



MariaDB Server
MariaDB Server is an open source relational database with an extensible architecture. If you are downloading MariaDB Server for a production system or any evaluation that may lead to a production system,management and monitoring tools, notification services for security alerts and bug fixes, technical and consultative support which includes 24x7 support coverage as well as performance tuning, best practice recommendations and code review.



The download file consists of a collection of RPMs. Please refer to the README file in the archive form more information.


下载之后 解压缩

MariaDB Server

This package contains a number of .rpm files that together comprise the MariaDB Server distribution.

The packages included in this archive may vary depending on the OS you're using and its release version, as different components may require libraries or functi onality available only in newer releases.

The .rpm files can be installed individually, but there are complex interdepende ncies that are difficult to resolve using rpm alone. For that reason, this packa ge is distributed as a ready-to-use Yum archive, so that you can use yum to inst all the packages in it.

In order for the package manager to be able to install these packages, you will need to place them in a location that the package manager has privileges to acce ss. You may find that /opt is a good location where you can unpack the archive a nd the package manager will be able to read it.

To use the archive with yum, create a mariadb.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ tha t points to the directory where you've extracted the files. A helpful script cal led setup_repository is included in this archive to do this for you.

You'll need to do this work as root, so that you can write files to these locati ons.

cd /opt
tar -xf ~/mariadb-10.1.17-rhel-7-x86_64-rpms.tar


After the repository is set up, you should install the MariaDB-server package.

yum install -y MariaDB-server

For more information about installing MariaDB .rpm files, visit https://mariadb. com/kb/en/mariadb/about-the-mariadb-rpm-files/.

For more information about MariaDB Enterprise, visit https://mariadb.com/product s/mariadb-enterprise and for help using MariaDB, please contact MariaDB Corporat ion: https://mariadb.com/about/contact.




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