
  • 1. 前言
  • 2. 思考
  • 3. 顶层指导(一些关于如何写邮件的方法论)
  • 4. 标题
    • 4.1. 寻求建议、帮助的时候邮件标题(主题,Subject Lines)怎么写
    • 4.2. 感谢信标题
  • 5. 开头
    • 5.1. greatings 打招呼
    • 5.2. 开头的感谢(回信)
  • 6. 请求
    • 6.1. general
    • 6.2. 询问是否介意?
  • 道歉
  • 7. 感谢相关
    • 7.1. 感谢
      • 7.1.1. 感谢1
      • 7.1.2. 感谢2
      • 7.1.3. 感谢3
    • 7.2. 回复别人的感谢
  • 8. 祝福
    • wish
    • 8.1. 回复祝福
    • 8.2. 如何回复 “give my regards to ...”
    • 8.3. hope和wish的用法
  • 9. 邮件结尾
    • 9.1. Contact,let me know之类
    • 9.2. 结束语/感谢语
    • 9.3. 祝福语
    • 9.4. 名字之前的yours sincerely
  • 10. 附件
    • 10.1. 附件描述
  • 11. 附加语
    • 道歉
  • 12. 跟教授发邮件
    • 12.1. tips
    • 12.2. 感谢信
  • 13. 小结
  • 14. 参考文献

1. 前言



2. 思考


3. 顶层指导(一些关于如何写邮件的方法论)

  • How to send and reply to email https://matt.might.net/articles/how-to-email/ 这位教授写的挺好的,有些还是比较受用的,比如:
  1. 要有结构性,一点一点的列出来,善用空格


  1. 不要把自己的核心问题淹没在大段文字里面,直接摆在大段文字之前。
  2. 根据优先级排序自己要讲的点。

4. 标题

4.1. 寻求建议、帮助的时候邮件标题(主题,Subject Lines)怎么写

Looking for your advice on ...


  • 9 Surefire Survey Email Subject Lines https://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/email-marketing/2019/02/9-surefire-survey-email-subject-lines/
  • 50 Networking Email Subject Lines to Try https://www.voilanorbert.com/blog/networking-email-subject-line-examples/
  • How to Ask for Help Over Email—and Actually Get It https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-ask-for-help-over-emailand-actually-get-it 这个还行

4.2. 感谢信标题


  • 不能简单写Thank you, Thank you note, 或者A thank you letter之类的,这样的邮件标题没有有效的信息量;
  • 标题要表明你在感谢什么


  1. A thank you letter for your great support and help on our work
  2. Thanks for our Friday meeting about the software development project
  3. Thanks for a great discussion/meeting, Alex/Bob. Here’s the research/paper/material you requested.


  • [英文邮件] 感谢信的标题 https://dalewushuang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/111542837

5. 开头

5.1. greatings 打招呼

  1. I hope this email finds you well.

It means, “when you receive this email, I hope you are in a state of good health and things are going well for you.”

  • 英文邮件里「hope this email finds you well」翻译过来确切意思是什么? - 栗子的回答 - 知乎
  1. I hope you are well.
  2. I hope you’re having a great week!
  • https://www.joincake.com/blog/hope-you-are-doing-well/
  1. I hope all is well with you.
  2. I hope things are going well for you.
  3. I hope this message finds you well.
  • https://www.learnersdictionary.com/qa/how-are-you-in-an-email
  • https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/131898/what-are-other-alternative-ways-of-saying-how-are-you-in-business-email


  • 英文邮件:greetings https://dalewushuang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/119031468

5.2. 开头的感谢(回信)

  • I really appreciate your taking the time to reply to us timely.

6. 请求

6.1. general

  • Please could you send me the latest version of the agenda before the end of the day?
  • I am writing in response to…
  • I am writing to…
  • Would you be available to meet to discuss the possibility of joining your lab. I am available Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays 3pm -6pm, (Or send a link to a doodle poll with your availability).
  • Could you please verify the correct deadline?


  • HOW TO DRAFT AN EMAIL TO A PROFESSOR https://stemdiversity.wisc.edu/448-2/

6.2. 询问是否介意?

