
Mini-sample Mini-project Language Lab Language Lab Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 LL-Task 1 Task 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. Language Lab F D A J E G C H B I LL-Task 2-1 Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 1. Change the form if necessary. Language Lab What is your favorite ____________ of electronic dictionary? 2. California has many _________________ from other states. 3. We need to write _____________ computer programs specifically designed for the task. 4. Our company’s ______________ is to listen to our customers and make them satisfied. 5. Weigh out all the _________________ before you start making the cake. brand immigrants dedicated philosophy ingredients LL-Task 2-2 Language Lab 6. He runs his sandwich chain as a ________________ operation. 7. The new trade figures have just been ________________ . 8. From his earliest years he showed ________________ ability in mechanics. 9. The radio program has many ________________ features highly appreciated by the audience. 10. The work is ________________, but he finished it with great success. franchise released exceptional distinctive demanding LL-Task 3 Language Lab 1. Jack _____________ a new idea to _______________________ __________. 2. Since we ____________ in technology last year, the production ___________________________. 3. No details about the talks __________________, so we don’t know ______________________. 4. If his conclusion ___________________ facts, we have to ___________________. 5. Ten years ago we had only a staff of ten _______________, but now our company is ________________________________. Task 3 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases plus some words of your own. derive from start with innovate come up with release came up with push the sales of the innovated has been greatly increased have been released what will happen next is derived from follow his advice to start wi


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