



$ cat libdm/libdevmapper.h
} dm_config_value_type_t;struct dm_config_value {dm_config_value_type_t type;union {int64_t i;float f;double d;         /* Unused. */const char *str;} v;struct dm_config_value *next;  /* For arrays */uint32_t format_flags;
};struct dm_config_node {const char *key;struct dm_config_node *parent, *sib, *child;struct dm_config_value *v;int id;
};struct dm_config_tree {struct dm_config_node *root;struct dm_config_tree *cascade;struct dm_pool *mem;void *custom;



$ cat libdaemon/server/daemon-server.h
...typedef struct {struct dm_config_tree *cft;struct buffer buffer;
} request;typedef struct {int error;struct dm_config_tree *cft;struct buffer buffer;
} response;...


$ cat libdaemon/client/daemon-client.h
...typedef struct {struct buffer buffer;/** The request looks like this:*    request = "id"*    arg_foo = "something"*    arg_bar = 3*    arg_wibble {*        something_special = "here"*        amount = 75*        knobs = [ "twiddle", "tweak" ]*    }*/struct dm_config_tree *cft;
} daemon_request;typedef struct {int error; /* 0 for success */struct buffer buffer;struct dm_config_tree *cft; /* parsed reply, if available */
} daemon_reply;...



$ cat libdaemon/server/daemon-server.h
...typedef struct daemon_state {/** The maximal stack size for individual daemon threads. This is* essential for daemons that need to be locked into memory, since* pthread's default is 10M per thread.*/int thread_stack_size;/* Flags & attributes affecting the behaviour of the daemon. */unsigned avoid_oom:1;unsigned foreground:1;const char *name;const char *pidfile;const char *socket_path;const char *protocol;int protocol_version;handle_request handler;int (*daemon_init)(struct daemon_state *st);int (*daemon_fini)(struct daemon_state *st);int (*daemon_main)(struct daemon_state *st);/* Global runtime info maintained by the framework. */int socket_fd;log_state *log;struct thread_state *threads;/* suport for shutdown on idle */daemon_idle *idle;void *private; /* the global daemon state */
} daemon_state;...


$ cat libdaemon/server/daemon-server.h
.../** Start serving the requests. This does all the daemonisation, socket setup* work and so on. This function takes over the process, and upon failure, it* will terminate execution. It may be called at most once.*/
void daemon_start(daemon_state s);/** Take over from an already running daemon. This function handles connecting* to the running daemon and telling it we are going to take over. The takeover* request may be customised by passing in a non-NULL request.** The takeover sequence: the old daemon stops accepting new clients, then it* waits until all current client connections are closed. When that happens, it* serializes its current state and sends that as a reply, which is then* returned by this function (therefore, this function won't return until the* previous instance has shut down).** The daemon, after calling daemon_takeover is expected to set up its* daemon_state using the reply from this function and call daemon_start as* usual.*/
daemon_reply daemon_takeover(daemon_info i, daemon_request r);/* Call this to request a clean shutdown of the daemon. Async safe. */
void daemon_stop(void);...



$ cat libdaemon/server/daemon-server.h
...typedef struct {int socket_fd; /* the fd we use to talk to the client */pthread_t thread_id;char *read_buf;void *private; /* this holds per-client state */
} client_handle;...


$ cat libdaemon/server/daemon-server.h
.../** The callback. Called once per request issued, in the respective client's* thread. It is presented by a parsed request (in the form of a config tree).* The output is a new config tree that is serialised and sent back to the* client. The client blocks until the request processing is done and reply is* sent.*/
typedef response (*handle_request)(struct daemon_state s, client_handle h, request r);...


$ cat libdaemon/server/daemon-server.h
.../** Craft a simple reply, without the need to construct a config_tree. See* daemon_send_simple in daemon-client.h for the description of the parameters.*/
response daemon_reply_simple(const char *id, ...);static inline int daemon_request_int(request r, const char *path, int def) {if (!r.cft)return def;return dm_config_find_int(r.cft->root, path, def);
}static inline const char *daemon_request_str(request r, const char *path, const char *def) {if (!r.cft)return def;return dm_config_find_str(r.cft->root, path, def);



$ cat libdaemon/client/daemon-client.h
...typedef struct {int socket_fd; /* the fd we use to talk to the daemon */const char *protocol;int protocol_version;  /* version of the protocol the daemon uses */int error;
} daemon_handle;typedef struct {const char *path; /* the binary of the daemon */const char *socket; /* path to the comms socket */unsigned autostart:1; /* start the daemon if not running? *//** If the following are not NULL/0, an attempt to talk to a daemon which* uses a different protocol or version will fail.*/const char *protocol;int protocol_version;
} daemon_info;...


