
  • 前言
  • 重要变量
  • 功能函数
    • 退出处理
    • print_board
    • generate_piece
    • push_pieces
    • apply_push
    • check_moves
    • key_react
    • save_game和reload_game
    • end_game
  • 完整脚本


 最近在github上看到一个用bash shell实现2048小游戏的脚本感觉挺有意思的,就自己仿照他的样子稍作修改再实现了一遍我的实现,并记录下实现的详细过程。


  1. board 是一个整型数组,用来存储所有格子中的当前数值,它的下标即从0到总格子数减1,与界面中的格子从左到右,再从上到下,一一对应。数组的所有元素,在全新的游戏开始时用0初始化,而载入游戏时,用存档目录中的文件初始化。
  2. pieces 用来储存当前界面中所有非零的格子数。
  3. score 用来储存当前的得分总数。
  4. flag_skip 用来防止一个格子在同一回合中被操作两次。
  5. moves 用来测试游戏还能不能被操作,是否已经输掉游戏。
  6. ESC 作为Escape屏幕控制码,在输出颜色格式的时候使用,\e或者\033等都可以。
  7. header 也就是界面的标题,介绍性质的,可以自己定义
  8. start_time 记录程序开始的时间


  1. board_size 即游戏界面的每边的大小,限制在3至9之间
  2. target 即游戏成功的目标,可以自己设定,但需要是2的幂
  3. reload_flag 即是否载入存档
  4. config_dir 即存档文件的目标目录

  1. last_added 即最新生成的块的位置
  2. first_round 即第一个生成的块的位置。因为游戏最开始必须要生成两个块,而我定义用黄色表现这两个块以及用黄色表示以后每次最新生成的块。
  3. index_max 因为数组的下标从0开始,所以定义这个变量为游戏界面的每边的大小减一
  4. fields_total 即游戏界面中格子的总数






83   function print_board(){84       clear85     printf "**************************************************************\n"86       printf "***********************$header*************************\n"87      printf "*$ESC[1;5;33mpieces=%-11d   target=%-11d   score=%-12d$ESC[0m*\n" $pieces $target $score88     printf "**************************************************************\n"89       echo90      printf "/------"91        for((row=1;row<=index_max;row++))92      do93            printf "+------"94       done95      printf '\\\n'96       for((row=0;row<=index_max;row++))97      do98            printf "|"99          for((line=0;line<=index_max;line++))100          do101               if let ${board[$row*$board_size+$line]}102             then103                 if let '(last_added==(row*board_size+line))|(first_round==(row*board_size+line))'104                    then105                     printf "$ESC[1;33m %4d $ESC[0m|" ${board[$row*$board_size+$line]}106                 else107                     printf "$ESC[${colors[${board[$row*$board_size+$line]}]}m %4d $ESC[0m|" ${board[$row*$board_size+$line]}108                 fi109               else110                 printf "      |"111               fi112           done113         if ((row!=index_max))114           then115             printf "\n|------"116             for((r=1;r<=index_max;r++))117               do118                   printf "+------"119              done120             printf "|\n"121           fi122       done123     printf '\n\\------'124        for((row=1;row<=index_max;row++))125     do126           printf "+------"127      done128     printf "/\n"129   }


  • 86至88行打印台头

  • 90至95行及123至128行分别打印游戏界面的

  • 96至122行用一个双重循环遍历整个界面,外循环row即行,内循环line即列。

    1. 其中101行用来判断当前位置的格子内的值是否为0,若非零则输出。103行是在格子内的值非零的情况下,判断是否为最新生成的块或第一回合的块,如果是的话,用特定的黄色输出,如果不是的话,则按前面定义好的数值对应的颜色输出。
    2. 113至121行用来输出界面每两行中间的


function generate_piece(){137        while true138       do139           ((pos=RANDOM%fields_total))140         let ${board[$pos]} ||{ let value=RANDOM%10?2:4;board[$pos]=$value;last_added=$pos;break;}141     done142     ((pieces++))143   }