  • I plan to focus fully on devising and implementing a xxx tool, and I will report on the new progress or interesting observations to you, if you wouldn’t mind. Thank you!


  • If you don’t mind/wouldn’t mind https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/if-you-dont-mind-wouldnt-mind.3613737/


  • I am sorry to mis-describe my questions. I did not mean to ask for that help. I plan to xxx by myself and it would be extremely appreciated if any further help could be provided after that. Thank you for your patient words and interpretations. Please accept my apologies.

7. 感谢相关

7.1. 感谢

7.1.1. 感谢1

  • Thank you for your time and looking forward to the next class!

  • Thank you in advance for any and all feedback!

  • Thanks in advance for your time

  • I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for the information and guidance you provide.

  • Thank you so much for always being there for me every time I ask for your help. I sincerely hope that my question will not trouble you.

  • any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

  • If you can do this I would be so appreciative.

  • I (we) really appreciate this

  • This was helpful. Thanks.

  • this would mean a lot to me.

  • i appreciate your attention to

  • it would be a great assistance if you could

  • i would be so thankful

  • i would be very grateful

  • “It would be a great favor to ask, but I would be indebted to you.”

  • I would truly appreciate it if you can…

  • I would really appreciate it if you could…

  • Your help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  • I would appreciate it greatly if…

  • We would very much appreciate it if…

  • Would you please do us the honour of…


  • I will forever be in your debt.

‘Forever in your debt’ is normally used when thanking someone or being grateful to someone who has done something extremely important for you such as an enormous favor that you really needed. You then use the phrase ‘I’m forever in your debt’ or ‘I’m in your debt’ to tell the person that you truly appreciate what they have done for you and that you could never really repay the person for his or her kindness or help. The expression means more than a ‘thank you’.

  • If you can help i’d be forever in your debt.

7.1.2. 感谢2


  • Thank you very much (听起来有点正式)
  • Thank you so much


  • Thank you for all your hard work on this

  • Thanks again, we couldn’t have pulled this off without you

  • “Thanks again… your help made a huge difference… you’re the main reason we were able to launch on time… you’re a lifesaver…”

  • “Thank you for all your… incredible work on our project…. invaluable insights on my manuscript… kind words during this difficult time…” 这个可以,可以用在写论文的时候。(一个感谢模板)

  • I’m so thankful for everything you bring to the table

  • I’m so thankful for… your amazing sense of humor, even when things are hard… the way you jumped in and started contributing right away… everything you’ve done for this monster-size project…

  • Thank you kindly

  • I truly appreciate your hard work

  • From the bottom of my heart, thank you

  • Please accept my deepest thanks

  • Grateful for… your help… your input… your assistance… your undying loyalty… your genius grammar skills

  • Thank you for troubleshooting the … event and helping to make sure everything ran smoothly.


  • Thank you so much for your great patience and huge help.
  • I am truly grateful to your help on …
  • Thank you for your great kindness and generosity.
  • Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
  • Much appreciated if any help/advice could be provided.
  • It would be sincerely/greatly apprecitaed if …

7.1.3. 感谢3

It would be much appreciated if any guidance is given.

We are grateful to be given the opportunity for xxx, and we really appreciate all of the help you offer in this process.

Thank you again for your great help.I'm so grateful for your help with this.Thank you very much for your response. I'm pleased to receive such a detailed and helpful answer. Your timely efforts are greatly appreciated.I really appreciate your help with this. Thank you! That's great/wonderful news! I really appreciate all of the effort you took to personally examine my applicationI'm excited to hear that. Thank you very much for taking the time look at my application in detail.

7.2. 回复别人的感谢

It was my pleasure! I enjoyed researching the best practices and creating the report. It really helped me deepen my understanding of the value of effective procedures, particularly for our team. Happy to help with any other projects in the future!


  • How to Reply to Thank You Emails (With Template, Examples and Tips) https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/replying-to-thank-you-emails


Dear [xxx],

It was my pleasure to provide inputs to [xxx]. Hope that helps.

Please feel free to contact me by email if I can be of further assistance related to [xxx]. I wish you all great success in your work!

