
QMSS PDSP:The queue manager sub system contains two or eight packed data structure processors (PDSP) and associated hardware that allow autonomous QMSS-related tasks with interrupt notification. PDSPs are normally loaded with firmware during configuration,then programmed with firmware-specific commands. Because the interrupt distributors service pairs of PDSPs, most firmware images can be loaded on even or odd PDSPs, with restrictions usually due to conflicts with interrupt usage. For example,using Acc48(一种监控queue的channel类型,取值为0~47,在Nyquist中使用) on PDSP1 and PDSP5 would cause both instances to drive the same interrupts on INTD1. If Acc48 is loaded on PDSP1, it can also be loaded on PDSP3 or PDSP7.

• Descriptor accumulator firmware that monitors programmed queues, pops descriptors found there andinterrupts the hostwith a list of descriptor addresses (this firmware comes in 16, 32, and 48 channel builds).

Descriptor Accumulation Firmware:For accumulation purposes(为了实现监控), the firmware will read thequeue status RAM(寄存器)toobtain status information on the programmed queues. So the host software must program theQueue N Status and Configuration Register Dregisters with the value 0x81for every queue that is to be examined (监控)by the firmware.This will cause the status bit in the queue status RAM to be set while the queue is not empty, and clear when empty.

The 32-channel version provides 32 high channels - i.e. channels 0 to 31that are serviced once per iteration through the channels. The 16-channel firmware provides 16 channels (0...15) that are also scanned as fast as possible (e.g.high), yet these trigger thelow priority interrupts. In this way, the 16- and 32-channel accumulators may be usedtogether without interrupt interference.The48-channel version(PDSP channel0~47,用于监控queue)provides channels0 to 31 that are high, and channels32 to 47 that are low— serviced one at a time through each iteration through channels 0 to 31. Note that any channel in any version of the firmware may be configured to monitor 32 contiguous queues, not just the low priority channels.


regPtr = (u32*)0x2AB8000; //为 PDSP 1 command interface (scratch ram)寄存器首地址,即配置PDSP监控的寄存器地址
      /* Wait for accumulator to be free */
        if( !(*regPtr & 0x0000FF00) )

regPtr += 4;
      /* Configure accumulator */
      tmp = (((u32)configPtr->multiQueueMode & 0x1) << 5) | (((u32)configPtr->listCntMode& 0x1) << 4) | (((u32)configPtr->listEntrySize& 0x3) << 2) | (intModeTmp);
      *regPtr-- = (tmp << 16) | (timerLoadCntTmp);
      *regPtr-- = (configPtr->maxPageEntries << 16) |queue;  //queue为PDSP channel监控的queue
      *regPtr-- = (u32)configPtr->listAddress;
      *regPtr-- = configPtr->queueEnableMask;
      *regPtr = ((u32)0x8100)| acc48Channel; //acc48Channel为监控queue的PDSP channel.(QM user guide Table 5-3,PDSP channel,CPU,event一一对应)
      /* Wait for accumulator to complete given command */
            if( !(*regPtr & QM_ACCUMULATOR_COMMAND_MASK) )  //0x0000FF00

/* Get return code from accumulator hardware */
      retCode = (*regPtr & 0xFF000000)>>24;  //判断配置是否已经成功

PDSP 1 command interface 寄存器的结构(首地址是0x2AB8000,共20字节):


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