  • 139行随机生成块位置
  • 140行先判断生成的块的位置是否有非零值,如果没有的话就生成2或4作为该块的值,并跳出循环。
  • 142行将当前界面中所有非零格子数加一


155  function push_pieces(){156      case $4 in157       "up")158          let "first=$2*$board_size+$1"159            let "second=($2+$3)*$board_size+$1"160         ;;161       "down")162            let "first=($index_max-$2)*$board_size+$1"163           let "second=($index_max-$2-$3)*$board_size+$1"164           ;;165       "left")166            let "first=$1*$board_size+$2"167            let "second=$1*$board_size+$2+$3"168           ;;169       "right")170           let "first=$1*$board_size+($index_max-$2)"171           let "second=($1*$board_size)+($index_max-$2-$3)"172         ;;173       esac174     if ((board[$first]))175     then176         if ((board[$second]))177            then178             let flag_skip=1179         fi180           if ((board[$first]==board[$second]))181           then182             if [ -z $5 ]183             then184                 let board[$first]*=2185                    if ((board[$first]==target))186                   then187                     end_game 1188                   fi189                   let board[$second]=0190                    let pieces-=1191                   let change=1192                    let score+=${board[$first]}193                else194                 let moves++195                fi196           fi197       else198         if ((board[$second]))199            then200             if [ -z $5 ]201             then202                 let board[$first]=${board[$second]}203                 let board[$second]=0204                    let change=1205                else206                 let moves++207                fi208           fi209       fi210   }


  1. 174行判断first内是否存在非零值,如果存在非零值的话:

    • 176至179行判断如果second存在非零值的话,就只处理这一次,防止重复处理。
    • 180至196行判断,如果firstsecond内的值相同的话,就相加,并把结果存在first内。
  2. 如果first内不存在非零值的话:

    • 189至209行判断,如果second内存在非零值,则将其移到first内。
  3. 182及200行,配合check_moves函数测试是否还有可以进行的操作,不改变当前游戏状态。


212  function apply_push(){213       for((i=0;i<=index_max;i++))214       do215           for((j=0;j<=index_max;j++))216           do217               let flag_skip=0218             let increment_max=index_max-j219               for((k=1;k<=increment_max;k++))220               do221                   if ((flag_skip))222                 then223                     break224                    fi225                   push_pieces $i $j $k $1 $2226               done227         done228     done229 }


  1. 上下操作时,i代表列,j代表行。向上时,它的逻辑是从上到下,从左到右。向下时,它的逻辑是从下到上,从左到右。
  2. 左右操作时,i代表行,j代表列。向左时,它的逻辑是从左到右,从上到下。向右时,它的逻辑是从右到左,从上到下。


 230 function check_moves(){231      let moves=0232     apply_push "up" fake233       apply_push "down" fake234     apply_push "left" fake235     apply_push "right" fake}



 237 function key_react(){238        let change=0239        read -d '' -sn 1240       if [ "$REPLY" = "$ESC" ]241        then242         read -d '' -sn 1243           if [ "$REPLY" = "[" ]244           then245             read -d '' -sn 1246               case $REPLY in247               A)248                   apply_push up;;249              B)250                   apply_push down;;251                C)252                   apply_push right;;253               D)254                   apply_push left;;255                esac256         fi257       else258         case $REPLY in259           k)260               apply_push up;;261          j)262               apply_push down;;263            h)264               apply_push left;;265            l)266               apply_push right;;267   268         w)269               apply_push up;;270          s)271               apply_push down;;272            a)273               apply_push left;;274            d)275               apply_push right;;276           esac277     fi278   }

