Ex6_机器学习_吴恩达课程作业(Python):SVM支持向量机(Support Vector Machines)


  • Ex6_机器学习_吴恩达课程作业(Python):SVM支持向量机(Support Vector Machines)
  • 0. Pre-condition
  • 00. Self-created Functions
    • loadData(path):读取数据
    • plotData(X, y):可视化数据
    • plotBoundary(classifier, X):绘制类别间的决策边界
    • displayBoundaries(X, y):绘制不同SVM参数C下的的决策边界(线性核)
    • gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma):实现高斯核函数
    • displayGaussKernelBoundary(X, y, C, sigma):绘制高斯核SVM对某数据集的决策边界
    • trainGaussParams(X, y, Xval, yval):比较交叉验证集误差,训练最优参数C和sigma
    • preprocessEmail(email):预处理邮件
    • email2TokenList(email):词干提取及去除非字符内容,返回单词列表
    • email2VocabularyList(email, vocab_list):获取在邮件和词汇表中同时出现的单词的索引
    • email2FeatureVector(email):提取邮件的特征
  • 1. Support Vector Machines
    • 1.1 Example dataset 1
    • 1.2 SVM with Gaussian Kernels
      • 1.2.1 Gaussian Kernel
      • 1.2.2 Example dataset 2
      • 1.2.3 Example dataset 3
  • 2. Spam Classification
    • 2.1 Preprocess Emails
      • 2.1.1 Vocabulary List
    • 2.2 Extract Features from Emails
    • 2.3 Train SVM for Spam Classification
    • 2.4 Top Predictiors for Spam



  • 本文第一部分首先介绍课程对应周次的知识回顾以及重点笔记,以及代码实现的库引入。
  • 本文第二部分包括代码实现部分中的自定义函数实现细节
  • 本文第三部分即为与课程练习题目相对应的具体代码实现。

0. Pre-condition

This section includes some introductions of libraries.

# This file includes self-created functions used in exercise 3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re  # regular expression for e-mail processing
import nltk.stem.porter  # 英文分词算法
from scipy.io import loadmat
from sklearn import svm

00. Self-created Functions

This section includes self-created functions.

  • loadData(path):读取数据

    # Load data from the given file  读取数据
    # ARGS: { path: 数据路径 }
    def loadData(path):data = loadmat(path)return data['X'], data['y']
  • plotData(X, y):可视化数据

    # Visualize data  可视化数据
    # ARGS: { X: 训练集; y: 标签集 }
    def plotData(X, y):plt.figure(figsize=[8, 6])plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y.flatten())plt.xlabel('X1')plt.ylabel('X2')plt.title('Data Visualization')# plt.show()
  • plotBoundary(classifier, X):绘制类别间的决策边界

    # Plot the boundary between two classes  绘制类别间的决策边界
    # ARGS: { classifier: 分类器; X: 训练集 }
    def plotBoundary(classifier, X):x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() * 1.2, X[:, 0].max() * 1.1y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() * 1.2, X[:, 1].max() * 1.1xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 500),np.linspace(y_min, y_max, 500))# 利用传入的分类器,对预测样本做出类别预测Z = classifier.predict(np.c_[xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()])Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)plt.contour(xx, yy, Z)
  • displayBoundaries(X, y):绘制不同SVM参数C下的的决策边界(线性核)

    # Display boundaries for different situations with different C (1 and 100)
    # 改变SVM参数C,绘制各情况下的的决策边界
    # ARGS: { X: 训练集 ; y: 标签集 }
    def displayBoundaries(X, y):# 此处使用skilearn的包,采用线性核函数,获取多个SVM模型models = [svm.SVC(C=C, kernel='linear') for C in [1, 100]]# 给定训练集X和标签集y,训练得到的多个SVM模型,获得多个分类器classifiers = [model.fit(X, y.flatten()) for model in models]# 输出信息titles = ['SVM Decision Boundary with C = {}'.format(C) for C in [1, 100]]# 对于每个分类器,绘制其得出的决定边界for classifier, title in zip(classifiers, titles):plotData(X, y)plotBoundary(classifier, X)plt.title(title)# 展示数据plt.show()
  • gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma):实现高斯核函数

