
更新时间:2020-07-30 11:33点击:

If tourists had known the tsunami was occurring suddenly, they to the coastlines for Christmas holiday.

现有如下程序段: #include \stdio.h\ main() { intk[30]={12,324,45,6,768,98,21,34,453,456}; int count=0,i=0; while(k[i]) {if(k[i]%2==0||k[i]%5==0)count++; i++; } printf(\%d,%d\\n\,count,i);} 则程序段的输出结果为( )。

In 2015, the Supreme Court announces that gay marriage is legal in America.

I can't understand why he quit his job.

20. The little girl was ______ her cat while her mother was _____ the piano .

若有以下程序 #include main() { int a=-11, b=10; a /= b /= -4; printf(\%d %d\\n\, a, b); } 则程序的输出结果是( )。

设变量a是int型,f是float型,i是double型,则表达式10+'a'+i*f值的数据类型为( ).

美国认定Prosper出售的凭证属于( )。

Peter ___be in Paris because I saw him in town only an hour ago.

内聚是从功能角度来度量模块内的联系,按照特定次序执行元素的模块属于( )方式。

下列积分中,积分值为零的是( )

数据库技术的发展可以划分为三代,其中第二代数据库系统支持的数据模型为( )。


2. Call him back before 5:30—it’s urgent.


Those who don't like baseball may complain that .

It's __________ that he was wrong.

第9章1. Why emperors Constantius II and Constans issued a law that prohibited same-sex marriage?2. Which country first enacted a law to provide for same-sex marriage?3. What are the ways to make same-sex marriage lawful?4. What is common to same-sex marriage and opposite-sex marriage?5. Did the Federal Supreme Court support Prop. 8?

When you deposit $50 in the First National Bank, _________

下列叙述中,正确揭示了法律本质和特征的有( )

\Dear Sir or Madame\ is a very _________ salutation.

It's very kind _____ you _______ help me . A . to ; of B . of ; to C . for ; to D . to ; to



下列程序的输出结果是 __________ 。 #include int main( ) { char c='z'; printf(\%c\,c-2); return 0; }


Mr. White ______ at 8:00 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.


I feel like ________to bed.I'm tired.

若随机变量X的分布律(概率分布)为 则常数A=( )./ananas/latex/p/321910


Conversation 2 What holiday do they talk about?


--- I'm quite busy, but I'm ____we can find time.

The plane is ----- arrive at 10 o’clock, but it has been delayed for one hour.


商店的招牌、商店名称、门面装潢、橱窗布置、商店装饰、商品陈列等,都属于POP广告的范畴。( )

Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) ________.


Payment______ L/C is our usual practice.


3、 QC新七大手法有关系图法、KJ法、系统图法、矩阵图法、矩阵数据分析法、( )和网络图法。

2. News through from Bombay(孟买) last night of a city on strike and tourists stuck at the airport.


11. How was the Snowball Earth (ice Age) formed?




I don't like to drink ________. It makes me dizzy.

What's Jane doing?


What does the sentence The mother reverses herself and makes the clutter return imply?

武术搏斗运动目前开展有散手,短兵和( )

In the sentence \His relatives rained birthday gifts on his only son\, metaphor is used.

下列骨性标志除哪一项外都可在体表摸到( )


Where details are presented for their own sake, as in the description of an accident, it is the way to develop a paragraph in detail.


A:( ) ? B:Yes, I'd like to book a room for my friend, Cray Smith.

She needs to pay her part of the _________ bill.

It's time for us to ____ to protect the environment.

58. What should you do with your cell phones while you are inside the lab?You should _______ your cell phones.

( ) 5.When you leave the country, you needn’t show your goods and passport to the custom.

Tom and Mike enjoy____ TV.


Additional activity: Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs of look look after ; look back ; look for ; look forward to ; look in ; look into ; look through ; look to ; look up ; look up to 1).I will be near your mother's home tomorrow so I'll ________ and tell her you are doing well. 2).I am very busy __________ a job, but it isn't easy. 3).I can't remember, but you can _____ it __ in the University Handbook. 4).It was hard work, but I am sure when you _________ you will think it was worth doing. 5).Will you ___________ my assignment for me and see if you can spot any obvious mistakes? 6).My grandfather isn't very well, so I am going to visit and _________ him for a few weeks. 7).It's a big challenge- they are_______ me to score some baskets and save the team. 8).The police are _____ the robbery, so we hope they can find who did it. 9).Thank you for all your help. I really ________ meeting you next week at the conference. 10).She is a wonderful teacher, and we all ______ her and treasure our time with her.

Professor Hawking is ____ as one of the world's greatest living physicists.

How many ______are there in your classroom?


What aspect of the products does Mr. Black NOT like?Mr. Black doesn’t like the ____________of the products.


Michael asks Mary for help by sending her an E-mail.


公路工程二阶段设计是指( )

Robert uses an artificial sweetener in his coffee all day, so he _____ a pizza and a hot sundae ______ fine for dinner.

4 It was my birthday, so/because we had a party. ____

Ticket retailers release cheap seats for each journey around ___________ before the date of travel and cheap train tickets are often available until ____________ the night before travel.

They went on walking and never stopped talking.

1 According to the police officer, what percentage of jail inmates are high school dropouts?

What kind of book is The English Roses?

Nowadays all governments try their best to serve their people and fight against ____________.

Talking about the weather may be the commonest for strangers to start a ________ (converse).

Our bad living habits will destroy the earth. Only by changing _______we live can we save the earth.

What's the name of the store? What does Elsa want?

The team finally _____ in reaching the top of the mountain.




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