



There will be no turning back or

hesitation on the road to an America rich in dignity and

abundant with opportunity for all our citizens.

viii.National issues grow more complex daily. So,

too, does our dependence on higher education for both the skills

and the knowledge necessary to our individual success in this

new climate.


It takes years of constant academic

toil to reach a level of sophistication essential to function

effectively in today’s very complex world.


A national economy free of the

burden of debt, populated by educated citizens ready to work and to

care for their neighbors must be our goal.





He (or she) looks at people in a

similar way, for the man an attractive girl – and for the woman an

attractive man – are the prizes they are after.


At the end of the nineteenth and the

beginning of this century, a man had to be aggressive and ambitious

– today he has to be social and tolerant – in order to be

attractive “package”.


course the importance of this distinction is popularly, if somewhat

obscurely, recognized.

xiv.If one citizen is unwilling to participate, all

of us are going to suffer. For the idea, though it is shared by all

of us, is realized in each one of us.

8. 被动句



However, very little control can be

exercised over the media used to generate information that comes to

you from the outside.

xvi.Our presence here is recognition that this

eternal problem has now taken an unprecedented scale and it can

only be dealt with by concreted worldwide action.


However, there are signs that much

more serious efforts may be mustered in the reasonably near


9. 倒装句



Not since the car radio has a

technology so altered the nature of the driving experience as the

cellular telephone.

xix.Rarely can rivals inflict such severe damage. To

launch a new consumer product in America can cost $75m-100m; even

then, most fail.


From that science will come the

realization that despite technology, man does not exercise dominion

over nature.

xxi.More perilous still are attempts to milk

additional sales from premium brands by taking them







bought the flower for my best friend, my mother.


bought the flower for my best friend – my mother.

(a) Because of their greater size and weight,

men are physically more powerful than women – which is not the same

thing as saying that they are stronger.

(b) But, given their advanced industries, their

skilled, educated populations, and their vast energy resources,

they face potentially very bright future – if they choose the

proper policies now.

(c) I suspect that what she hasn’t got the time

for is to become completely fluent within one year – and that any

lower level of accomplishment would embarrass her.

11. 隐含条件句


If the

passive voice is too frequently used, it will deprive the style of

that forward movement which occurs.

A too

frequent use of the passive voice will deprive the style of that

forward movement which occurs.


An examination of all

the variables in the test concluded that the unusually good results

were due to the way he talked to them and the tone, the confidence,

the reassurance, and the certainly in his voice.

Even a moment’s

reflection will show that the spoken American language is backed by

expressive features lacking in the written language.

A closer consideration,

however, would indicate that the potentialities of the project as a

means of inspiring confidence acquire real importance.

Anyone who has an

appreciation for history should be cognizant of the fact that

nations and great civilizations were not destroyed from without but

from within.



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