    # Implement a Gaussian kernel function (Could be considered as a similarity function)
    # 实现高斯核函数(可以看作相似度函数,测量一对样本的距离)
    # ARGS: { x1: 样本1; x2: 样本2; sigma: 高斯核函数参数 }
    def gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma):return np.exp(-(np.power(x1 - x2, 2).sum() / (2 * np.power(sigma, 2))))
  • displayGaussKernelBoundary(X, y, C, sigma):绘制高斯核SVM对某数据集的决策边界

    # Display the decision boundary using SVM with a Gaussian kernel
    # 绘制出基于高斯核的SVM对某数据集的决策边界
    # ARGS: { X: 训练集; y: 标签集; C: SVM参数; sigma: 高斯核函数参数 }
    def displayGaussKernelBoundary(X, y, C, sigma):gamma = np.power(sigma, -2.) / 2# 'rbf'指径向基函数/高斯核函数model = svm.SVC(C=1, kernel='rbf', gamma=gamma)classifier = model.fit(X, y.flatten())plotData(X, y)plotBoundary(classifier, X)plt.title('Decision boundary using SVM with a Gaussian Kernel')plt.show()
  • trainGaussParams(X, y, Xval, yval):比较交叉验证集误差,训练最优参数C和sigma

    # Train out the best parameters 'C' and 'sigma" with the least cost on the validation set
    # 通过比较在交叉验证集上的误差,训练出最优的参数C和sigma
    # ARGS: { X: 训练集; y: 标签集; Xval: 训练交叉验证集; yval: 标签交叉验证集 }
    def trainGaussParams(X, y, Xval, yval):C_values = (0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1., 3., 10., 30.)sigma_values = C_valuesbest_pair, best_score = (0, 0), 0for C in C_values:for sigma in sigma_values:gamma = np.power(sigma, -2.) / 2model = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel='rbf', gamma=gamma)classifier = model.fit(X, y.flatten())this_score = model.score(Xval, yval)if this_score > best_score:best_score = this_scorebest_pair = (C, sigma)print('Best pair(C, sigma): {}, best score: {}'.format(best_pair, best_score))return best_pair[0], best_pair[1]
  • preprocessEmail(email):预处理邮件

    # Preprocess an email  预处理邮件
    # 执行除了Word Stemming和Removal of non-words的所有处理
    def preprocessEmail(email):# 全文小写email = email.lower()# 统一化HTML格式。匹配<开头,以及所有不是< ,> 的内容,直到>结尾,相当于匹配<...>email = re.sub('<[^<>]>', ' ', email)# 统一化URL。将所有URL地址转化成"httpadddr"。email = re.sub('(http|https)://[^\s]*', 'httpaddr', email)# 统一化邮件地址。将所有邮件地址转化成"emailaddr"。email = re.sub('[^\s]+@[^\s]+', 'emailaddr', email)# 统一化美元符号。email = re.sub('[\$]+', 'dollar', email)# 统一化数字。email = re.sub('[\d]+', 'number', email)return email
  • email2TokenList(email):词干提取及去除非字符内容,返回单词列表

    # Conduct Word Stemming and Removal of non-words.
    # Besides, here we use "NLTK" lib's stemmer, since it's more accurate and efficient.
    # 执行词干提取以及去除非字符内容的处理,返回的是一个个的处理后的单词
    # 此处用NLTK包的提取器,效率更高且更准确
    def email2TokenList(email):# Preprocess the email 预处理邮件email = preprocessEmail(email)# Instantiate the stemmer 实例化提取器stemmer = nltk.stem.porter.PorterStemmer()# Split the whole email into separated words 将邮件分割为一个个单词tokens = re.split('[ \@\$\/\#\.\-\:\&\*\+\=\[\]\?\!\(\)\{\}\,\'\"\>\_\<\;\%]', email)# Traverse all the split contents 遍历逐个分割出来的内容token_list = []for token in tokens:# Remove non-word contents 删除任何非字母数字的字符token = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', token)# Stem the root of the word 提取词根stemmed_word = stemmer.stem(token)# Remove empty string 去除空字符串‘’,里面不含任何字符,不添加它if not len(token): continue# Append the word into the list 添加到list中token_list.append(stemmed_word)return token_list
  • email2VocabularyList(email, vocab_list):获取在邮件和词汇表中同时出现的单词的索引