$ cat libdaemon/client/daemon-client.h
.../** Open the communication channel to the daemon. If the daemon is not running,* it may be autostarted based on the binary path provided in the info (this* will only happen if autostart is set to true). If the call fails for any* reason, daemon_handle_valid(h) for the response will return false. Otherwise,* the connection is good to start serving requests.*/
daemon_handle daemon_open(daemon_info i);
.../* Shut down the communication to the daemon. Compulsory. */
void daemon_close(daemon_handle h);...



$ cat libdaemon/client/config-util.h
...struct buffer {int allocated;int used;char *mem;
};int buffer_append_vf(struct buffer *buf, va_list ap);
int buffer_append_f(struct buffer *buf, ...);
int buffer_append(struct buffer *buf, const char *string);
void buffer_init(struct buffer *buf);
void buffer_destroy(struct buffer *buf);
int buffer_realloc(struct buffer *buf, int required);int buffer_line(const char *line, void *baton);int set_flag(struct dm_config_tree *cft, struct dm_config_node *parent,const char *field, const char *flag, int want);void chain_node(struct dm_config_node *cn,struct dm_config_node *parent,struct dm_config_node *pre_sib);struct dm_config_node *make_config_node(struct dm_config_tree *cft,const char *key,struct dm_config_node *parent,struct dm_config_node *pre_sib);int compare_value(struct dm_config_value *a, struct dm_config_value *b);
int compare_config(struct dm_config_node *a, struct dm_config_node *b);struct dm_config_node *make_text_node(struct dm_config_tree *cft,const char *key,const char *value,struct dm_config_node *parent,struct dm_config_node *pre_sib);struct dm_config_node *make_int_node(struct dm_config_tree *cft,const char *key,int64_t value,struct dm_config_node *parent,struct dm_config_node *pre_sib);struct dm_config_node *config_make_nodes_v(struct dm_config_tree *cft,struct dm_config_node *parent,struct dm_config_node *pre_sib,va_list ap);
struct dm_config_node *config_make_nodes(struct dm_config_tree *cft,struct dm_config_node *parent,struct dm_config_node *pre_sib,...);...


$ cat libdaemon/client/daemon-client.h
...daemon_request daemon_request_make(const char *id);
int daemon_request_extend(daemon_request r, ...);
int daemon_request_extend_v(daemon_request r, va_list ap);
void daemon_request_destroy(daemon_request r);void daemon_reply_destroy(daemon_reply r);...



$ cat libdaemon/client/daemon-io.h
...int buffer_read(int fd, struct buffer *buffer);
int buffer_write(int fd, const struct buffer *buffer);...


$ cat libdaemon/client/daemon-client.h
.../** Send a request to the daemon, waiting for the reply. All communication with* the daemon is synchronous. The function handles the IO details and parses the* response, handling common error conditions. See "daemon_reply" for details.** In case the request contains a non-NULL buffer pointer, this buffer is sent* *verbatim* to the server. In this case, the cft pointer may be NULL (but will* be ignored even if non-NULL). If the buffer is NULL, the cft is required to* be a valid pointer, and is used to build up the request.*/
daemon_reply daemon_send(daemon_handle h, daemon_request r);/** A simple interface to daemon_send. This function just takes the command id* and possibly a list of parameters (of the form "name = %?", "value"). The* type (string, integer) of the value is indicated by a character substituted* for ? in %?: d for integer, s for string.*/
daemon_reply daemon_send_simple(daemon_handle h, const char *id, ...);
daemon_reply daemon_send_simple_v(daemon_handle h, const char *id, va_list ap);...


$ cat libdaemon/client/daemon-client.h
...static inline int64_t daemon_reply_int(daemon_reply r, const char *path, int64_t def)
{return dm_config_find_int64(r.cft->root, path, def);
}static inline const char *daemon_reply_str(daemon_reply r, const char *path, const char *def)
{return dm_config_find_str_allow_empty(r.cft->root, path, def);



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