
给定一个链表,判断链表中是否有环。为了表示给定链表中的环,我们使用整数 pos 来表示链表尾连接到链表中的位置(索引从 0 开始)。 如果 pos 是 -1,则在该链表中没有环。

示例 1

  • 输入:head = [3,2,0,-4], pos = 1
  • 输出:true
  • 解释:链表中有一个环,其尾部连接到第二个节点。
  +-----+        +-----+        +-----+        +-----+                 |     |        |     |        |     |        |     |                 |  3  |  --->  |  2  |  --->  |  0  |  --->  |  -4 |                 |     |        |     |        |     |        |     |                 +-----+        +-----+        +-----+        +-----+                 ^                              |                   |                              |                   +------------------------------+

示例 2

  • 输入:head = [1,2], pos = 0
  • 输出:true
  • 解释:链表中有一个环,其尾部连接到第一个节点。
+-----+        +-----+
|     |        |     |
|  1  |  --->  |  2  |
|     |        |     |
+-----+        +-----+                              ^              |                                 |              |                                 +--------------+

示例 3

  • 输入:head = [1], pos = -1
  • 输出:false
  • 解释:链表中没有环。
|     |
|  1  |
|     |




use std::ptr;#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct ListNode {val: i32,next: *mut ListNode,
}impl ListNode {pub fn new(val: i32) -> Self {let node = ListNode {val,next: ptr::null_mut(),};node}pub fn set_next(&mut self, new: *mut ListNode) -> &mut ListNode {unsafe {(*self).next = new;&mut *new}}pub fn get_next(&self) -> &mut ListNode {return unsafe { &mut *self.next };}pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut ListNode {self as *const _ as *mut _}pub fn value(&self) -> &i32 {&self.val}
}struct Solution {}impl Solution {pub fn has_cycle(head: &mut ListNode) -> bool {let mut fast_p = &*head;let mut slow_p = &*head;while !fast_p.as_ptr().is_null() && !fast_p.get_next().as_ptr().is_null() {slow_p = slow_p.get_next();fast_p = fast_p.get_next().get_next();if slow_p.as_ptr() == fast_p.as_ptr() {return true;}}false}
}fn show_list(head: &mut ListNode) {let mut n = head;let max = 10; // 最多显示10个节点,防止链表有环,形成死循环输出let mut i = 0;while n.as_ptr() != ptr::null_mut() {print!("{:?} ", n.value());n = n.get_next();i += 1;if i > max {break;}}print!("\n");
}fn case_ok1() {let node1 = &mut ListNode::new(1);print!("[has_cycle] list: ");show_list(node1);let result = Solution::has_cycle(node1);println!("[has_cycle] Solution result: {:?}", result);assert_eq!(result, false);
}fn case_ok2() {let node3 = &mut ListNode::new(3);let node2 = &mut ListNode::new(2);let node0 = &mut ListNode::new(0);let node_4 = &mut ListNode::new(-4);node3.set_next(node2); // node(3) -> node(2)node2.set_next(node0); // node(3) -> node(2) -> node(0)node0.set_next(node_4); // node(3) -> node(2) -> node(0) -> node(-4)print!("[has_cycle] list: ");show_list(node3);let result = Solution::has_cycle(node3);println!("[has_cycle] Solution result: {:?}", result);assert_eq!(result, false);
}fn case_bad1() {let node3 = &mut ListNode::new(3);let node2 = &mut ListNode::new(2);let node0 = &mut ListNode::new(0);let node_4 = &mut ListNode::new(-4);node3.set_next(node2); // node(3) -> node(2)node2.set_next(node0); // node(3) -> node(2) -> node(0)node0.set_next(node_4); // node(3) -> node(2) -> node(0) -> node(-4)node_4.set_next(node2); // node(3) -> node(2) -> node(0) -> node(-4)//              ^                     |//              |                     |//              +---------------------+print!("[has_cycle] list: ");show_list(node3);let result = Solution::has_cycle(node3);println!("[has_cycle] Solution result: {:?}", result);assert_eq!(result, true);
}fn case_bad2() {let node1 = &mut ListNode::new(1);let node2 = &mut ListNode::new(2);node1.set_next(node2); // node(1) -> node(2)node2.set_next(node1); // node(1) -> node(2)//   ^          |//   |          |//   +----------+print!("[has_cycle] list: ");show_list(node1);let result = Solution::has_cycle(node1);println!("[has_cycle] Solution result: {:?}", result);assert_eq!(result, true);
}fn main() {case_ok1();case_ok2();case_bad1();case_bad2();


# ./has_cycle
[has_cycle] list: 1
[has_cycle] Solution result: false
[has_cycle] list: 3 2 0 -4
[has_cycle] Solution result: false
[has_cycle] list: 3 2 0 -4 2 0 -4 2 0 -4 2
[has_cycle] Solution result: true
[has_cycle] list: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
[has_cycle] Solution result: true


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