*   04737 c++ 自学考试2019版 第五章课后练习
*   程序设计题 1
*   需求:交通工具包含汽车,汽车又包含.....
using namespace std;//奥迪轿车
class AudiCar{protected:string seriesProducts;//产品系列public:AudiCar(string seriesProducts_):seriesProducts(seriesProducts_){}//构造函数 friend   ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,AudiCar &audi);
ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,AudiCar &audi){out<<"产品系列:"<< audi.seriesProducts<<endl;return out;
class Car{protected:string carBrandName;//汽车品牌AudiCar audi;//奥迪汽车public:Car(string carBrandName_,string seriesProducts):carBrandName(carBrandName_),audi(seriesProducts){} //构造函数 friend    ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,Car &c); };//重载输出流
ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,Car &c){out<<"汽车品牌:"<< c.carBrandName<<endl;out<<c.audi;return out;
class AutoMobile{protected:string AutoMobileCategory;//汽车类别Car car;//轿车 public:AutoMobile(string AutoMobileCategory_,string carBrandName,string seriesProducts):AutoMobileCategory(AutoMobileCategory_),car(carBrandName,seriesProducts){}//构造函数 friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,AutoMobile &a);
}; //重载输出流
ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,AutoMobile &a){out<<"汽车类别:"<< a.AutoMobileCategory<<endl;out<<a.car;return out;
class Vehicle{protected:string VehicleCategory;//交通工具类别AutoMobile am;//汽车 public:Vehicle(string VehicleCategory_,string AutoMobileCategory,string carBrandName,string seriesProducts):VehicleCategory(VehicleCategory_),//交通类别am(AutoMobileCategory,carBrandName,seriesProducts)//汽车类别,汽车品牌,产品系列    {}//构造函数 friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,Vehicle &v);
ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,Vehicle &v){out<<"交通类别:"<< v.VehicleCategory<<endl;out<<v.am;return out;
}int main(){Vehicle p = Vehicle("私人汽车","豪华轿车","奥迪","奥迪8系"); cout<<p;

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