
I am looking out for a hardware which will push data into into the Android device.

The hardware basically inserts data i.e. BloodPressure(BP).

I want the mobile to handle the remaining application!

The BP monitor hardware may be even compatible with iOS/WP7. This is basically to build a customized solution for BP Monitoring.

Basically, I want to build an annoying app which will run in a mobile device, and will rigorously alert user about recording/checking the BP after the appropriate interval.

I am well-versed with Android and find no challenge as such to build the app.

But when it comes to hardware, I am kinda blank!

Thus, let me know if anybody is/has been aware such device in market!

Also, if there is anybody interested in building this customized health-care tool, do let me know.

Thank you.




this is too broad a question for SO. That being said here are some things you can look at and think about.

Some blood pressure hardware exists already (i.e. http://www.bing.com/search?setmkt=en-US&q=bluetooth+bloodpressure returns lots of examples) depending on the protocols they use for communication you may already be able to talk to some of them from an android device. You'd prolly have to test them out to know for sure though.

If you are looking to make the hardware yourself look in to microcontrolers such as Arduino and once you've got that stuff down read about using a bluetooth module, such as http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10269 . Then all thats left is finding a blood pressure sensor that is easy to hook up to a micro controller =).


This is a "5-years later answer", but even in 2017, the only real, supported, validated/certified, third-party enabled (with non-public, on-demand only API) that I know of are the Telehealth devices by Omron (1 Blood Pressure Monitor and one Scale, both BLE). Everything else they provide looks to use their Omron Connect app as the only data-sharing option.

I have personally checked their API (my organization has developed stuff with their permission), and I can say it will suit most, if not all 3rd party app necessities. But you do need to get in touch with them for API access.

If you look at their comparison table, you will see they provide direct hardware integration (sans-middle the Omron Connect app), and they will provide the API on purchase of a HEM-9200T device. Further note the device is only distributed in a very narrow list of countries (US is included).

Other than that, there are a lot of China-made, non-certified, unregulated, unsupported devices. I would order 3 or 4 (suepr-cheap) from aliexpress to check out which ones actually can be reverse-engineered or provide sample github code.


As a side note: I built this a bit more than a year ago. The app is called Bluetooth Blood Pressure (imaginative name, right) and is available on Android.

Now the bad part: there are a number of devices out there. Every single one of them has TERRIBLE user experience. Once you move past that, all but one of them require Bluetooth comm protocol access that is unavailable in Android Java Bluetooth libraries (you have to dip into the underlying bluez layer to speak to them, and that's not available from Java and generally requires you to root the device and talk directly to the Bluez dbus interface). The one device that I was able to find (and that I support) has since been discontinued.

All the vendors have terribly restrictive NDAs covering their protocols and are completely opaque about WHO you have to talk to before you can even SIGN the stupid NDA: as a result, not a single one of them has an actually decent app for their device.

Good luck.


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