
Landon Campbell

Landon Campbell    
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11 months ago


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Pretty new to Scrapy, so forgive me if this is obvious. We're running
Scrapy 0.24.2 (under Portia/Slybot), with ProxyMiddleware enabled and a
fairly large pool of proxies. Any time I request an HTTPS URL, I recieve a
"Could not open CONNECT tunnel" error, which ultimately causes the spider
to close. In my development environment, I'm running Scrapy 0.24.4
(Portia/Slybot), through the same proxies, and I do NOT have this problem.
Is this simply a Scrapy version issue, or is it something else? Can't
figure out why it's OK one place but not the other. Any thoughts would be


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Travis Leleu

11 months ago


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Why don't you upgrade to 0.24.4 on your production environment?


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Landon Campbell

11 months ago


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Upgrading is an option, but I prefer to know *why* something is happening.
If this is a known issue that's been fixed, great. Otherwise, if anybody
has an explanation, that would be appreciated.


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Daniel Fockler

11 months ago


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I've generally seen this error on sites that are using SSL. I'm not sure
about the specifics, but it's because the SSL handler in Scrapy can't
manage the connection with whatever site you are working with.


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Travis Leleu

11 months ago


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Are you running through a proxy?  IIRC, there is some funkiness when trying
to connect via https when your proxy is an http-only proxy.

I use crawlera, which has an alternative endpoint (you connect via http to
crawlera, pass the encoded https url, and the proxy connects via https to
the target server).  You may need to configure to do http to your proxy,
https from your proxy to the target server.

Without more specifics of your situation, I'm afraid that's all the help I
can give.  You might try and make sure all your SSL type libraries are
up-to-date, as I've run into errors when out of date libs prevent the SSL
handshake, borking everything.


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Landon Campbell

11 months ago


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Yes, we are using proxies, about 100 of them, but I don't *think* that's
the issue, as I'm able to crawl these sites successfully using those
proxies from my local Ubuntu. I think your point regarding SSL type
libraries is promising, but being new to Python, I'm not sure which
libraries those would be. Do you have any suggestions for which libraries I
might investigate?



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