例如↑键,它的控制码是\e[A,239、242、245行分别读取\e [ A,并在接下来进行判断。同时258至276行表示,也接受kjhlwsad作为上下左右。


280  function save_game(){281        rm -rf "$config_dir"282       mkdir -p "$config_dir"283     echo "${board[*]}">"$config_dir/board"284        echo "$board_size">"$config_dir/board_size"285       echo "$pieces">"$config_dir/pieces"286       echo "$target">"$config_dir/target"287       echo "$score">"$config_dir/score"288     echo "$first_round">"$config_dir/first_round"289 }290    291 function reload_game(){292      if [ ! -d "$config_dir" ]293      then294         return295       else296         board=(`cat "$config_dir/board"`)297           board_size=`cat "$config_dir/board_size"`298           pieces=`cat "$config_dir/pieces"`299           target=`cat "$config_dir/target"`300           score=`cat "$config_dir/score"`301         first_round=`cat "$config_dir/first_round"`302         let fields_total=board_size**2303          let index_max=board_size-1304      fi305   }



312  function end_game(){313     stty echo314        end_time=`date +%s`315      let total_time=end_time-start_time316      duration=`date -u -d @${total_time} +%T`317        print_board318      printf "Your score: $score\n"319      printf "Your game lasted $duration.\n"320     if (($1))321        then322         printf "Congratulations you have achieved $target!\n"323          exit 0324       fi325       if [ ! -z $2 ]326       then327         read -n1 -p "Do you want to overwrite saved game?[Y|N]: "328          if [ "$REPLY" = "Y" ]||[ "$REPLY" = "y" ]329          then330             save_game331                printf "\nGame saved! Use -r option next to load this game.\n"332             exit 0333           else334             printf "\nGame not saved!\n"335               exit 0336           fi337       fi338       printf "\nYou have lost, better luck next time.\n"339     exit 0340   }


  1. 320至324行,它接受一个非零的参数1来表示游戏达成目标。
  2. 325至337行,即表示在使用ctrl+c主动结束游戏的情况下,询问是否存储。
  3. 338、339行,表示游戏失败。

 344 while getopts ":b:t:l:rhv" opt345 do346       case $opt in347     b)348           let board_size="$OPTARG"349          let '(board_size>=3)&(board_size<=9)'||{ printf "Invalid board size, please choose size between 3 and 9\n";exit 1;}350          ;;351       t)352           let target="$OPTARG"353          printf "obase=2;$target\n"|bc|grep  -e '^1[^1]*$'354           let $? && { printf "Invalid target, have to be power of two\n";exit 1;}355            ;;356       l)357           echo "This function have not be implement."358            exit 0359           ;;360       r)361           let reload_flag=1362           ;;363       h)364           help $0365          exit 0366           ;;367       v)368           version369          exit 0370           ;;371       \?)372          printf "Invalid option -$opt, please $0 -h\n">&2373            exit 1374           ;;375       :)  376         printf "Option -$opt requires an argument, please $0 -h\n">&2377           exit 1378           ;;379       esac380 done


 382 let index_max=board_size-1383  let fields_total=board_size**2384  385 for((index=0;index<fields_total;index++))386  do387       let board[$index]=0388 done389 generate_piece390   let first_round=$last_added391 generate_piece392   if ((reload_flag))393   then394     reload_game395  fi396   397 while true398   do399       print_board400      key_react401        let change&&generate_piece402       let first_round=-1403      if ((pieces==fields_total))404        then405         check_moves406          if ((moves==0))407            then408             end_game 0409           fi410       fi411   done
  • 385至388行初始化board数组。
  • 389至391行,产生第一回合的两个块。
  • 392至395行,判断是否载入上次存储的游戏。
  • 403至410行,判断游戏是否失败。


