
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>#define THREADCOUNT 2HANDLE ghMutex; DWORD WINAPI WriteToDatabase( LPVOID );int main( void )
{HANDLE aThread[THREADCOUNT];DWORD ThreadID;int i;// Create a mutex with no initial owner
ghMutex = CreateMutex( NULL,              // default security attributesFALSE,             // initially not ownedNULL);             // unnamed mutexif (ghMutex == NULL) {printf("CreateMutex error: %d\n", GetLastError());return 1;}// Create worker threadsfor( i=0; i < THREADCOUNT; i++ ){aThread[i] = CreateThread( NULL,       // default security attributes0,          // default stack size
                     (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) WriteToDatabase, NULL,       // no thread function arguments0,          // default creation flags&ThreadID); // receive thread identifierif( aThread[i] == NULL ){printf("CreateThread error: %d\n", GetLastError());return 1;}}// Wait for all threads to terminate
WaitForMultipleObjects(THREADCOUNT, aThread, TRUE, INFINITE);// Close thread and mutex handlesfor( i=0; i < THREADCOUNT; i++ )CloseHandle(aThread[i]);CloseHandle(ghMutex);return 0;
}DWORD WINAPI WriteToDatabase( LPVOID lpParam )
{ // lpParam not used in this example
    UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpParam);DWORD dwCount=0, dwWaitResult; // Request ownership of mutex.while( dwCount < 20 ){ dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( ghMutex,    // handle to mutexINFINITE);  // no time-out intervalswitch (dwWaitResult) {// The thread got ownership of the mutexcase WAIT_OBJECT_0: __try { // TODO: Write to the databaseprintf("Thread %d writing to database...\n", GetCurrentThreadId());dwCount++;} __finally { // Release ownership of the mutex objectif (! ReleaseMutex(ghMutex)) { // Handle error.
                    } } break; // The thread got ownership of an abandoned mutex// The database is in an indeterminate statecase WAIT_ABANDONED: return FALSE; }}return TRUE;

Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 736 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
Thread 2504 writing to database...
请按任意键继续. . .

dwCount 为 20,每个线程执行20次。



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