    # Get the indices of words that exist both in the email and the vocabulary list
    # 获取在邮件和词汇表中同时出现的单词的索引
    # ARGS: { email: 邮件; vocab_list: 单词表 }
    def email2VocabularyList(email, vocab_list):token = email2TokenList(email)index = [i for i in range(len(vocab_list)) if vocab_list[i] in token]return index
  • email2FeatureVector(email):提取邮件的特征

    # Extract features from email, turn the email into a feature vector
    # 提取邮件的特征,获取一个表示邮件的特征向量(长度为单词表长度,存在该单词则对应下标位置值为1,反之为0)
    # ARGS: { email: 邮件 }
    def email2FeatureVector(email):# 提供的单词表df = pd.read_table('../data/vocab.txt', names=['words'])vocab_list = np.asmatrix(df)# 长度与单词表长度相同feature_vector = np.zeros(len(vocab_list))# 邮件中存在该单词则对应下标位置值为1,反之为0vocab_indices = email2VocabularyList(email, vocab_list)for i in vocab_indices:feature_vector[i] = 1return feature_vector

1. Support Vector Machines

In the fifirst half of this exercise, you will be using support vector machines (SVMs) with various example 2D datasets.

Experimenting with these datasets will help you gain an intuition of how SVMs work and how to use a Gaussian kernel with SVMs.

In the next half of the exercise, you will be using support vector machines to build a spam classififier.

  • 调用的相关函数在文章头部"Self-created functions"中详细描述。
# 1. Support Vector Machines  支持向量机
path = '../data/ex6data1.mat'
X, y = func.loadData(path)

1.1 Example dataset 1

# 1.1 Example dataset 1  样例数据集1
# 可视化数据
func.plotData(X, y)# 尝试不同的参数C,并且绘制各种情况下的决定边界
func.displayBoundaries(X, y)
  • 数据可视化:

  • 决策边界(线性核,C = 1):

  • 决策边界(线性核,C = 100):


  • 当 C C C​ 较大(即 1 / λ 1/\lambda 1/λ​ 较大, λ \lambda λ​ 较小)时,模型对误分类的惩罚增大,较严格,误分类少,间隔较小。
  • 当 C C C​ 较小(即 1 / λ 1/\lambda 1/λ​ 较小, λ \lambda λ​​ 较大)时,模型对误分类的惩罚减小 ,较宽松,允许一定误分类存在,间隔较大。

1.2 SVM with Gaussian Kernels

为了用SVM找出非线性的决策边界,我们首先要实现高斯核函数。我可以把高斯核函数想象成一个相似度函数,用来测量一对样本的距离 ( x ( i ) , y ( j ) ) (x^{(i)}, y^{(j)}) (x(i),y(j))​​。

注意,大多数SVM库会自动帮你添加额外的特征 x 0 x_0 x0​​ 以及 θ 0 \theta_0 θ0​​,所以无需手动添加。

# 1.2 SVM with Gaussian Kernels  基于高斯核函数的SVM
path2 = '../data/ex6data2.mat'
X2, y2 = func.loadData(path2)path3 = '../data/ex6data3.mat'
df3 = loadmat(path3)
X3, y3, Xval, yval = df3['X'], df3['y'], df3['Xval'], df3['yval']

1.2.1 Gaussian Kernel

# 1.2.1 Gaussian Kernel  高斯核函数
res_gaussianKernel = func.gaussianKernel(np.array([1, 2, 1]), np.array([0, 4, -1]), 2.)
print(res_gaussianKernel)  # 0.32465246735834974

