【 声明:版权所有,欢迎转载,请勿用于商业用途。  联系信箱:feixiaoxing @163.com】


本篇文章的红黑树代码主要来自linux kernel 2.6.7,其中实现文件保存在ib/rbtree.c,而头文件保存在include/linux/rbtree.h。当前的linux代码已经升级到3.0以上了,但是关于红黑树的代码内容却没有什么大的改变,这说明关于红黑树的代码是非常稳定的。











#ifndef  _RBTREE_H
#define _RBTREE_H
#include <stdio.h>
struct rb_node
struct rb_node *rb_parent;
int rb_color;
#define RB_RED      0
#define RB_BLACK    1
struct rb_node *rb_right;
struct rb_node *rb_left;
struct rb_root
struct rb_node *rb_node;
#define RB_ROOT { NULL }
#define rb_entry(ptr, type, member)                 \
((type *)((char *)(ptr)-(unsigned long)(&((type *)0)->member)))
extern void rb_insert_color(struct rb_node *, struct rb_root *);
extern void rb_erase(struct rb_node *, struct rb_root *);
/* Find logical next and previous nodes in a tree */
extern struct rb_node *rb_next(struct rb_node *);
extern struct rb_node *rb_prev(struct rb_node *);
extern struct rb_node *rb_first(struct rb_root *);
/* Fast replacement of a single node without remove/rebalance/add/rebalance */
extern void rb_replace_node(struct rb_node *victim, struct rb_node *new,
struct rb_root *root);
static void rb_link_node(struct rb_node * node, struct rb_node * parent,
struct rb_node ** rb_link)
node->rb_parent = parent;
node->rb_color = RB_RED;
node->rb_left = node->rb_right = NULL;
*rb_link = node;
#endif  /* _RBTREE_H */

