摘  要


本文首先介绍了课题的研究背景,研究现状以及高校后勤管理工作特点;其.次,研究了管理信息系统概念和基本内容,并在此基础上阐述了后勤管理信息系统及其运行模式,对高校后勤管理信息系统所采用的开发方法进行描述。 本文探讨了系统设计所采用的体系架构,并选择合适的开发工具、编程语言、技术架构与数据库设计工具;对高校后勤管理信息系统进行需求分析,设计出系统的总体结构,并利用UML方法对系统进行建模。在此基础上分别描述了系统的用例图、序列图、状态图,并对系统需求进行数据库的设计。本文最后阐述了系统实现过程以及相关技术,详细说明其Web界面的实现与功能代码的设计与实现。




With the rapid development of information technology,especially Internet technology,the process of logistics informatization in colleges and universities is advancing continuously. Using the established information system can realize the unified collection and processing of daily logistics operation management data in colleges and universities,which not only improves the management efficiency and quality,but also fully excavates the value of logistics management information,which is of great significance to promote the process of university informatization. The logistics management of colleges and universities is one of the important work of colleges and universities,among which,dormitory management and asset management are the key points and difficulties of university logistics work. Transactional management in logistics is becoming increasingly complex,with a particular need for more scientific management tools to improve effectiveness Rate.

This paper first introduces the research background,research status and characteristics of university logistics management. Secondly,the concept and basic contents of the management information system are studied,and the logistics management information system and its operation mode are expounded on this basis,and the development methods used in the logistics management information system of colleges and universities are described. Based on the analysis of the requirement of university logistics management information system,the author designs the overall structure of the system and models the system by UML method. At the On this basis,the use case diagram,sequence diagram and state diagram of the system are described respectively,and the database design of the system requirements is carried out. At last,this paper expounds the system implementation process and related technology,and explains the implementation of its Web interface and the design and implementation of functional code in detail.

This system combines the actual logistics and system information of colleges and universities,through the actual demand analysis,the function is divided into dormitory,restaurant,library three subsystems,each subsystem has the basic function of adding,deleting and checking. Using functional Eclipse as a development tool,Java development language,SSMl framework,Mysql developed for the background database The integrated data management and analysis system of university logistics.

Keywords:University;Logistics;Management System;Java;SSM

目  录


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