
Bed Of Lies - Nicki Minaj

Do you ever think of me

when you lie?

Lie down in your bed,

your bed of lies

And I knew better

than to look in your eyes

They only pretend you would be mine

And you know

how you made me believe

You had me caught in every web

that you weaved

But do you ever think of me

when you lie?

Lie down in your bed,

your bed of lies

You could never make eye contact

Everything you got was based off

of my contacts

You a fraud,

but I'mma remain icon-stat

Balenciagas on my boots

with the python strap

You was caught up in the rush,

and you was caught up

in the thrill of it

You was with me way

before I hit a quarter mil' in it

Put you in the crib

and you ain't never pay a bill in it

I was killin' it, man,

you got me poppin' pills in it

I told Baby hit you,

I said this nigga buggin'

Cause I was doing it for us,

I told 'em fuck the public

Couldn't believe

that I was home alone,


Overdosin', no more coastin',

no more toastin' over oceans

They say you don't know

what you got 'til it's gone

They say that your darkest hour come

before your dawn

But there was something

that I should've asked all along

I'mma ask on the song

Do you ever think of me

when you lie?

Lie down in your bed,

your bed of lies

And I knew better

than to look in your eyes

They only pretend you would be mine

And you know

how you made me believe

You had me caught in every web

that you weaved

But do you ever think of me

when you lie?

Lie down in your bed,

your bed of lies

I just figured if you saw me,

if you looked in my eyes

You'd remember our connection

and be freed from the lies

I just figured I was something

that you couldn't replace

But there was just a blank stare

and I couldn't relate

I just couldn't understand

and I couldn't defend

What we had, what we shared,

and I couldn't pretend

When the tears roll down,

it's like you ain't even notice 'em

If you had a heart,

I was hoping

that you would show it some

What the fuck you really telling me?

What you telling me?

I could tell you lying,

get the fuck out, don't yell at me

I ain't mean to cut you,

I ain't wanna catch a felony

This ain't How To Be A Player,

you ain't Bill Bellamy

They say you don't know

what you got 'til it's gone

They say that your darkest hour

come before your dawn

But there was something

that I should've asked, all along

I'mma ask on the song

So does she know

I've been in that bed before?

A thousand count,

and not a single threaded truth

If I was just another girl

Then I'm ashamed to say

that I'm not over you

There's one thing I need to know

So call me when you're not so busy

just thinking of yourself

Do you ever think of me

when you lie?

Lie down in your bed,

your bed of lies

And I knew better

than to look in your eyes

They only pretend you would be mine

And you know

how you made me believe

You had me caught in every web

that you weaved

But do you ever think of me

when you lie?

Lie down in your bed,

your bed of lies








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