(4) 红黑树的实现

a) 完成内容








#include "rbtree.h"
static void __rb_rotate_left(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node *right = node->rb_right;
if ((node->rb_right = right->rb_left))
right->rb_left->rb_parent = node;
right->rb_left = node;
if ((right->rb_parent = node->rb_parent))
if (node == node->rb_parent->rb_left)
node->rb_parent->rb_left = right;
node->rb_parent->rb_right = right;
root->rb_node = right;
node->rb_parent = right;
static void __rb_rotate_right(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node *left = node->rb_left;
if ((node->rb_left = left->rb_right))
left->rb_right->rb_parent = node;
left->rb_right = node;
if ((left->rb_parent = node->rb_parent))
if (node == node->rb_parent->rb_right)
node->rb_parent->rb_right = left;
node->rb_parent->rb_left = left;
root->rb_node = left;
node->rb_parent = left;
void rb_insert_color(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node *parent, *gparent;
while ((parent = node->rb_parent) && parent->rb_color == RB_RED)
gparent = parent->rb_parent;
if (parent == gparent->rb_left)
register struct rb_node *uncle = gparent->rb_right;
if (uncle && uncle->rb_color == RB_RED)
uncle->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
parent->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
gparent->rb_color = RB_RED;
node = gparent;
if (parent->rb_right == node)
register struct rb_node *tmp;
__rb_rotate_left(parent, root);
tmp = parent;
parent = node;
node = tmp;
parent->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
gparent->rb_color = RB_RED;
__rb_rotate_right(gparent, root);
} else {
register struct rb_node *uncle = gparent->rb_left;
if (uncle && uncle->rb_color == RB_RED)
uncle->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
parent->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
gparent->rb_color = RB_RED;
node = gparent;
if (parent->rb_left == node)
register struct rb_node *tmp;
__rb_rotate_right(parent, root);
tmp = parent;
parent = node;
node = tmp;
parent->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
gparent->rb_color = RB_RED;
__rb_rotate_left(gparent, root);
root->rb_node->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
static void __rb_erase_color(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_node *parent,
struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node *other;
while ((!node || node->rb_color == RB_BLACK) && node != root->rb_node)
if (parent->rb_left == node)
other = parent->rb_right;
if (other->rb_color == RB_RED)
other->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
parent->rb_color = RB_RED;
__rb_rotate_left(parent, root);
other = parent->rb_right;
if ((!other->rb_left ||
other->rb_left->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
&& (!other->rb_right ||
other->rb_right->rb_color == RB_BLACK))
other->rb_color = RB_RED;
node = parent;
parent = node->rb_parent;
if (!other->rb_right ||
other->rb_right->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
register struct rb_node *o_left;
if ((o_left = other->rb_left))
o_left->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
other->rb_color = RB_RED;
__rb_rotate_right(other, root);
other = parent->rb_right;
other->rb_color = parent->rb_color;
parent->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
if (other->rb_right)
other->rb_right->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
__rb_rotate_left(parent, root);
node = root->rb_node;
other = parent->rb_left;
if (other->rb_color == RB_RED)
other->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
parent->rb_color = RB_RED;
__rb_rotate_right(parent, root);
other = parent->rb_left;
if ((!other->rb_left ||
other->rb_left->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
&& (!other->rb_right ||
other->rb_right->rb_color == RB_BLACK))
other->rb_color = RB_RED;
node = parent;
parent = node->rb_parent;
if (!other->rb_left ||
other->rb_left->rb_color == RB_BLACK)
register struct rb_node *o_right;
if ((o_right = other->rb_right))
o_right->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
other->rb_color = RB_RED;
__rb_rotate_left(other, root);
other = parent->rb_left;
other->rb_color = parent->rb_color;
parent->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
if (other->rb_left)
other->rb_left->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
__rb_rotate_right(parent, root);
node = root->rb_node;
if (node)
node->rb_color = RB_BLACK;
void rb_erase(struct rb_node *node, struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node *child, *parent;
int color;
if (!node->rb_left)
child = node->rb_right;
else if (!node->rb_right)
child = node->rb_left;
struct rb_node *old = node, *left;
node = node->rb_right;
while ((left = node->rb_left))
node = left;
child = node->rb_right;
parent = node->rb_parent;
color = node->rb_color;
if (child)
child->rb_parent = parent;
if (parent)
if (parent->rb_left == node)
parent->rb_left = child;
parent->rb_right = child;
root->rb_node = child;
if (node->rb_parent == old)
parent = node;
node->rb_parent = old->rb_parent;
node->rb_color = old->rb_color;
node->rb_right = old->rb_right;
node->rb_left = old->rb_left;
if (old->rb_parent)
if (old->rb_parent->rb_left == old)
old->rb_parent->rb_left = node;
old->rb_parent->rb_right = node;
} else
root->rb_node = node;
old->rb_left->rb_parent = node;
if (old->rb_right)
old->rb_right->rb_parent = node;
goto color;
parent = node->rb_parent;
color = node->rb_color;
if (child)
child->rb_parent = parent;
if (parent)
if (parent->rb_left == node)
parent->rb_left = child;
parent->rb_right = child;
root->rb_node = child;
if (color == RB_BLACK)
__rb_erase_color(child, parent, root);
* This function returns the first node (in sort order) of the tree.
struct rb_node *rb_first(struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node  *n;
n = root->rb_node;
if (!n)
return 0;
while (n->rb_left)
n = n->rb_left;
return n;
struct rb_node *rb_next(struct rb_node *node)
/* If we have a right-hand child, go down and then left as far
as we can. */
if (node->rb_right) {
node = node->rb_right;
while (node->rb_left)
return node;
/* No right-hand children.  Everything down and left is
smaller than us, so any 'next' node must be in the general
direction of our parent. Go up the tree; any time the
ancestor is a right-hand child of its parent, keep going
up. First time it's a left-hand child of its parent, said
parent is our 'next' node. */
while (node->rb_parent && node == node->rb_parent->rb_right)
node = node->rb_parent;
return node->rb_parent;
struct rb_node *rb_prev(struct rb_node *node)
/* If we have a left-hand child, go down and then right as far
as we can. */
if (node->rb_left) {
node = node->rb_left;
while (node->rb_right)
return node;
/* No left-hand children. Go up till we find an ancestor which
is a right-hand child of its parent */
while (node->rb_parent && node == node->rb_parent->rb_left)
node = node->rb_parent;
return node->rb_parent;
void rb_replace_node(struct rb_node *victim, struct rb_node *new,
struct rb_root *root)
struct rb_node *parent = victim->rb_parent;
/* Set the surrounding nodes to point to the replacement */
if (parent) {
if (victim == parent->rb_left)
parent->rb_left = new;
parent->rb_right = new;
} else {
root->rb_node = new;
if (victim->rb_left)
victim->rb_left->rb_parent = new;
if (victim->rb_right)
victim->rb_right->rb_parent = new;
/* Copy the pointers/colour from the victim to the replacement */
*new = *victim;


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