virtual file system
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the visitor is null
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the file is closed
    public void visit(VirtualFileVisitor visitor) throws IOException;





public class VFS
 * Get the virtual file system for a root uri
 * @param rootURI the root URI
 * @return the virtual file system
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL is null
 static VFS getVFS(URI rootURI) throws IOException
 * Create new root
 * @param rootURI the root url
 * @return the virtual file
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL
 static VirtualFile createNewRoot(URI rootURI) throws IOException
 * Get the root virtual file
 * @param rootURI the root uri
 * @return the virtual file
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL is null
 static VirtualFile getRoot(URI rootURI) throws IOException
 * Get the virtual file system for a root url
 * @param rootURL the root url
 * @return the virtual file system
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL is null
 static VFS getVFS(URL rootURL) throws IOException
 * Create new root
 * @param rootURL the root url
 * @return the virtual file
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL
 static VirtualFile createNewRoot(URL rootURL) throws IOException
 * Get the root virtual file
 * @param rootURL the root url
 * @return the virtual file
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem accessing the VFS
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rootURL
 static VirtualFile getRoot(URL rootURL) throws IOException
 * Get the root file of this VFS
 * @return the root
 * @throws IOException for any problem accessing the VFS
 VirtualFile getRoot() throws IOException



你可以采用不同的方式来取得VFS的实例,比如getVFS, createNewRoot and getRoot









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