
Thank you!
Congratulations on deciding to take control of your future! Firstly, thank you for applying to be our ‘CEO for One Month’. At The Adecco Group, we strongly believe in the potential of youth and we are proud to help thousands of young people around the world.
Now that you have completed the online assessment stage, our local teams will take the necessary steps to determine which candidates move on to the next phase. You will hear from them within the coming weeks, so please keep an eye on your email inbox.
I want to be realistic in managing your expectations at this stage. Every year we receive thousands of applications in every country, and we can only bring a small percentage of candidates through to the next step in the selection process. But increasingly, we want to help everyone that applies and provide guidance to navigate your way to work. Regardless of the outcome, we hope this feedback report will be the start of that.
This report will give you some insight about your assessment results and offers some useful ways in which you can develop and grow key skills that The Adecco Group, and many other employers, know are important in future leaders such as yourself. We hope you find the feedback informative and most importantly, that it will help guide you in your future career.
Please make time to read the report, understand the results, and you will hear from our team very soon with more information about the next steps.
Once again, thank you and good luck! With best regards,
Shareena Hatta
Global Programme Head, ‘CEO for One Month’ & Youth Employability Solutions

Your profile
Situational Judgement Test
As part of your application you were asked to complete a situational judgement test. This measures various behavioural competencies essential for the ‘CEO for One Month’ role. This tells us about the way you prefer to work and helps us to understand how you might fit with the role. The results below give you an indication of your overall level of behavioural fit and how this might be expressed in a work situation. Your responses have been compared with a large group of people who completed a similar assessment.
Situational Judgement: Your Result
Your responses suggest that you have a moderate fit to this role. This may mean you are likely to display some of the right tendencies to thrive successfully in the role and the environment.

General Ability Test
Here we look at your general mental ability across three cognitive abilities (Inductive, Deductive and Numerical Reasoning). This provides an indication of how likely you are to perform on cognitively loaded tasks generally. For specific information about your strengths and weaknesses, please refer to the feedback for each of the three cognitive abilities included in this test.
Inductive Reasoning
This segment measures the ability to work with incomplete information and create solutions to problems using logical thinking. People who perform well on this aspect will have a greater capacity to think conceptually as well as analytically.
Inductive Reasoning: Your Result
Your performance on this area indicates that your inductive reasoning ability is average when compared to the comparison group. This suggests that you are likely to be as able as most at understanding incomplete information and solving novel problems by creating solutions from first principles.
Although you are likely to be as able as most in this skill area, you may be interested in things you can do to help improve these skills. Think about the opportunities you have in everyday life to challenge yourself in coming up with several alternative solutions to a problem. Before you make a decision, pause and think about whether you have sufficient information to make a logical rather than intuitive decision.

Deductive Reasoning

This part measures the ability to draw logical conclusions based on information provided, identify strengths and weaknesses of arguments, and complete scenarios using incomplete information.
Deductive Reasoning: Your Result
Above Average
Your performance on this area indicates that your deductive reasoning ability is above average when compared to the comparison group. This suggests that using sound logic to solve problems, strengthen arguments, and identify weaknesses in the propositions of others is likely to be a strength for you.
Although this skill area is likely to be a strength for you, you may be interested in things you can do to continue to improve these skills. Read an article from a respected newspaper and evaluate the logic used to get from the evidence to the conclusion. Think about if the writer has made any assumptions and how you could challenge their conclusions. The strength of an argument hinges upon whether a conclusion follows from the evidence.
Numerical Reasoning
This set of questions measures the ability to make correct decisions or inferences from numerical data. While understanding ‘textbook’ mathematics or formulas plays little to no role here, people who perform well on this aspect tend to have the capacity to understand numerical data and interpret mathematical information correctly.
Numerical Reasoning: Your Result
Your performance on this area indicates that your numerical ability is average when compared to the comparison group. This suggests that you are likely to be as able as most at understanding or interpreting numerical data and mathematical calculations.
Although you are likely to be as able as most in this skill area, you may be interested in things you can do to help improve these skills. Actively seek out any tables, charts or graphs that have been published in a journal article related to your area of expertise. Sit down and go through the numerical information, noting how the author has examined their data and captured it in a more comprehensible form. Check your understanding with an industry peer.

Personality Fit

This assessment looks at your preferred approach to work. In particular, the areas which are important for success in the ‘CEO for One Month’ role. People who are likely to be a good fit for this role will have natural tendencies suitable for success in this role.
Personality Fit: Your Result
Your responses suggest that your personality profile is moderately likely to fit this role. This may mean you are as likely as most to have natural preferences and tendencies which will allow you to thrive successfully in the role and the environment.

Additional Resources
Thank you again for applying to the ‘CEO for One Month’ initiative. We will contact you soon to confirm the status of your application.
In the meantime, there are some very useful free online resources to help you develop certain skills that are useful to virtually all employers. We’ve outlined some of the content below which you can access using the following links:

General Assembly Free Intro Courses to Digital Marketing, Coding HTML & CSS, UX Design, and Product Management

Microsoft’s Digital Literacy to continue building your foundation necessary to use digital devices, software and tools

Discover jobs and courses in digital that could suit you with Vodafone’s Future Jobs Finder

Browse free online courses and more at Accenture’s Futurelearn

Explore online programmes offered by edX in conjunction with over 140 institutions around the world

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