     1   #!/bin/bash2    3   4   #help information5  function help(){6       cat <<EOF7    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Usage: $1 [-b INTEGER] [-t INTEGER] [-l FILE] [-r] [-h] [-v]9   10      -b INTEGER  --  specify game board size (sizes 3-9 allowed)11       -t INTEGER  --  specify target score to win (needs to be power of 2)12      -l FILE     --  logged debug information to specified file13        -r      --  reload the previous game14      -h      --  help information15      -v      --  version information16   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17   EOF18   }19 20  #version information21  function version(){22       cat <<EOF23   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24  Name: bash204825    Version: 1.0026 Author: goddog31227 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28  EOF29   }30 ###########################31   #some important variables##32   ###########################33   declare -ia board       #this array keep all values for each piece on the board34   declare -i pieces=0        #number of pieces present on board35    declare -i score=0     #store the current score36  declare -i flag_skip        #flag that prevents doing more than one operation on single field in one step37 declare -i moves        #store number of possible moves to determine are you lost the game or not38 declare ESC=$'\e'        #escape byte39  declare header="Bash 2048 v1.0"  #print on the top of screen40   41  #start time of the program42    declare -i start_time=$(date +%s)43   44  45  #############################################46 #default config, some can modify by options##47 #############################################48 declare -i board_size=449  declare -i target=204850   declare -i reload_flag=051 declare config_dir="$HOME/.bash2048"52   53  54  ################################55  ##temp variables for once game##56  ################################57  declare last_added      #the piece latest generated58   declare first_round     #the piece that generate in the first round59   declare -i index_max=$[$board_size-1]60    declare -i fields_total=$[$board_size*$board_size]61   62  ########################63  #for colorizing number##64  ########################65  declare -a colors66 colors[2]=32       #green text67   colors[4]=34       #blue text68    colors[8]=33       #yellow text69  colors[16]=36      #cyan text70    colors[32]=35      #purple text71  72  colors[64]="1;47;32" #white background green text73  colors[128]="1;47;34"    #white background bule text74   colors[256]="1;47;33"    #white background yellow text75 colors[512]="1;47;36"    #white background cyan text76   colors[1024]="1;47;35"   #white background purple text77 colors[2048]="1;41;32"   #red background green text78    79  80  trap "end_game 0 1" INT   #handle INT signal81    82  #print current status of the game, the last added piece are red text83  function print_board(){84       clear85     printf "**************************************************************\n"86       printf "***********************$header*************************\n"87      printf "*$ESC[1;5;33mpieces=%-11d   target=%-11d   score=%-12d$ESC[0m*\n" $pieces $target $score88     printf "**************************************************************\n"89       echo90      printf "/------"91        for((row=1;row<=index_max;row++))92      do93            printf "+------"94       done95      printf '\\\n'96       for((row=0;row<=index_max;row++))97      do98            printf "|"99          for((line=0;line<=index_max;line++))100          do101               if let ${board[$row*$board_size+$line]}102             then103                 if let '(last_added==(row*board_size+line))|(first_round==(row*board_size+line))'104                    then105                     printf "$ESC[1;33m %4d $ESC[0m|" ${board[$row*$board_size+$line]}106                 else107                     printf "$ESC[${colors[${board[$row*$board_size+$line]}]}m %4d $ESC[0m|" ${board[$row*$board_size+$line]}108                 fi109               else110                 printf "      |"111               fi112           done113         if ((row!=index_max))114           then115             printf "\n|------"116             for((r=1;r<=index_max;r++))117               do118                   printf "+------"119              done120             printf "|\n"121           fi122       done123     printf '\n\\------'124        for((row=1;row<=index_max;row++))125     do126           printf "+------"127      done128     printf "/\n"129   }130    131 #generate new piece on board132 #generate a pos133  #generate a value in board[pos]134  #update last_added135   #update pieces136   function generate_piece(){137       while true138       do139           ((pos=RANDOM%fields_total))140         let ${board[$pos]} ||{ let value=RANDOM%10?2:4;board[$pos]=$value;last_added=$pos;break;}141     done142     ((pieces++))143   }144    145 #perform push operation between two pieces146   #variables:147  #       $1:push position, for horizontal push is column,for vertical is row148  #       $2:recipient piece, this will store result if moving or join149 #       $3:originator piece, after moving or join this piece will left empty150 #       $4:direction of push, can be either "up" , "donw" , "left" or "right"151    #       $5:if anything was passed, do not perform the push, but only update number of valid moves. Used for function check_moves152 #       $board:the status of the game board153  #       $change:indicates if the board was changed this round154    #       $flag_skip:indicates the recipient piece cannot be modified further155  function push_pieces(){156      case $4 in157       "up")158          let "first=$2*$board_size+$1"159            let "second=($2+$3)*$board_size+$1"160         ;;161       "down")162            let "first=($index_max-$2)*$board_size+$1"163           let "second=($index_max-$2-$3)*$board_size+$1"164           ;;165       "left")166            let "first=$1*$board_size+$2"167            let "second=$1*$board_size+$2+$3"168           ;;169       "right")170           let "first=$1*$board_size+($index_max-$2)"171           let "second=($1*$board_size)+($index_max-$2-$3)"172         ;;173       esac174     if ((board[$first]))175     