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考试整体比较难,有两年AA V11项目经验以上并且学习A2019半年应该能通过。没有项目经验几乎不会通过



  1. An organization receives 1000 scanned invoices from a specific number of vendors on a daily basis. The invoice format and structure has been standardized. The invoice amount is available in different currencies. Web services can be used to convert currencies. Select the packages you will use to automate this process.
    A. The File package can be used to access all invoices. The PDF package can be used to extract text from images
    B. The Loop and File packages can be used to access all invoices in a folder. The OCR package can be used to extract text from images
    C. The Folder package can be used to access all invoices. The Image Recognition package can be used to extract text from images
    D. The File package can be used to access all invoices. The OCR package can be used to extract text from images

  2. An A2019 user with an AAE_Admin role assigned has logged in to the Control Room. This administrator tries to explore IQ Bot using the link on the Control Room Dashboard but receives an error message: “Access Denied”. Select the reason for the restriction and the corrective action.
    A. System resources are running low. To fix this issue, increase the server’s RAM
    B. An IQ Bot server should not be installed on the same system as a Control Room and must be installed on a different system
    C. Multiple sessions are only possible from Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. To fix this issue, do not use Chrome
    D. The administrator is not assigned the IQ Bot Services role. To fix the issue, login as a user with IQ Bot Services role.

  3. A corporate reorganization caused the Web Control Room Management Team to take on the responsibility of managing the bots built to automate front office processes. One of the bots was run by a previous end user from his desktop and the team noticed that the bot runner is not visible in the list of Bot Runner machines on the Web Control Room. Select the cause for the issue.
    A. The previous end user was allocated an Attended bot runner license
    B. The Bot Runner user does not have permission to schedule the bot
    C. The Bot Runner machine is not connected to the Web CR
    D. The Bot Runner machine is being used for WLM

  4. A developer is designing a bot that has to be executed when required. Select the option that will allow the end user to have a log file that will store the start time and end time of the bot execution.
    A. Minute variable
    B. The Append timestamp option in Log to File actions
    C. Datetime package
    D. Day, Hour and Minute variables

  5. As part of their design brief, a client has requested that business process statistics and metrics be recorded. How can this be introduced in A2019 Bot Insight dashboard?
    A. By selecting variables in the ‘Close’ action in the Analyze package
    B. By selecting the Bots Dashboard in the Bot Insight Operations dashboard list
    C. By selecting variables in the ‘Open’ action in the Analyze package
    D. By selecting task bots in the ‘Open’ action in the Analyze package

  6. A developer is creating a bot to work on an Excel application. Using Excel advanced package, the bot needs to get the name of the worksheets it is supposed to work on and save the worksheet in an external file. What should the developer do to get the desired output?
    A. Get the names of all the worksheets and assign them to a list variable of string data type
    B. Get the names of all the worksheets and save them in a table variable
    C. Get the name of the current worksheet and assign it to a string variable
    D. Get the names of all the worksheets and assign them to a string variable

  7. A developer creates a bot to update a value in an Excel sheet and then send the sheet to a defined email address. When the bot is executed, there is an error indicating the bot’s inability to open the Excel sheet due to the unavailability of the Office software on the destination system. How should the developer update the code to fix the issue?
    A. Use Excel advanced to open the Excel sheet and then use Email packages to send the email
    B. Update all existing Excel advanced actions with Excel basic commands in the bot code
    C. Install open office software to open the Excel sheet
    D. Load the Excel sheet to an Office 365 account and then use Office 365 packages in the code to execute the bot

  8. An organization receives Excel files as email attachments from 300 different vendors. These attachments contain data including Invoice Number, Bill To, Total Amount, Email, and many other data fields. The vendors do not follow the standard Excel format that the organization shared with them. The organization wants to fetch the total number of email addresses from all Excel files and update this information in the ERP System. Note that the organization uses Bot Runners without Excel installed. Select two options to automate this process.
    Use the Loop package to iterate through all Excel files
    Use the Excel advanced: Find action to search emails in each Excel file
    Use the String type variable to count the number of emails in the List variable

  9. A developer is using an Excel package to create a bot that accesses an Excel workbook. During the development phase, the developer is able to work on XLSX extensions but not on XLS extensions. Select the cause for the issue.
    A. The developer has installed the Excel application and is using the Excel advanced package on the machine used to create the bot
    B. The developer is using an “Online Office 365 Excel Only” application and is using the Excel advanced package
    C. The developer is using Microsoft Excel 365 on a web browser and is using the Office 365 Excel package
    D. The developer has not installed the Excel application and is using the Excel basic package on the machine used to create the bot

  10. A developer imported a Python script that removes spaces from a string variable. He performs the following steps to execute the script:

  11. Uses the Open action to import the script

  12. Adds the Execute script action and assigns the output to the variable.

  13. Introduces a message box to display the output

  14. Uses the Close action to close the session.
    The developer was unable to successfully execute the bot. Select the cause of the error.
    A. Version 3 was selected as the runtime version
    B. The message box step should be placed after the close script action
    C. The Python script was not uploaded to the control room
    D. The developer should have used the Execute script action instead of Execute function
    代码题请联系我吧 ,是三个pdf文件

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