Given an integer num, repeatedly add all its digits until the result has only one digit, and return it.

class Solution:def addDigits(self, num):while len(str(num)) > 1:res = 0length = len(str(num))# 每一位数加上去for i in range(length):res += int(str(num)[i])# 给 num 重新赋值num = resreturn num
class Solution:def addDigits(self, num):# 特例:0 --> 0if num == 0:return 0# 能被 9 整除的数 --> 9elif num % 9 == 0:return 9# 其余数字 --> 找最近一个能被 9 整除的数,计算差值 (mod 9)else:return num % 9

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  2. leetcode Add Digits

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  7. LeetCode之Add Digits

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