
Substituted N-(1-iodopropargyl)thiazolidinones having fungicidal activity are represented by the general formula: wherein R is hydrogen, lower alkyl; or aryl or aralkyl having from 6 to l2 carbon atoms, optionally substituted with one to three substituents, each independently selected from halogen, cyano, lower alkyl, lower alkoxy, nitro or trihalomethyl; R is alkyl having from l to l2 carbon atoms, cycloalkyl having from 3 to 8 carbon atoms; aryl or aralkyl having from 6 to l2 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one to three substituents, each independently selected from halogen, cyano, lower alkyl, lower alkoxy, nitro, trihalo-substituted methyl, phenyl, phenoxy, substituted phenoxy substituted with l to 3 substituents independently selected from halogen, lower alkyl, lower alkoxy or trihalomethyl, benzyloxy, lower alkylthio, lower alkylsulfinyl, lower alkylsulfonyl, arylthio (C6 to C12), or two lower alkoxy groups joined to give an alkylene bridge; or thiophene or furanyl either optionally substituted with l to 3 substituents independently selected from halogen, trihalomethyl, lower alkyl, or lower alkoxy; R is hydrogen, lower alkyl, cycloalkyl having from 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or aryl or aralkyl having from 6 to l2 carbon atoms optionally substituted with one to three substituents, each independently selected from halogen, cyano, lower alkyl, lower alkoxy, nitro or trihalomethyl; and R is hydrogen or lower alkyl.


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