Yours sincerely,


  • 20 phrases for closing an email https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140903131536-29650941-20-phrases-for-closing-an-email
  • i wish you all success vs i hope you all success https://textranch.com/218667/i-hope-you-all-success/or/i-wish-you-all-success/
  • “Hope (this or it) helps? https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/155329/hope-this-or-it-helps

8. 祝福


  • I wish you great success in achieving this wonderful social project and I thank you for your cordial welcome.
  • I wish you great success and lots of fun with the campaign.

8.1. 回复祝福

I wish you a great week and year end!


  • Thank you and I wish you a nice week and year end too!
  • Thank you, and the same to you!

8.2. 如何回复 “give my regards to …”

I will. (有人觉得比Will do更好,因为I will不会显得很严肃,= =)[1]
Will do! (有人觉得比I will更好更轻松,I will显得有点严肃了)I'll certainly do that.
Don't worry, I will.
Yes I will.

8.3. hope和wish的用法

  • We sincerely wish/ hope… https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/we-sincerely-wish-hope.3456703/

9. 邮件结尾

9.1. Contact,let me know之类

  • I have attached my resume and if you have any questions please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.

9.2. 结束语/感谢语

  • have a good day.
  • many thanks.
  • it’s very nice of you (all),thanks again.
  • Thank you, that’s very kind of you.
  • I really appreciate your time and guidance.
  • Thank you!
  • Thank you so much for all of your help.
  • Thanks in advance for your help. (Polite Close)
  • Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
  • Thank you for your time.
  • Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you.
  • Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


  • Thank you again for your time and help, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

9.3. 祝福语

Have a nice trip
Have a good and safe trip back home/<somewhere else>
Wish you a nice trip in China/<Somewhere else) !

9.4. 名字之前的yours sincerely

Thanks again,


kind regards,

Yours truly/Sincerely,

Sincerely yours,

Yours truly,

Best regards,

10. 附件

10.1. 附件描述

  • Enclosed is my resume for your review and consideration.

11. 附加语

  • P.S. Could you send me a little something? Acting isn’t working out like I planned.


  • What Does “P.S.” Stand For? https://www.rd.com/article/what-does-p-s-stand-for/


  • We still feel sorry for the trouble that has caused you much inconvenience.

  • Please forgive my mistakes.

  • I would like to apologize for the mix-up. We are sorry …

  • 外贸邮件模板-道歉篇(含具体案例) https://wenku.baidu.com/view/22e228b152e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f53364ed.html

12. 跟教授发邮件

12.1. tips

Do not expect an immediate response. So if you have a deadline regarding an issue, send out an email in a timely manner.

If you need a recommendation, it is generally polite to ask at least several months in advance and then remind no later than 3 weeks from the deadline. Being organized and sending reminders is helpful.

Professors get hundreds of emails daily, and your email can easily get lost in the ruble. It is ok to resend the email or a follow up after a couple days if you don’t hear back.


  • HOW TO EMAIL A PROFESSOR: GUIDE ON HOW TO START AND END AN EMAIL CONVERSATION https://www.througheducation.com/how-to-start-and-end-an-email-to-a-professor/
  • Re: Your Recent Email to Your Professor https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2015/04/16/advice-students-so-they-dont-sound-silly-emails-essay
  • Email Etiquette: Guidelines for Writing to Your Professors https://marktomforde.com/academic/undergraduates/Email-Etiquette.html

12.2. 感谢信

  • How to Write a Great Thank You Letter to a Professor: Step-By-Step https://www.joincake.com/blog/thank-you-letter-to-professor/
  • 10 Great Templates for Writing a Thank You Letter to a Professor https://tosaylib.com/thank-you-letter-to-professor/

13. 小结



14. 参考文献


  • [英文邮件] 请求 + 感谢 + 邮件结尾 的表达整理 https://dalewushuang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/104484828
  • [英文邮件] 表达感谢的话 + 回复别人的祝福 https://dalewushuang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/106070320
  • [英文邮件] 祝福 + 寻求建议 + 附件 的句子表达 https://dalewushuang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/103286622
  • [英文邮件写作技巧] 表达感谢,提出问题,描述附件 https://dalewushuang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/88706656
  • 英文邮件词句积累 https://dalewushuang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/95849801


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