idea 到阿伯快捷键

Yesterday I made the trip by train up to Dundee to speak to the students at the University of Abertay in Dundee. My slides and some supporting links from the presentation can be found here, although the slides aren’t particularly useful standalone.

昨天我乘火车去了邓迪,与邓迪的阿伯泰大学的学生交谈。 我的幻灯片和演示文稿中的一些支持链接都可以在此处找到,尽管这些幻灯片并不是特别有用。

The University had asked me to come and speak about what I felt was important in terms of web design and development today and also what I saw as being important in the future, given that students on the course today had anywhere from 1 to 3 years to go before they would be graduating and working in the industry. This is a pretty broad subject, and I knew that students were interested in a range of web roles, so I decided to home in on some of the core skills that anyone working on the web needs to have and also look at some of the interesting things that are becoming a possibility.

大学要求我来谈论一下我今天对Web设计和开发的重要意义,以及我认为对未来的重要性,因为今天参加该课程的学生需要1到3年的时间。在他们毕业并从事该行业之前就去了。 这是一门相当广泛的主题,我知道学生们对各种网络角色都感兴趣,因此我决定学习一些从事网络工作的人必须具备的一些核心技能,并研究一些有趣的技能。事情正在成为可能。

I get pretty nervous about presenting and like to be very organised and have time to set up so I was a bit thrown by the fact that so many people showed up to the talk we had to move from a small informal room to an incredibly steep lecture theatre. The experience of presenting in this room was a bit like speaking to people some of whom were on eye level and others stood at the top of a hill. I also ended up presenting without my notes and onscreen timer as with only a short time to set up I could only get the projector and my laptop showing the same slide – rather than having Keynote’s presenter view on my screen. Thankfully, I’d rehearsed this a few times and so knew the presentation well enough to do it without my notes. I had printed out a copy of the slides and notes – 4 slides to a page – using Keynote, however somehow they had ended up in a strange order on the page which was confusing rather than helpful!

我对介绍感到很紧张,喜欢组织得很整齐,没有时间准备,所以我被很多人出现在演讲中而感到烦恼,我们不得不从一个很小的非正式房间转到一个令人难以置信的陡峭演讲剧院。 在这个房间里演讲的经历有点像和别人交谈,其中一些人的视线与水平高度相同,而其他人则站在山顶上。 我最终也没有演示文稿,也没有屏幕上的计时器进行演示,因为设置时间很短,我只能让投影机和笔记本电脑显示相同的幻灯片,而不是在屏幕上显示Keynote的演示者视图。 值得庆幸的是,我已经排练了几次,因此非常了解演示文稿,无需做笔记。 我已经使用Keynote打印了一张幻灯片和笔记的副本(到页面的4张幻灯片),但是不知何故,它们最终以奇怪的顺序出现在页面上,这令人困惑而不是没有帮助!

Despite presenting uphill and without my notes I think the session went well. My hope had been that I wasn’t coming to speak to the students with anything amazingly new, but that what I was saying would underline the things they were already learning and demonstrate the importance of these things in the real world. In the second part of the presentation I talked for a short while about some of the interesting things that are on the horizon with regards to HTML5, CSS3 and also with typography on the web. Many of these students have 2 years to go before they graduate so by the time they are looking for work these technologies will have far better browser support and be skills they need. As students also get to do a larger project in their final Honours year this is potentially a great chance to play with technologies that might be harder to use commercially at the current time but make a great study for a final project – and mean that the project is an interesting concept to show off.

尽管上山演讲并且没有我的笔记,但我认为会议进行得很好。 我的希望是,我不会再给学生讲任何令人惊讶的新事物,而是我所说的内容将突出他们已经学习的内容并证明这些内容在现实世界中的重要性。 在演示的第二部分中,我简短地讨论了一些即将出现的有趣的事情,如HTML5,CSS3和Web上的排版。 这些学生中的许多人离毕业还有2年的时间,因此,当他们寻找工作的时候,这些技术将具有更好的浏览器支持并成为他们所需的技能。 随着学生在他们的最后一个荣誉年中也可以做一个更大的项目,这可能是一个很好的机会,使用目前可能很难在商业上使用但对最终项目进行出色研究的技术–这意味着该项目是一个有趣的概念要炫耀。

I finished up the presentation with some suggestions gleaned from my recent blog post as to how students can best prepare themselves for work in web design and development so thank you to everyone who contributed to that.


In the evening I re-ran the presentation, slightly tweaked for an audience that consisted of people from local design studios. Having had to get up at 4.30am to travel to Dundee I was pretty tired by that point and grateful to be in the smaller room and to be able to get my notes up on screen!

晚上,我重新播放了演示文稿,对由本地设计工作室的人员组成的观众进行了一些微调。 不得不在凌晨4.30起床去邓迪时,我感到非常疲倦,并且很高兴能进入较小的房间并能够在屏幕上显示我的笔记!

I really did have a lovely day, the feedback that I gave had so far has been good and I really enjoyed talking to all the students and hearing their questions. Many thanks to Malcolm and all the folk at Abertay for making me feel so welcome.

我确实度过了愉快的一天,到目前为止,我给予的反馈一直很好,我非常喜欢与所有学生交谈并听到他们的问题。 非常感谢Malcolm和Abertay的所有人,让我感到如此受欢迎。


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