then176         if ((board[$second]))177            then178             let flag_skip=1179         fi180           if ((board[$first]==board[$second]))181           then182             if [ -z $5 ]183             then184                 let board[$first]*=2185                    if ((board[$first]==target))186                   then187                     end_game 1188                   fi189                   let board[$second]=0190                    let pieces-=1191                   let change=1192                    let score+=${board[$first]}193                else194                 let moves++195                fi196           fi197       else198         if ((board[$second]))199            then200             if [ -z $5 ]201             then202                 let board[$first]=${board[$second]}203                 let board[$second]=0204                    let change=1205                else206                 let moves++207                fi208           fi209       fi210   }211    212 function apply_push(){213       for((i=0;i<=index_max;i++))214       do215           for((j=0;j<=index_max;j++))216           do217               let flag_skip=0218             let increment_max=index_max-j219               for((k=1;k<=increment_max;k++))220               do221                   if ((flag_skip))222                 then223                     break224                    fi225                   push_pieces $i $j $k $1 $2226               done227         done228     done229 }230    function check_moves(){231      let moves=0232     apply_push "up" fake233       apply_push "down" fake234     apply_push "left" fake235     apply_push "right" fake236    }237    function key_react(){238        let change=0239        read -d '' -sn 1240       if [ "$REPLY" = "$ESC" ]241        then242         read -d '' -sn 1243           if [ "$REPLY" = "[" ]244           then245             read -d '' -sn 1246               case $REPLY in247               A)248                   apply_push up;;249              B)250                   apply_push down;;251                C)252                   apply_push right;;253               D)254                   apply_push left;;255                esac256         fi257       else258         case $REPLY in259           k)260               apply_push up;;261          j)262               apply_push down;;263            h)264               apply_push left;;265            l)266               apply_push right;;267   268         w)269               apply_push up;;270          s)271               apply_push down;;272            a)273               apply_push left;;274            d)275               apply_push right;;276           esac277     fi278   }279    280 function save_game(){281        rm -rf "$config_dir"282       mkdir -p "$config_dir"283     echo "${board[*]}">"$config_dir/board"284        echo "$board_size">"$config_dir/board_size"285       echo "$pieces">"$config_dir/pieces"286       echo "$target">"$config_dir/target"287       echo "$score">"$config_dir/score"288     echo "$first_round">"$config_dir/first_round"289 }290    291 function reload_game(){292      if [ ! -d "$config_dir" ]293      then294         return295       else296         board=(`cat "$config_dir/board"`)297           board_size=`cat "$config_dir/board_size"`298           pieces=`cat "$config_dir/pieces"`299           target=`cat "$config_dir/target"`300           score=`cat "$config_dir/score"`301         first_round=`cat "$config_dir/first_round"`302         let fields_total=board_size**2303          let index_max=board_size-1304      fi305   }306    307 308 #print game duration309 #print total score310   #print end or achieve information311    #choose save game or not312 function end_game(){313     stty echo314        end_time=`date +%s`315      let total_time=end_time-start_time316      duration=`date -u -d @${total_time} +%T`317        print_board318      printf "Your score: $score\n"319      printf "Your game lasted $duration.\n"320     if (($1))321        then322         printf "Congratulations you have achieved $target!\n"323          exit 0324       fi325       if [ ! -z $2 ]326       then327         read -n1 -p "Do you want to overwrite saved game?[Y|N]: "328          if [ "$REPLY" = "Y" ]||[ "$REPLY" = "y" ]329          then330             save_game331                printf "\nGame saved! Use -r option next to load this game.\n"332             exit 0333           else334             printf "\nGame not saved!\n"335               exit 0336           fi337       fi338       printf "\nYou have lost, better luck next time.\n"339     exit 0340   }341    342 343 #parse command line options344  while getopts ":b:t:l:rhv" opt345 do346       case $opt in347     b)348           let board_size="$OPTARG"349          let '(board_size>=3)&(board_size<=9)'||{ printf "Invalid board size, please choose size between 3 and 9\n";exit 1;}350          ;;351       t)352           let target="$OPTARG"353          printf "obase=2;$target\n"|bc|grep  -e '^1[^1]*$'354           let $? && { printf "Invalid target, have to be power of two\n";exit 1;}355            ;;356       l)357           echo "This function have not be implement."358            exit 0359           ;;360       r)361           let reload_flag=1362           ;;363       h)364           help $0365          exit 0366           ;;367       v)368           version369          exit 0370           ;;371       \?)372          printf "Invalid option -$opt, please $0 -h\n">&2373            exit 1374           ;;375       :)  376         printf "Option -$opt requires an argument, please $0 -h\n">&2377           exit 1378           ;;379       esac380 done381 382 let index_max=board_size-1383  let fields_total=board_size**2384  385 for((index=0;index<fields_total;index++))386  do387       let board[$index]=0388 done389 generate_piece390   let first_round=$last_added391 generate_piece392   if ((reload_flag))393   then394     reload_game395  fi396   397 while true398   do399       print_board400      key_react401        let change&&generate_piece402       let first_round=-1403      if ((pieces==fields_total))404        then405         check_moves406          if ((moves==0))407            then408             end_game 0409           fi410       fi411   done