1.2.2 Example dataset 2

# 1.2.2 Example dataset 2  样例数据集2
# 可视化数据
func.plotData(X2, y2)# 绘制基于高斯核函数的SVM对于数据集的决策边界
func.displayGaussKernelBoundary(X2, y2, C=1, sigma=0.1)
  • 数据可视化:

  • 决策边界(高斯核):

1.2.3 Example dataset 3

# 1.2.3 Example dataset 3  样例数据集3
# 可视化数据
func.plotData(X3, y3)# 训练基于高斯核函数的SVM的参数C和sigma
final_C, final_sigma = func.trainGaussParams(X3, y3, Xval, yval)# 绘制基于高斯核函数的SVM对于数据集的决策边界
func.displayGaussKernelBoundary(X3, y3, C=final_C, sigma=final_sigma)
  • 数据可视化:

  • 决策边界(高斯核,最优参数):

2. Spam Classification

This section includes some details of exploring “Spam Classification” using SVM.

  • 调用的相关函数在文章头部"Self-created functions"中详细描述。

在此部分,我们将利用SVM建立垃圾邮件分类器。你需要将每个邮件变成一个 n n n​​ 维的特征向量,分类器将判断给定的邮件 x x x​​ 是垃圾邮件 ( y = 1 ) (y = 1) (y=1)​​ 或不是垃圾邮件 ( y = 0 ) (y = 0) (y=0)​​。

# 2. Spam Classifier  垃圾邮件分类器
# 获取邮件内容
with open('../data/emailSample1.txt', 'r') as f:email = f.read()print(email)

2.1 Preprocess Emails

可以看到,邮件内容包含 URL,邮件地址,数字以及美元符号等。很多邮件都会包含这些元素,但是每封邮件的具体内容可能不一样。因此,处理邮件时经常采用的方法是标准化数据,即把所有URL当作一样,所有数字看作一样等。



  1. Lower-casing: 把整封邮件转化为小写。
  2. Stripping HTML: 移除所有HTML标签,只保留内容。
  3. Normalizing URLs: 将所有的URL替换为字符串 “httpaddr”.
  4. Normalizing Email Addresses: 所有的地址替换为 “emailaddr”
  5. Normalizing Dollars: 所有dollar符号($)替换为“dollar”.
  6. Normalizing Numbers: 所有数字替换为“number”
  7. Word Stemming(词干提取): 将所有单词还原为词源。例如,“discount”, “discounts”, “discounted” and “discounting”都替换为“discount”。
  8. Removal of non-words: 移除所有非文字类型,所有的空格(tabs, newlines, spaces)调整为一个空格.


# 2.1 Preprocess emails  预处理
# 2.1.1 Vocabulary List  单词表
# 2.2 Extract Features from emails  提取特征
feature_vector = func.email2FeatureVector(email)
print('Length of feature vector = {}\nNumber of occurred words = {}'.format(len(feature_vector), int(feature_vector.sum())))


​ Length of feature vector = 1899
​ Number of occurred words = 45

2.1.1 Vocabulary List




2.2 Extract Features from Emails

提取邮件的特征,获取一个表示邮件的特征向量(长度为单词表长度,存在该单词则对应下标位置值为 1 1 1,反之为 0 0 0 )。

2.3 Train SVM for Spam Classification


# 2.3 Train SVM for Spam Classification  训练SVM
# 读取已经训提取好的特征向量以及相应的标签。分训练集和测试集。
path_train = '../data/spamTrain.mat'
path_test = '../data/spamTest.mat'
mat_train = loadmat(path_train)
mat_test = loadmat(path_test)
X_train, y_train = mat_train['X'], mat_train['y']
X_test, y_test = mat_test['Xtest'], mat_test['ytest']
# Fit the model 训练模型
model = svm.SVC(C=0.1, kernel='linear')
model.fit(X_train, y_train)

2.4 Top Predictiors for Spam

# 2.4 Top predictors for Spam  垃圾邮件的显著指标
prediction_train = model.score(X_train, y_train)
prediction_test = model.score(X_test, y_test)
print('Predictions of training: ', prediction_train)
print('Predictions of testing: ', prediction_test)


​ Predictions of training: 0.99825

​ Predictions of testing: 0.989

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