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  5. HTML+Javascript制作拼图小游戏详解(一)

    本文章将分享一个来自前端菜鸟突发奇想的拼图游戏制作方法以及实现过程. 话不多说,先上图. 首先我们需要写好网页的基本布局(此处涉及简单的HTML和CSS知识). 网页一共分为三个区域,左侧时间显示区, ...

  6. python小项目——2048小游戏(详解)

    2048游戏 原版游戏地址 第一部分 导入所需要的库 第二部分 确认游戏键位设置,并和对应的操作关联 第三部分 获取用户输入的值,并直到有效键位 第四部分 对矩阵的应用,减少代码量 第五部分 创建棋盘 ...

  7. html+css+js适合前端小白的实战全解(超详细)——2048小游戏(三)

    续上一小节,我们回到newgame()这个函数,我们之前只做了init()内函数,相当于一个初始化操作 现在,我们需要再随机两个两个生成数字. 随机生成数字在这个游戏里会经常出现,用户移动一步,也会产 ...

  8. html+css+js适合前端小白的实战全解(超详细)——2048小游戏(二)

    续上一小节,我们可以发现每一个grid-cell上的数字初始时并不在格子里. 这些数字可以随着玩家的操作而移动 ​ 我们可以想象:初始时每一个格子上的数为0,他们并不显示 ↓ 只有当grid-cell ...

  9. 取石子游戏详解NIM

    取石子游戏详解NIM 分类: 编程之美2014-09-13 09:38 478人阅读 评论(3) 收藏 举报 编程之美 目录(?)[+] http://blog.csdn.net/pipisorry/ ...


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